Left with nothing: Poland’s anti-Russian gas policy did not work

The transit agreement concluded between Gazprom and Poland in 2010 expires on March 18. Warsaw was looking forward to this event, as they considered the current contract “unfair” and hoped to sign a new, on more favorable terms, taking advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. But something went wrong.

In general, due to the tensions between Kiev and Moscow, enviable prospects loomed before the Poles. The likely cessation of gas transit through Ukraine provided Warsaw with a “lever of pressure” on Gazprom with all the consequences. Moreover, Poland decided to become a kind of regional hub by subscribing to an expensive LNG from the USA and initiating the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline from Norway in order to further purchase cheap Norwegian gas for itself and to sell expensive American to its neighbors, earning extra profit.

However, in reality the following happened: the contract with Ukraine was extended, Gazprom launched the Turkish Stream, Europe did not allocate funds for Baltic Pip, and in general, gas demand decreased due to the warm winter.

As a result, Poland will not receive Norwegian gas in the near future, nobody needs expensive American LNG, and there are no proposals from Gazprom to extend the contract. But under the future gas profits Warsaw has already managed to sign multibillion-dollar arms contracts with the United States. Not to mention the fact that an empty gas pipeline will start to generate losses instead of profit, since the pipe still needs to be maintained.

The position is stalemate. But Poland only aggravated it without inventing anything better than to re-launch the hackneyed compensation for the so-called "occupation". Thus, worsening already strained relations with Moscow.

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  1. +3
    3 February 2020 12: 48
    On a tricky ass, there is always a bolt with a screw.
    So Russophobes, and agents of the State Department in Warsaw jumped, will know how to spit in someone else's well.
  2. +2
    3 February 2020 13: 02
    If the Two Neighbors quarrel, then the third party who has made one of the two neighbors their vassal ...
  3. +1
    3 February 2020 14: 18
    That's right! Do not dig a hole to another ........!
  4. +2
    3 February 2020 15: 39
    Not yet evening. The example of Ukraine on December 31, 2019 is not forgotten.
  5. +1
    3 February 2020 21: 01
    They signed with Ukraine and they will sign with Poland! So far, to think and assume different information was not there? Our rulers have kids and business in Europe.
  6. +2
    3 February 2020 21: 27
    And Poland will be punished, and given that Yamal-Europe goes through Belarus and Lukashenko will be squeezed.
  7. +2
    4 February 2020 10: 35
    I remember, in my opinion, in the 80s the Poles decided to cheat everyone ... We bought an automatic plant in Japan for the production of car trailers (the CMEA or Warsaw Pact countries experienced a chronic shortage). The idea was simple, a Japanese plant, cheap steel from the USSR and - oppa, that's profit, and we, Poles, are needed by everyone. It did not work out, steel from the USSR did not fit the factory in many ways. In contrast to the well-known anecdote or in agreement with it, the "Japanese" refused to eat the "rail".
  8. +7
    4 February 2020 16: 43
    How much empty and unnecessary information on the network. News sucked from the finger. What is the strength of the United States? Real, and not promoted by Hollywood, military power that has more than once sat down in a puddle? In the financial system that permeates all areas of world trade. Therefore, Russia should do the same, and it does it in a sly glint. Sell ​​what they buy, making them dependent on the seller. That is why the Yankees believe, and rightly so, that pipeline gas is our strategic weapon. You cannot smear a word on bread, you cannot heat a house. And when all of Europe feeds from our hands, then the time will come to be responsible for the "bazaar". Germany knows this, France understands, only former vassals think that they will get away with it. Uncle Sam will intercede. He will not intercede, which Trump is already talking about openly, he will have to answer in any way. These figures will crawl on their knees and beg to forgive the stupid.
  9. +1
    17 March 2020 11: 40
    The Poles simply stupidly sold their independence. Where is the Polish ambition and honor?