"Northern barbarians" or friends? How do the Chinese relate to Russians

In recent years, China has been considered almost as the main ally and partner of Russia on a global scale. Our countries were not so long ago in very difficult relations, but then, after the collapse of the USSR and the rejection of China's radical Maoist ideology, a shift for the better began in Russian-Chinese relations.

Now China is actively trading with Russia, and Chinese companies in 2017 took first place in the number of investment projects in Russia. But is so close reflected economic cooperation and close политическая position on the perception of Russians and Russia by the Chinese themselves?

The Chinese are not easy people. A millennia-old rich history, a unique culture, a colossal population of both China and the world Chinese diaspora contribute to the conviction of most Chinese people in the greatness of the Middle Kingdom and in their exclusivity. In ancient times, the Chinese considered all the surrounding nations "barbarians." Now, of course, no one says that, but the echoes of this traditional perception are still felt. True, the Chinese are still better off towards Russians than Americans, Europeans or Japanese. The latter tormented Chinese land during the occupation of Manchuria and World War II, and the first and second long exploited and robbed the Celestial Empire, unleashed the Opium Wars.

The attitude towards the Russians was also affected by the common historical past - Russia and China were allies in the struggle against the Japanese, with the help of Russians, the existing political system was established in China. Many Chinese are sincerely interested in Russia, Russian literature and history, Chinese tourists are one of the largest groups of foreign tourists coming to Russia. Moreover, unlike Western tourists, many Chinese admire Russia not only as an interesting and beautiful country. They are surprised, for example, by a much more developed social security system. In the Far East and Eastern Siberia there are a lot of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages. First of all, Chinese men working in these regions marry Russian women.

However, the Chinese have one “fad” that is very unpleasant for us - the Chinese consider historically their “northern territories” in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. These territorial claims in the Middle Kingdom have never been hidden. Of course, China is not going to seize Siberia and the Far East by force, but the slow expansion of Chinese immigrants to the sparsely populated lands of the Far East and Siberia continues, and everyone knows this well in China and in Russia itself. By the way, mixed marriages, along with large-scale economic investments, are one of the main ways of such a gradual expansion.

Russians and Chinese are two great nations, the relationship between which is very difficult. But the Chinese do not feel open hatred towards us. Mutual respect and neutrality - these are the principles that should be adhered to in relations between Russians and Chinese at both the political and microsocial levels.
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  1. +2
    27 May 2018 01: 16
    Chinese men marry Russian women not in order to carry out the creeping expansion of the Far East and the Armed Forces, but because in China there is an excess of men, and in Russia, on the contrary, there are significantly fewer men than women. The natural desire to have a family is driven by Chinese men and Russian women, rather than the desire for some kind of expansion.