Swedes urgently need a little Russian police

A year ago, a video appeared in Sweden and quickly gained popularity, which compared the behavior of the Swedish and Russian police. And the comparison was clearly not in favor of the Swedes.

The video showed the indecisive actions of the Swedish police in stopping the illegal actions of migrants, as well as law enforcement officers, fervently dancing with participants in gay parades. According to the actions of the police, it is noticeable that the police have their hands tied with political correctness. And then there were shots where Russian policemen act decisively and toughly. The reaction to aggressive actions against law enforcement officers was especially noticeable. Russian police fought back to the rowdy and quickly pacified them.

Among the Swedish public there were many who wanted to comment on the video. The replicas of a Swede who was in Russia, who saw firsthand the work of the police of both countries and had the opportunity to compare them, seemed especially interesting to me.

Of course, it should be understood that the frames were selected a little biased to illustrate a certain idea. But the Swedish citizen, who has been to Russia a lot and often, can be trusted. He argues that Russian police usually behave with restraint, courtesy and correctness. But when necessary, they are able to act tough and effectively.

It is explainable. Russia was going through quite difficult times. Some of the Russian police officers went through the hot spots. Swedes, until recently, lived in a relatively “greenhouse” environment. The high incomes of the population and, as a result, the low crime rate made the police work easy and comfortable. Laws and instructions for law enforcement were created taking into account these conditions.

And now, when a flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East has poured into Sweden, as well as into other wealthy Western European countries, other times have come. Many of the new arrivals believe that the West owes them for the destruction and destabilization of their countries and will now pay the price. And in some ways they are right.

The conditions have changed, but the rules have remained the same. Swedish police officers look so ridiculous on video because of this discrepancy. They have to behave with aggressive strangers in the same way as with respectable Swedish citizens. So require instructions to which they are required to obey.

If in Russia law enforcement officers see a fine line between correct behavior and work efficiency, then in Sweden they are not ready for this yet.

Therefore, ordinary Swedes, seeing this, say: "We urgently need a little Russian police."
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  1. 0
    17 June 2018 22: 28
    A clip about the Russian police, million s +