Not only Russia rebelled against the USA

The phrase "collective West" has long been turned into a stamp. We are used to the fact that in most cases, Western countries act as a united front, following the course laid by the Americans. And suddenly, none of its participants supported the decision to withdraw from the US nuclear deal with Iran. Moreover, everyone expressed their desire to adhere to the principles of the agreement and not to violate them.

Iranian nuclear agreement

The arrangement, known as the Iranian Nuclear Agreement, is officially called the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA). In addition to Iran, this document was signed by representatives of the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China. The agreement was the result of negotiations that lasted for 12 years.

Briefly, the meaning of the transaction is as follows. Iran refuses to develop nuclear weapons and allows international observers to its nuclear facilities in exchange for lifting sanctions.
Everything was fine until Trump came. He decided to fulfill at least one of the election promises and his choice fell on the cancellation of the Iranian deal.

Trump missed

Well, Russia and China, what to take from them, they are independent states. But what about the rest? After all, they are allies and faithful vassals of the United States. And such a stab in the back! Not only did they not support the American decision, but they also left the USA in isolation. Now the United States has tried on the role of a “bad guy,” from whom everyone has turned their backs.

And the following happened. Following Trump's withdrawal from the treaty, Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani announced that he intends to continue to fulfill the requirements of the transaction, provided that all other participants, except the US, will also fulfill their obligations. And everyone whom the Iranian leader addressed addressed went to meet him and confirmed their intentions.

Even the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, sharply condemned the American leadership for such a step, destabilizing the situation in the world. He declared:

The US has lost its power and will lose its influence in the long run.

Such a statement is surprisingly heard from the lips of a European policy of that rank. It shows that the unbalanced and unpredictable policies of the new American president will not be unconditionally supported by his allies. It forces Europeans to seek support on a number of issues not from Washington, as it has been in recent decades, but from Moscow.

Moreover, European countries have the opportunity to avenge the United States for all the insults and insults that America inflicted on them, especially during the reign of Donald Trump.