Coronavirus: China introduced the death penalty for quarantine violation


Recently adviser to the World Health Organization (WHO), American professor, biostatistics and epidemiologist Ira Longini expressed viewthat 2019-nCov coronavirus infection (COVID-19) can infect two-thirds of the world's inhabitants. And now, an explanation of the Second People's Court of the Middle Stage of Beijing has been received from China, which states that the "Celestial" Criminal Code (CC) provides for severe punishment up to the death penalty for violations of the rules of the epidemic, including quarantine.

The clarification has already been published on the official website of the judiciary. Punishment is also provided for corruption, production and distribution of counterfeit medicines, malicious infection of other people with the virus, as well as inflicting grievous time on health workers.

The court explains that in accordance with the laws of China (the list of legislative acts is given there) on penalties for crimes related to the outbreak of coronavirus 2019-nCov (COVID-19), it is established that there are only 21 such crimes, and for 4 of them they can be sentenced to capital punishment, i.e. to the death penalty.

Thus, “patients who have been confirmed infected with coronavirus, as well as carriers of the pathogen who refuse quarantine and treatment or voluntarily violate the quarantine regime, as well as visit public places and vehicles, can be sentenced to the highest degree.” Persons suspected of being infected, but they refused quarantine and treatment, were also seen there and began to visit public places and vehicles, as a result of which the infection spread.

Sentenced to death may also be those who “during an epidemic inflict deliberate harm on medical personnel with grave consequences or intentionally damage the protective clothing of medical personnel, spit on the medical worker, as a result of which the latter will become infected with coronavirus”.

Officials can be executed for "abuse of power, embezzlement, fraud, and other methods of misappropriation of inventory and cash intended to prevent and control all kinds of disasters, including infectious epidemics." Capital punishment or life imprisonment threatens the responsible persons of enterprises engaged in the production and sale of medicines if they produce and market counterfeit or low-quality drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.
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  1. 123
    16 February 2020 14: 51
    For comparison, our "totalitarian Mordor".

    1. 0
      17 February 2020 07: 56
      Quote: 123
      For comparison, our "totalitarian Mordor".

      And what's good about that? I'm talking about our girl. If she has a waw in her head. And where does the "Mordor"?
      1. 123
        17 February 2020 09: 52
        And what's good about that? I'm talking about our girl. If she has a waw in her head. And where does the "Mordor"?

        Firstly, I did not say that it was good and did not draw conclusions, I provided information for thought. Secondly, "Vavka" is not "Vavka", and it did not violate anything, we have gaps in the legislation. The deputies have something to work on. Third, the reaction of power structures is characteristic, we do not observe arbitrariness, no one tries to violate the law for reasons of "expedient necessity". We do not observe the "arbitrariness" of officials, it pleases. After that, the tales about how "democracy is being strangled" in our country are not perceived. Something like this. hi
  2. 0
    16 February 2020 19: 38
    Here is an example to follow!