What did the secret world government decide?

At the end of last week, three large-scale international meetings took place almost simultaneously. Two of them are widely covered by the world media: this is the G7 summit in Canada on June 8–9 and the SCO summit in China on June 9–10.

The third international meeting is not so widely publicized. Moreover, it is closed from prying eyes. This is a meeting of the Bilderberg Club, which this year takes place in the Italian city of Turin from June 7 to 10. As usual, the composition of the meeting participants and its agenda is known, but the results and decisions will not be announced.

What does the Bilderberg Club do

Although Bilderberg positions itself as a discussion club that provides recommendations that are not binding, he is considered a secret world government.

The club is named for the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands, where a similar meeting was held for the first time. The members of the Bilderberg Club are large policy, businessmen, heads of Western media and other influential people. They arrive at meetings at special personal invitations. Some of them are present at each annual meeting, others are invited one or more times.

Permanent members of the Bilderberg Club include former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, head of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, several former US defense ministers, director of the Bank of England Mark Carney, as well as the late Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.

Russians usually do not go there, although there are exceptions. In particular, Anatoly Chubais and Grigory Yavlinsky were invited to meetings.

Usually the number of participants is 125-130 people. Audio and video are prohibited at meetings.

What is remarkable about Bilderberg-2018

This year, the representative of the Vatican was invited Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabich, the head of the Bundeswehr Ursula von der Lajen.

The following discussion topics were announced:

  • populism in Europe;
  • US world domination;
  • the conflict of Iran and Saudi Arabia;
  • Russia's place in the world order;
  • Artificial Intelligence;
  • free trade;
  • US domestic policy.

There are serious concerns that the “world government” plans to launch a large-scale aggression against Iran.

Globalists vs anti-globalists

You can notice that the theme of the Bilderberg Club in many ways intersects with the theme of the SCO summit. But while club members are in favor of maintaining and strengthening the existing world order, where the United States and the Western world play the central role, then Russia, China and other SCO member countries are active opponents of such a world order.

They are working on the decentralization of the existing world order, advocating a multipolar world in which there is no place for dictatorship and Western countries to impose their will on the rest of the world.

Russia can be called one of the main threats to globalization. And the events following the Bilderberg meeting will show us how the Western world plans to neutralize this threat.
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  1. +1
    11 June 2018 10: 41
    But these puppeteers invited Chubais and Yavlinsky as dolls, or what?
    1. +1
      11 June 2018 12: 21
      Maybe they gave instructions?
      1. +1
        11 June 2018 13: 10
        hi I think that these "dolls" were invited so that by their "representative" presence they would "legitimize", in the eyes of certain wavering influential members of the club, some too anti-Russian goals ?!
        You just need to compare the year of the invitation of the "Russian delegate" and what negative things followed in relation to Russia ?! IMHO
  2. +1
    11 June 2018 13: 00
    Iran is the third item, and Russia is the fourth, on the Bilderberg agenda ?!
    As for Iran, there are fears of "deployment of large-scale aggression", but not for Russia, although large-scale preparations by the United States and its NATO satellites for large-scale aggression against Russia are evident ?!
    And even, at times, intensified in the "universal" media and speeches of American and American-dependent politicians, a large-scale "dehumanization" of Russians, hanging on Russia the image of a villainous country (a priori guilty of all crimes happening on the planet, man-made disasters and natural disasters), in the eyes of the "world community", speaks of the impending aggression! request
  3. +1
    12 June 2018 14: 17
    The eighth item on the agenda of the club meeting is not correctly served. It is outrageously simple: "Russia", and not at all "Russia's place in the world order."
    What are the differences? The first includes both the internal structure and internal politics, the second - only external. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the implementation of the "decisions of the club" on the agenda of "RUSSIA".
    I'm not sure that the world government suddenly decided to "do good" to us!
    I would like to warn liberoids: beware of the "Danai who bring gifts", do not get fooled by the "well-wishers" because of a puddle ... They have other goals than the welfare of our country.
    1. 0
      15 June 2018 17: 49
      Danes from behind the puddle - they are. There, Nuland as she fed the Maidan cookies in Kiev, so there everyone still hiccups.
  4. +1
    17 June 2018 17: 16
    And yet this is the second or third tier. Where are the biggest financial bigwigs? Rockefeller was a screen, Soros a clown. Brzezinski is an intermediary. Etc. Some cardinals, gynecologists - ministers of defense ... Well, yes, the director of the Bank of England or the head of the Fed represents something. But these are managers. They were both chosen and pushed back.