Trump about coronavirus: In a good scenario, from 100 to 200 thousand Americans will die


American President Donald Trump has a rather strange way for the head of state to inspire his compatriots whose lives are at risk due to the coronavirus epidemic raging in the United States.

CNN cites the words of the head of the White House said on Sunday when Donald Trump announced the extension of the “social distance” (quarantine) directive until the end of April:

If, as we say, we manage to stop the losses at 100 thousand - this is a terrible figure, perhaps it will even be lower, but in the region of 100 thousand; we are talking about a number between 100 and 200 thousand - which means that together we did a good job.

And this happens just a few days after the president announced his intention to launch the economy The United States is at full capacity by Easter Sunday, which in the United States in 2020 falls on April 12th.

Given the fact that the pace of coronavirus incidence and mortality from it is rapidly taking the United States to a leading position in the world, it is not at all a fact that quarantine in the country will not be extended for an indefinite time.

Recall that in the state of New York, which is the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States, the number of coronavirus victims per day increased from 728 to 965, and the number of cases reached 59 513 people, and, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo, will continue to grow.
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  1. +4
    30 March 2020 13: 04
    Naturally, if they die (God forbid), then in the overwhelming proportion it will be the poor and at least the middle classes. In such a tone, talking about their citizens proves only that the American elite, so to speak, put power on some 100 thousand dead.
    Although I care about America just as much as she cares about me, that is, in no way at all!
  2. +2
    30 March 2020 13: 35
    Politicians, like doctors, have a fair amount of cynicism. They operate with such concepts as temporary and irrevocable sanitary losses. This is neither bad nor good. This is an element of planning. How many cars are needed to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield during defense and on the offensive.
    But this cynicism is intended for use within specialists. The public is addressed with heartbeat.
    Personally, it seems to me that in all this hype with the epidemic - a very serious component, political and conspiracy. In the world, the total number has not even reached 1 MILLION !!! For comparison - the pandemic of the Spaniard - influenza in the First World War, gave a mortality rate of 20% (coronavirus - 4%) and died from 70 to 100 MILLION !!! This does not mean that quarantine and observance are not needed!
    But so far, beneficiaries of modern hysteria are not visible, at least Explicit, but believe me, they will appear ...
    So do not judge our Trampushka strictly ... Well, stupid ... Well, inappropriately cynical ... Everyone has their own weaknesses ...
    1. GRF
      30 March 2020 14: 33
      Well, it's much stricter: a stupid cynic with weaknesses ... But how "effective" he is with the abolition of obamakee. And what about solving the problems of the pension system? And quickly erect a monument to him for "good" work, otherwise you will find out what a bad job is ...
      1. 0
        30 March 2020 14: 36
        Everything is simple here: the criterion for the effectiveness of the Putin-Trump ligament, the USA-Russia, is such an impartial arbiter as the number of deaths.
  3. +1
    30 March 2020 14: 16
    Well, the spread in numbers.
    1. GRF
      30 March 2020 14: 39
      The businessman did not immediately understand: he is selling here, he is buying ...
      And so - yes, trying to make laugh: Below 100 in the range of 100-200 ...
  4. +1
    30 March 2020 15: 29
    A parcel with medical masks, which came in his name from one of the Asian countries, was seized from Yevgeny Popov, a correspondent for Channel One in the United States, in New York. This was announced by the journalist himself on the Telegram channel. In an official letter addressed to the journalist, it is explained that the medical masks confiscated from him are "necessary medical supplies."

    It is necessary to somehow fit into the figure designated by the president.

    in the region of 100 thousand; we are talking about a number between 100 and 200 thousand.
  5. 0
    31 March 2020 06: 05
    What is the 100-200 thousand loss for the 300 million US population and the constant influx of emigrants? 0,2-0,3%, below the statistical error. Trump can imagine cynicism, unlike our state.