Norwegians consider all Russian women prostitutes

Norwegian sociologists came to a very strange conclusion - their compatriots perceive Russian women in skirts and dresses as ... prostitutes. Even if the women themselves do not give any reason for such thoughts.

A researcher from Norway, Tatyana Vara, wrote an entire doctoral dissertation, in which she notes that Russian women living in Norway are forced to exercise some caution in choosing clothes. This is necessary in order not to attract too much attention of local residents.

Seeing a Russian woman in a dress or skirt, the Norwegians rush to her with unambiguous sentences. Moreover, it is not only and not so much about the numerous African and Asian migrants who are known to everyone for their “attachment”, but about the Norwegians themselves - sort of like Europeans and kind of like cultural people. Tatyana Vara interviewed many Russian women who had long emigrated to Norway, and almost all of them admitted that they faced unpleasant attitude in labor collectives precisely because of clothes. Russian women have to abandon the usual wardrobe, if only to avoid disapproving views from colleagues - both men and women.

Anne Terese Lauterington, Director of the KVINNEFORSK Institute for the Study of Women at the University of Tromsø, having studied the doctoral dissertation of a woman researcher, came to the conclusion that modern Norwegian society is not very tolerant. The point here is not at all the clothes, since European women wear dresses and skirts, but in a biased attitude towards visitors. The values ​​that the Norwegian government has been planting for decades do not work. Norway is friendly to Somali migrants and Syrian refugees, but not to Russians. Although our countries almost never opposed each other, in Norway they are very afraid of Russians.

If a Russian man, then he’ll be a gangster, if a woman is a prostitute. The cultivation of such stereotypes is also promoted by the Norwegian "yellow press", which specializes in all kinds of "horror films" about Russia and the Russian people. If African and Asian refugees are customary to be spared, then Russians are more likely to find a cold and unfriendly attitude.

In Norway, as in some other countries of Western Europe, modern everyday women's fashion is really not distinguished by sophistication. Scandinavian women prefer to dress modestly in the unisex style. After all, the same media are very actively discussing the topic of sexual harassment, which allegedly affects those women who dress too frankly. Frank clothes mean both skirts and dresses. Some Scandinavian (both Swedish and Norwegian) human rights activists have gone so far as to urge women to dress in "unisex" so as not to provoke numerous migrants. It’s easier to make your women change their clothes than to prevent foreign criminals.
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  1. +7
    4 June 2018 11: 25
    Well, yes, the opinion of the nation of pedophile liberals, whose brain has long been rotten from claims to passive tolerance, interests us like last year’s snow. They want to stay in their inverted world, hold the flag in their hands, let the bread roll in front of the migrants. In their own country, this is their right.
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  2. +4
    4 June 2018 11: 30
    Inverted what kind of self-awareness of values ​​is the current Norwegians instilled in by Western politicians. What is a woman among them, adapted to indistinguishability from the human race. Now, Norwegian women envy our women for their outfits and at the same time are afraid of condemnation.
  3. +7
    4 June 2018 13: 04
    Norway is one of the most greedy and selfish nations in Europe. Only the Germans are probably inferior in this. They dress in something faceless-gray really like "unisex" but not because of any preferences there, but because of banal greed - "gray" is the cheapest. Well, or they will buy some cheap thing in a "branded" boutique on sale and then do not crawl out of it, pulling it "to holes." Norwegians are mostly horse-faced or dried like shrimp or plump like pigs. In addition, they are poisoned by feminism at the most I can’t - they practically do not have relationships with Norwegian men, they prefer “career” loneliness or lesbian relationships, for which there is no need to monitor their appearance (except for “business”). Russian women "automatically" continue to be "women" - they dress and put on bright makeup to attract "males", which, on the one hand, somewhat shocks the gloomy Norg men who are not accustomed to this, and on the other, causes terrible anger and envy of Norwegians. And by the way, Russian women as wives are still highly valued by Norg men, for the following reasons: they are good in bed, maintain their attractiveness, take care of their husband and children, and .... many cook havchik at home, which Norwegians do not do at all ..
    1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +6
    4 June 2018 14: 16
    "If a Russian man, then he is necessarily a bandit, if a woman is a prostitute."..

    And if the Scandinavian is European, then stupid, like three Russian trampled boots ...
    Tolerance ... Unisex ... Men already did not look like men, and women (sorry, women) look like women ...
    Although, judging by the photo, I would also think about the "low social position" of girls, especially the average ...
    They themselves are prostitutes, and they throw stones at the Russians ...
    All Scandinavia is a brothel ... + a madhouse ... hi
    1. The comment was deleted.
  5. +5
    4 June 2018 15: 55
    And one more thing: due to the fact that the Norwegians are mired in "career loneliness" with "Thai Rejbeks" or in lesbianism, Norwegian men quite often subscribe to Thai and Filipino wives. I was here recently in a commune near Alesund (about a month), so there are a lot of narrow-eyed "Norwegians" running around .... cool .... probably the ancient Vikings and their kings in their mounds, like fans spinning ...
    1. 0
      23 October 2018 14: 04
      the Vikings would not even understand what they were talking about and envy those who have Thai wives .. you confuse the Vikings with the Nazis
  6. 0
    5 June 2018 13: 29
    In Norway I was more than once at work, and so, my friends live there - Norwegians - absolutely adequate people there, normal. The article, as apparently the mentioned dissertation, does not correspond to reality at all, the only thing true is that Russian women are, firstly, beautiful, much more beautiful than local women, and secondly, they dress in a shop and work like Europeans in a club or theater what a sin not to pay attention ...
    1. -2
      7 June 2018 11: 37
      What do you want to say that our women get dressed in a horrible way? I don’t think that they go to work like a club or a theater.
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  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. 0
    7 June 2018 05: 00
    The Norgs have a strange custom. They fuck their kids. And it's like ... family matters. They are not particularly advertised. " It happens to everyone" ? And Russian women attract men to themselves .. The horror is simple. Look, pedophilia is never legalized ..
  10. 0
    7 June 2018 09: 57
    Europe in general looks like an amazing chicken coop. As they lived in feudal principalities, so to this day they live with this collective-farm mentality.
  11. 0
    7 June 2018 11: 36
    let these Norwegians look at themselves first and not our faults
  12. 0
    8 June 2018 05: 34
    Russian men consider all Norwegian men amy pedophiles
  13. +1
    11 June 2018 07: 03
    They judge by themselves. During the period of friendship with the fascists, each such b ....., regardless of age and marital status, hurried to spread her legs in front of the blue-eyed (and not only) Aryans - the blood was renewed. In 1940-1945 they had a population explosion. Although I don't understand these "Siegfrieds" - I won't drink that much. If only, as a geologist taught - throw a rag into the sea.
  14. 0
    19 June 2018 15: 17
    - Yes, both Norwegians and Norwegians look normal ... - Here is the football championship "opened the Icelanders" ... - the Icelandic national team ... - what kind of white, fair-haired and blue-eyed tall beauties ... -And Icelanders ... are the same norgi ...
    -But, the Scandinavians somehow "bypass" Russia ... -and don't leave their "offspring" here ...
    -And more and more negros leave "their offspring" .., Indians, Arabs .., Pakistanis .., Asians, etc.
    -Russian already outwardly look ... like "Chuchmeks" ... -and more and more outwardly they are "remade" into "non-Europeans" ... and not "into Slavs" ...
    -Soon pictures, postcards and other "visualizations", where Russians are depicted as fair-haired and blue-eyed ... will cease to perceive and will begin to consider it some kind of invented absurdity ...
    - Soon, the brightest of the Slavs will remain only Poles and Ukrainians ...
  15. +1
    21 July 2018 19: 53
    Well, yes ... And we consider the Norgs and other Swedes as pederasts and necrophiles.
  16. 0
    16 October 2018 13: 12
    there is no smoke without fire. I agree in many ways, if not in everything
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +1
    9 November 2018 12: 32
    To begin with, despite the natural, so to speak, xenophobia that the government is stubbornly fighting, initially the Norwegians were kind to the Russians: in Norway, it is not customary to quarrel with neighbors. But in the late 90s and early 2000s, the situation changed dramatically, mainly in the north of the country, where the so-called “Love buses,” clogged by both professionals and ordinary housewives, respectable women, mothers and married ladies who decided to earn extra money. Of course, with vodka, cigarettes and accompaniment in the form of representatives of the crime supervising the situation. To say that everyone was in shock was to say nothing. Soon, the Norwegians closed the border, but the buses remember to this day and will remember for a long time.
    Regarding clothes. In short, it is common for Russian girls to recharge and use bright makeup. In Norway, this is not accepted.