People will be controlled through social rating

Back in 2010, the social rating system was first tested in China. Already in 2014 it began to be introduced in large quantities. In accordance with this system, depending on law obedience and trustworthiness, points are awarded to each person. The more these points, the higher the rating, and therefore, a person has more chances for a prestigious job, good service in government agencies and many other benefits.

But if the rating is low, it is unlikely to get a job at any highly paid position. It comes to the fact that the "unreliable" can not even travel. Not to mention getting a loan.

Such factors as, for example, violation of the rules of the road, criticism of the leadership on social networks, complaints from neighbors, smoking in the wrong place, refusal to buy locally made products, and so on, can lower a citizen’s social rating.

The data for the rating of a citizen are taken from government institutions. It happens that denunciation can adversely affect a person.

The success of the system is regularly reported by the official media. So, Chinese news Global Times portal reported that by the end of April of this year, 4,25 million people were left without tickets for high-speed trains, and 11,14 million times because of the low social rating of passengers they were not allowed to board aircraft.

The names of people with low social ratings will be shared publicly. For China, there is nothing new in public censure — for example, it is common practice to show the names of those who violate traffic rules on large street screens. The Internet also posted the names of companies that violated the law.

Despite the fact that human rights activists criticize this system, calling it the embodiment of anti-utopia, the Chinese authorities are not going to abandon it. On the contrary, they intend to expand the security system. It is planned that by 2020 it will reach 1,4 billion people. One of her supporters, a former member of the State Council of China, Hou Yunchong, believes that, ideally, this system should bring unreliable citizens to bankruptcy. He declared:

If we do not increase retribution for unreliability, people will continue to behave in the same spirit.

The system is still far from full power. Until now, it is not automated. But in order to process huge amounts of data about intruders, you have to implement Technology artificial intelligence. Otherwise, it will be impossible to process every denunciation of a neighbor or every publication on social networks. Nowadays, highly visited Chinese sites spend about $ 2,5 billion a year on remuneration for Internet censors. In the future, their work will be performed by special algorithms.
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  1. +1
    25 May 2018 20: 48
    Nda, "Chinese miracle" ?! In the US, the idea of ​​"universal chipping" is even "cooler"?)
    It will be straightforward, like the Orwellian Big Brother, despising the obedient herd of Compromisers and punishing thought-criminals ?! request
    There are already plenty of technical possibilities for this, which George Orwell could only fantasize about in his time!
    And who will summarize the "points"? winked Or, as in Orwell's "Animal Farm": "All are equal, but there are those who are more equal!" Yes
    Our Ivan Efremov in "Hour of the Bull" has already described a similar "status" system a little from the other side (grasping and figuratively exaggerating the very essence), as "kzhi (short-lived people -" bees "," put to sleep "through the legislation (the same" social ratings ", condemning to starvation or voluntary" euthanasia "and subsequent cutting" into organs and tissues "for sale to the needy rich" receivers "?) their short life span)" and "ji (long-lived people-" drones "staying in the endless process of "management, distribution and consumption" and their scientific attendants, in every possible way justifying such a stratification of the "community") "?! winked