Migrants prepared to “dump” Merkel from her home

The problem of illegal migration in Germany can undermine the power of the irremovable Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor is one of the last pillars of the idea of ​​globalism with all the consequences in the form of multiculturalism and the tolerance of the local population to visitors. It was she who widely opened the doors of her home to visitors from many extremely disadvantaged countries of the world, including many religious fanatics, killers, rapists, terrorists, but most of all ordinary dependents who happily sit on the neck of respectable German taxpayers.

We can handle

- said Angela Merkel, when in just a year a million migrants moved to Germany, for which she received the nickname among the people “Chancellor of Refugees”.

Moreover, Merkel actively criticizes the neighboring countries of the European Union, which are trying to avoid the burden of keeping crowds of visitors at their own expense. Refugees arrive in Europe through Italy and Greece, register there and go to the richest countries of the Old World - Germany, France, Scandinavia, where the highest benefits for migrants. They especially love Germany, since it is very convenient in every case of discontent of the local population with the impudent behavior of visitors to recall Hitler.

The migration problem split German society in half. Brought up in guilt for the sins of their grandfathers and crammed with ideas of tolerance, some sincerely support the destitute refugees and their liberal chancellor. Others, tired of the need to keep at their own expense arrogant hordes of loafers from around the world who tell them how to dress, where to go and where not to see the danger of replacing the indigenous population with black immigrants from Muslim countries.

In traditionally Catholic Bavaria, riot against immigration ripened policy Federal Chancellor. The Bavarian CSU political party, led by Horst Seehofer, the German Minister of the Interior, has announced that it can withdraw from a coalition with the party of Angela Merkel. The reason for this is the failure of attempts to convince the chancellor to change migration policy. Previously, Seehofer even promised to sue her about this. Opponents of illegal migration have developed a new concept called Masterplan Migration, which involves the creation of “interception centers” and will give the authorities more opportunities to extradite refugees.

The withdrawal of CSU from the coalition government may entail a political crisis in Germany and early elections. Angela Merkel may try to win over the “green” party, which also encourages illegal migration, but this can ultimately destroy her own CDU party. Some of the former Chancellor’s supporters may go into the gaining popularity of “Alternative for Germany,” which is quite pro-Russian.

Official media have not yet confirmed information about the political split in Berlin. Apparently, Merkel took a break to enable the globalists to beat Horst Seehofer. But if he flinches, he will have to deal with angry Bavarians at home, and his party is guaranteed to lose the next election. The coming weeks will show who in Germany are stronger - traditionalists or globalists.