The purchase of Greenland by trump has lost its meaning: Russia is taking the island at gunpoint

Russia is in full swing engaged in the modernization of its northernmost airfield, which will be able to receive strategic bombers next year. This means that our country will have a new "unsinkable aircraft carrier" located a thousand kilometers from the nearest mainland and acting as a weighty argument in a possible confrontation with NATO.

The data that Russia is building up its airfield at Franz Josef Land at an accelerated pace was announced on the eve by the Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Sulberg. Despite the fact that many took this newsas sensational, it was never a secret.

Back in 1947, the Soviet military and polar explorers erected in the village. Nagurskoye: airbase, frontier post, meteorological complex, and also deployed an air defense system and other objects. In turn, the Americans similarly equipped neighboring Greenland, but on a larger scale, deploying nuclear weapons there in the late 50s. For the USSR, as well as for the USA, the presence in the Arctic was extremely important, as it allowed to detect ballistic missile launches across the north as early as possible.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, our northern complex fell into decay. However, we returned to the "zero", and a strategically important place began to transform. In 2006, ships with building materials, a new technique and people. In a short time, infrastructure was restored, old garbage was removed, and later the unique military base “Arctic Shamrock” was erected.

Now the runway is being modernized, which will increase from 2500 to 3500 meters, which will make it possible to accept strategic bombers capable of carrying a nuclear charge. Thus, our country gains control over a vast territory and geopolitical superiority, depriving the United States of the opportunity to send military reinforcements to Norway in the event of a Russian conflict with NATO.

At the same time, the expediency of Donald Trump's purchase of Greenland “disappears” by itself, which the Danes flatly refused to sell, which greatly offended the hegemon. Indeed, from now on this island will be under the gun of the Russians.

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  1. +5
    17 December 2019 09: 16
    Great Russia is not given to anyone to defeat.
    Death to all enemies of Russia!
    1. +2
      18 December 2019 17: 43
      Less pathos, dear. Do not be like our brothers. Sufficiently harsh and simple determination, which in the West is perceived as sullen (and this is ABSOLUTELY wrong). Therefore, there is no need to inflate ... it's all PR and show-offs that are empty in reality, be simpler. In my opinion, a rather ironic look and a sarcastic grin at all the attempts of Amer.
      ............... although (for support) + set ......
  2. -3
    17 December 2019 15: 57
    And here is Trump's trolling about buying and this airfield? If this was reality, could it somehow interfere?
  3. -6
    18 December 2019 18: 09 itself, the “expediency” of Donald Trump's purchase of Greenland “disappears”, which the Danes flatly refused to sell, which greatly offended the hegemon. Indeed, from now on this island will be under the gun of the Russians.

    And if you count the number of missile defense, in potential flight missions which are set targets on the territory of the Russian Federation? Probably more than the number of missiles at this base.

    at gunpoint Russian.

    У Russiansthat is?
    There is Russia / Russian Federation. Its citizens are RUSSIANS.
    Where live RUSSIAN? In the country RUSSIA? Where is she on the world map? Who has heard of her?
    The same, by the way, with the language. For all other peoples, their countries of origin, and languages, are used SINGLE-SOLDED the words.
    England - English - English
    France - French - French
    But there are dumb exceptions:
    Germany - GERMANS - GERMAN
    Russia - RUSSIAN - RUSSIAN language.
    All these are problems of the Russian language itself. There are so many absurdities in it that one devil will figure it out. Since only in Russian language there is no strictly established and all respected word order in speech.
    As they say, whoever wants to, and bursts.
    And in terms of borrowing foreign words, and preserving their original pronunciation - just "kapets".
    Mexico (country) - Mexico
    MeJico (capital of Mexico) - Mexico
    Texas State - Texas
    TeXaco (company) - Texaco.
    In general, according to the phrase from "Gorodok" - Neither on * opu, nor in person.

    (I'm starting to count the cons from the cheers-patriots).
    1. +2
      18 December 2019 18: 13
      You are a stupid person ... Russians live in Russia.
    2. +2
      18 December 2019 20: 09
      Quote: UpperMost
      ... And if you count the number missile defensein potential flight missions which set goals on the territory of the Russian Federation? Probably more than the number of missiles at this base ...

      Why are we talking about cons only about patriots? It is quite enough those who just know how to read - it follows from your post that missiles are aimed at targets on the territory ... request
      I have no more questions on this subject. bully hi

      Quote: UpperMost
      ... at Russiansthat is?
      There is Russia / Russian Federation. Its citizens are RUSSIANS.
      Where live RUSSIAN? In the country RUSSIA? Where is she on the world map? Who has heard of her?
      The same, by the way, with the language.
      For all other peoples, their countries of origin, and languages, are used SINGLE-SOLDED the words…
      ... I'm starting to count the cons from the cheers).

      It remains only to understand what all this has to do with Greenland and Trump, and everything will be very good ..
      And your questions, quite appropriate for philologists, for example, why are you trying to ask them here, why? But who knows ??? laughing

      Quote: UpperMost
      ... Starting from the fact that only Russian language there is no strictly established and all respected word order in speech.
      As they say, whoever wants to, and bursts.
      And in terms of borrowing foreign words, and preserving their original pronunciation - just "kapets" ...

      Your way of thinking is interesting - this is the situation with GEORGIA, it is Georgia, it is Sakartvelo, for some reason it does not raise any questions for you, or you do not ask them ...
      PS By the way - it’s correct ...
    3. +3
      18 December 2019 23: 26
      Did not guess. Ok with patriotism. But you misjudged the Russian language. We do not borrow a foreigner, but foreign languages ​​originate in Russian. Well, etc.
    4. 0
      25 December 2019 02: 29
      "France - French - French"
      Yea Yea!:
      And in Burgundy live the Burgundians, and speak Burgundian!
      And Britons live in Brittany and speak British!
      Champagne lives in Champagne and speak champagne! ...
      And the Netherlands live in the Netherlands, well, they’re blown up, respectively, in the Dutch ...
      For a home-grown ethnologist, in the sense of a creature very offended by gray matter:
      In France, the indigenous population - the Gauls, this time!
      They live in Burgundy, and in Champagne, and in Brittany, and speaking, of course, in French!
      But in the Netherlands, Flemings live and spoke Flemish before, but now they don’t speak any!
  4. -5
    18 December 2019 18: 34
    Quote: Warrior
    русские live in of Russia

    Let me ask you, professor, why are the words different?
    That's impossible.
    Even in the phrase "The popularity of Russian / Russian weapons is growing in the world" (as an example from the title of the article).
    Explain WHAT is the difference between such weapons? Are there two types of them?
    This is not the same as the variants of the "Soviet / Russian scientist" type.
  5. -6
    18 December 2019 21: 17
    Quote: 321
    it follows from your post that missiles are aimed at targets in the territory

    Greenland is "under the gun of Russian missiles," and Russia is at gunpoint of American (Trump, i.e.)
    And by the way, they, such missiles, are much closer to Russia than Russian ones to the USA.
    And threatening the United States, aiming at Greenland (Germany / Italy / Spain / Europe in general) - this is the height of the geopolitical absurdity.
    But this is exactly what the RF is doing, for lack of other options.
    Rather, she simply does not dare to such other options. In contrast to the "maize" who, although he took the United States to the show, for a while did not allow the installation of NATO missiles in Turkey.
  6. -6
    18 December 2019 21: 53
    Quote: 321
    it follows from your post that the missiles are aimed at targets in the territory ... request
    I have no more questions on this subject.

    And where, in your opinion, are the anti-missiles from the Romanian Devesela aimed?
    And if this is a banter about a "counter" missile, it has long been known that the same Tomahawks can be loaded into the Mk-41 installation.
    Or about Poland:

    By the way, with the installation of the MK-41 system Aegis can be launched and the famous Tomahawk cruise missiles, designed for medium range. On August 18, 2019, the Americans tested a medium- and shorter-range ground-based missile precisely on the basis of the Mk-41 launcher. This launcher will be located in Redzikovo.

    The range of missiles launched from this installation is up to 5 thousand kilometers. That is, by deploying such installations in Poland, the American armed forces are able to threaten the western regions of Russia. And in Moscow this circumstance cannot but cause concern.
    1. +2
      18 December 2019 23: 36
      Would you decide then, about the MISSILE ROCKETS, or about the START-UP INSTALLATIONS? It’s different - PU is one thing, but PR is another. laughing
      And then you write one thing, but it means a completely different ...
  7. -6
    19 December 2019 06: 24
    Quote: molotkov60mkpu
    foreign languages ​​originate in Russian. Well, etc.

    Are you a follower of the ideas of Zadornov and other supporters of the Russian language, like Proto-Language?
    You can invent a lot of things, but in fact, it is in the Russian language that there are a lot of borrowings "from there", and it is the Russian language that still borrows something.
  8. -2
    26 December 2019 05: 49
    Quote: Ehanatone
    In France, the indigenous population - the Gauls, this time!

    The French live in France. Point.

    Quote: Ehanatone
    And in Burgundy live the Burgundians, and speak Burgundian!
    And Britons live in Brittany and speak British!
    Champagne lives in Champagne and speak champagne! ...

    Why take REGIONS into account. I wrote about the COUNTRIES, and their population.

    Quote: Ehanatone
    And the Netherlands live in the Netherlands, well, they’re blown up, respectively, in the Dutch ...

    And here you are right - to your own surprise

    The Dutch language (Dutch [1], de Nederlandse taal, het Nederlands Dutch pronunciation (inf.)) Is the Dutch and Flemish language, belongs to the group of Germanic languages ​​(a subgroup of West Germanic languages) of the Indo-European language family.

    ГHollandets or the Dutch (Dutch. Nederlanders) - the people and nation, the indigenous population of the Netherlands. The total number is from 20 to 23 million people. The Netherlands is home to 16 people. Some Dutch people also live in the USA, Canada and other countries. The language is Dutch, a Germanic group of the Indo-European language family, especially close to German. In terms of language, traditions, and everyday life, these peoples are very close. Religion - Protestantism of various kinds, Catholicism. Written on a Latin basis. The Dutch received the name by the name of the largest province of the Netherlands - Holland.