America slides to a new civil war

On May 8th, America celebrated the next anniversary of the Battle of Spotsilvane, one of the most significant events of the US Civil War. And today there are more and more signs that this may happen again, and in the near future.

US Civil War: How It Was

As we recall from the school curriculum, in the 60s of the XIX century in the United States, the Civil War took place. The North wanted to free the blacks, and the South stubbornly resisted this. The southern states rebelled and formed an independent state - the Confederation. As a result of the war, the northerners won, the slaves freed, justice triumphed. Something like this.

In reality, everything was much more complicated. The then American leader, Abraham Lincoln, was deeply indifferent to the fate of the poor blacks. His ardent desire to free them was just an occasion for the outbreak of hostilities. The goal was to engage the agrarian South in the united economic system of the United States. He was against sending cotton to England, wanting to redirect this flow to textile enterprises in the American North. And former slaves had to be turned into proletarians.

Contrary to popular belief, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was a staunch opponent of slavery. But he believed that the slave must first be taught to dispose of himself and his property, and then set free. In fact, about 240 thousand liberated blacks lived in the South, of which about 60 thousand fought on the side of the southerners.

By and large, before the war, each state had great freedom, delegating external issues to the center policy, railways and defense. The North strove for greater centralization in order to concentrate all power over the country in one hand, and the southerners were against this order of things.

The conflict between the North and the South was not related to the liberation of slaves, it rather consisted in the struggle of patriarchal America with predominant agricultural production and industrial, capitalist America.

What is happening today?

The current situation in the United States is very similar to the eve of the Civil War in the United States at the end of the XIX century. Now, as then, the contradictions between the two views on the further development of the country begin to grow.

On the one hand, we see traditional America, which more often votes for the Republican Party. This is the white majority. Many of these people are farmers. They adhere to traditional values, are wary of national and sexual minorities. They respect and honor the history of their country. Such people are little interested in something that goes beyond their world.

The other side prefers to vote for the Democrats. They advocate for the rights of migrants; often they themselves are migrants or their descendants. They advocate for abortion and marriage between LGBT people.

Democratic America is aggressively opposed to everything that is part of the Republican value system. They made an analogue of the Ukrainian "decommunization", destroying monuments in honor of prominent figures of the South during the Civil War. Democrats consider themselves part of the global community and express globalist views.

In such an explosive atmosphere, America is now. The first signs were the riots in Charlottesville, which showed how heated American society is.

In addition, the possession of firearms is an integral part of traditional America. Democrats tried to restrict his circulation in the country, but stumbled upon serious resistance from ordinary citizens and politicians.

And this is what we have in the “bottom line”. Residents of the United States were divided into friends and foes. People have taken so diametrically opposed positions that there can be no talk of any kind of rapprochement. And such a split in society occurs among a well-armed population. The slightest chance or deliberate provocation, and an explosion can occur.

Although the United States is now a potential adversary of Russia, we should not rejoice in the possible slide of this country into an internal civil conflict. If in America the situation gets out of control, it will “hook” the whole world, because the USA today controls the world economic and financial system. And if chaos begins there, then it can spread to most countries of the world, including Russia.

Therefore, a new civil war in the United States is dangerous to our country.
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  1. +3
    10 May 2018 10: 37
    IMHO. At first, the author thickens the colors strongly, strongly, painting an "oil painting" of supposedly irreconcilable contradictions between the LIGHT ARMED lohtorat of "Democrats" and "Republicans" who are just about ready to "blow off steam" and clash in small-town "postrelushki" in which thread of "Charlottesville"? smile
    But this is all just a preamble for a clever "eyeliner" to the fact that we all need to be afraid of the chaos of the civil "just about war" in the USA and therefore it is necessary for the whole world to almost pray for the stability and prosperity of this bloody "world gendarme" ?! wink
    Alas, I do not at all share touching author’s experiences and pray only that American-fascism (together with its zealous henchmen all over the world, multiplying the chaos and deaths of civilians) will disappear without a trace from the face of the Earth and I really hope that God will hear my prayers, After all, God's millstones are ground, though slowly, but surely!
    1. +4
      10 May 2018 12: 04
      Well, stability in America is not so bad. Let them achieve stability, deal with internal problems that they have enough, and do not meddle in the affairs of other countries.
      1. 0
        10 May 2018 15: 30
        Exactly so, let them not climb ... otherwise it has come to the point that behind every "street" coup and mass murder of "wrong" citizens of "demoted" countries, the ears, paws and tail of the overseas "Big Brother" are always "visible"!
    2. 0
      10 May 2018 13: 13
      Quote: pishchak
      and I only pray that Americanofascism (together with its zealous henchmen around the world, multiplying the chaos and death of civilians) will disappear without a trace from the face of the Earth

      No need to be so bloodthirsty. The Lord may not hear such requests. Re-education in the first place. Paraphrasing the words of I.V. I’ll say to Stalin that Americanofascism will come and go, but the American people remain.
      Sincerely ... hi
      1. +1
        10 May 2018 15: 21
        Not at all bloodthirsty and not involved in bloodthirsty American-fascist citizens (not only the USA!) I do not want anything bad! smile
        Sincerely ... hi
  2. +3
    10 May 2018 12: 47
    This is how America will hook the whole world if the situation there gets out of hand? The fall of the dollar, or the fall of the financial system, or the collapse of trade relations? So this is either already happening or is not in any comparison with hundreds of thousands of dead and mutilated, with the destruction of prosperous states, so that the World is already on the verge of a nuclear conflict and the destruction of the World. The author repeats the memorized Anglo-American mantra and rubbish about the inadmissibility of the destruction of their Anglo-Saxon world. All this is bullshit and S.Porter, with persistence worthy of a better application, it broadcasts. Yes, it will probably be difficult for liberals to survive the death of this universal evil, but the sooner the World frees itself from this devilish country, the sooner prosperity will come.
    1. +2
      11 May 2018 19: 26
      Well, let's say, the destruction of the Anglo-Saxon world is one thing, and the chaos in the USA is another.
      The fall of the dollar can replace its collapse and depreciation. Are we ready for this? Let me remind you, a considerable part of Russia's foreign exchange reserves in dollars. Approximately $ 100 billion owned by Russia is held in the form of US Treasury securities. This is what lies on the surface, if you do not dig deeper.
      Secondly, in Ukraine, a country of the 3rd world, the marginals gained power and a mess began. The consequences are unpleasant, but bearable. And if in the USA, the first world economy with nuclear weapons, marginals come to power and a mess begins? The consequences will be unpredictable and affect everyone.
      The Anglo-Saxon world order should be a thing of the past, but chaos in the US will not help.