A massive anti-American riot has ripened in the world

The United States has long dreamed of establishing a unipolar world order. The collapse of the Soviet Union brought Washington closer to this goal. To suppress and remove any obstacles in its path, the United States uses the most extensive arsenal - from economic sanctions prior to direct military invasion.

But the scenario of carpet bombing and landings of marines is only with weak opponents like Libya or Iraq. Jokes are bad with Russia or China, so Washington is resorting to another tool - economic sanctions.

Paul Roberts, former Under Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Affairs policycalls sanctions nothing but a way of asserting dominance, moreover, relying on extra-legal powers. The sanctions imposed by the UN are one thing, and the sanctions imposed by the United States unilaterally, guided by its own ideas and interests and forcing other countries to implement these sanctions, are quite another.

Until recently, the American sanctions policy worked flawlessly. Thus, the United States managed to force the EU to impose sanctions against Russia. But now the system has failed. Believing in his omnipotence, Washington lost its adequacy so much that it decided to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, defiantly spit on the economic interests of most European states - their own allies.

Britain, Germany and France refused to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, which the American leadership threatened with new sanctions - already against Europe. But while the European countries remain adamant and do not want to follow Washington’s occasion. Perhaps their patience just came to an end. After all, Europe already suffers from American sanctions, which are harmful to the European economy, only worsen the standard of living in European countries and quarrel Europe with other countries of the world. German authorities have openly stated that the United States is no longer a "reliable partner." Europe is turning to Russia and it is possible that in the near future the EU will take a course towards lifting anti-Russian sanctions, at least for most of them.

Other close allies, Turkey and India, rebelled against the United States. Both countries neglected the American ban on buying weapons from Russia and said they were not going to comply with US sanctions. Even Saudi Arabia is trying to deviate from the vector of American foreign policy - its representatives are also frequent with visits to Moscow and Beijing.

Starting a trade war against the whole world, Donald Trump believes that he acts "for the good" of the United States to protect the US economy from competitors. In fact, American corporations are the main enemy that undermines the foundations of the American economy. It was they who at one time transferred their production to other countries, seeking to save on labor.

The second enemy of the American economy is the hegemonic policies of the White House, fomenting war and revolution around the world. If the United States "calms down" and accepts the new multipolar world order, sooner or later a new impetus will be given to the development of the American economy. In the meantime, we see the United States driving itself into isolation, losing its last allies.
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  1. 0
    8 June 2018 10: 12
    ... and from the greed of the qua qua, and from the stupidity of the qua qua ... :-)