Worse than in the early 2000s: Putin faces a “supertask”

May 7, 2018 Vladimir Putin once again became the head of state. In one form or another, Vladimir Vladimirovich has been at the helm of the state for the past 18 years.

Putin began his presidency in difficult times, when the country was painfully experiencing the Chechen campaign and a series of terrorist bombings of apartment buildings in several cities. In Russia in the late nineties in some regions separatist sentiments were very popular. However, the president was able to reverse all these negative trends by building the so-called vertical of power, the country's governance system, which in many ways was tied personally to him. The two thousandths were marked by high hydrocarbon prices and the notorious “Putin stability”, which is now customarily remembered with nostalgia, as older people recall the times of Brezhnev. The country, as it is now fashionable to call it, got up from its knees and accumulated strength.

At the Munich conference in 2007, Vladimir Putin considered it possible to express his disagreement with the world order that had developed after the collapse of the USSR. The dominance of the Western world and, above all, of Washington is based on the American-centered international financial system and the total dominance of the US Army and Navy. The Russian President criticized the unipolar world order system, the unjustified use of military force by the United States and the puppet policies European Union in relation to the line of Washington. US journalist Peter Brooks wrote then:

Thanks to Putin, we have finally clarified the general position of Russia. Americans, now we all have no need to guess! Everything is obvious. Just a Russian bear is coming back

Obviously, this speech became the watershed, after which it was possible to begin the countdown of the second "cold war". In 2012, the liberal pro-Western opposition held a series of actions on Bolotnaya Square, which aimed to discredit the beginning of the third term of Vladimir Putin after the “castling” with Dmitry Medvedev. The events of 2014 left no doubt that the United States was ready for a confrontation with Russia.

The coup d'etat in Ukraine, the “Crimean spring”, sanctions, the bloody massacre in the Donbass, sanctions again, the Syrian conflict, sanctions, supposedly interference in the US presidential election, sanctions, Skripale case, sanctions, sanctions, sanctions. The Western world has dealt a series of blows that hurt the Russian woman who has risen from her knees in the "fat years" the economy, the country's population is getting poorer. It suddenly turned out that Russia has no friends, but there are partners who build relationships solely on the basis of their own benefit. The country is involved in one form or another in two military conflicts. In a number of cities in Russia, protests by the non-systemic opposition were held against Putin’s many years in power under the slogan: “He is not our king.”

The general background for the beginning of the fourth term of Vladimir Putin is even worse than 18 years ago. The president faces a whole range of tasks for the next six years: technological a breakthrough in the economy, a real fight against poverty and improving living standards. In the foreign policy arena, the Kremlin will have to adhere to its principled positions regarding the inadmissibility of a unipolar world order, upholding the choice of residents of the Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as the legal regime of the Syrian Arab Republic. Allies in this struggle at different stages can be China, Iran, India, Latin America and even Turkey. History gives Vladimir Putin a chance to become the leader of humanity rebelled against the Western dictates.
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  1. +2
    7 May 2018 16: 08
    Vladimir Vladimirovich, with you millions of our people. Inside we crush whining, just a hint. It's time to clean out.
    1. -2
      7 May 2018 16: 47
      Yes, calm down and take responsibility for yourself, and not grunt at whining.
      All! Kina will not be! Electricity is over! And whineers whine whine and even calm down and what they care about that someone, somewhere, grunts about something and wants to get closer to the feeder!
  2. +2
    7 May 2018 16: 14
    After Medvedev’s candidacy is nominated, the super-task becomes clear: a big breakthrough in growth demagogy is for the electorate to grasp the government’s figures for economic growth and improving the well-being of citizens, while ensuring only super-profits for billionaires and ensuring stability: without growth and any unnecessary improvements. Next figures will be drawn, which they will revel in, despite the fact that the people will not see the promised salaries, not like the newly promised ones. The main average show: a few people with salaries of tens of millions and the rest, who are 10-15 thousand for the eyes. why do they need more. Remember the former beginning. mail - he swoop cf. the salary of postal workers across the country raised. Myself wrote out 300 million, 200 deputies .... URA !!!!! In our country, a person without IQ can lead the government. It’s all the same to sign papers. Especially if you don’t understand the point.
    1. +2
      7 May 2018 16: 32
      critical - tell us how much worse they began to live under Medvedev at their post. We will compare with the period when Medvedev was not yet in the Kremlin.

      people will not see previously promised salaries, not like the newly promised

      Let's go through the shelves - how your life and financial situation became worse in comparison with the year 99. What salaries and whom have become less? So as not to be a balabol.

      Remember the former beginning. mail

      I remember the salaries of teachers, military and doctors before the government was headed by Medvedev. And you?

      Next numbers will be drawn, with which they will revel

      how do you draw your post on the forum?

      URA !!!!!

      I think that the crackers who distort the battle cry - it's time to beat. This squeak is certainly not from the mind. Such whining and distortion of "Urya" gives rise to nausea. If I can use your collar

      PS what to be the one who projects his failures on Medvedev? Himself not dumb from such a game?

      I found someone to blame for my situation. This is not even funny.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        7 May 2018 21: 00
        Aleksandr P (Alexander), a little clarification - after PS there should be not "what", but "howVO" (emphasis on the last "o"). Sorry to interfere ... plus set. good
      3. +1
        8 May 2018 11: 50
        Dear, my life has not changed since 99. I didn't feel anything much better. And now I can hardly feel it. I rely only on myself, skills and abilities. Therefore, this whole circus of Lilliputians called "elections", all sorts of "decrees" and other instructions and cries about "stability" do not take seriously. If you began to live better, then you entered the power structures, with which I congratulate you. hi
        1. 0
          8 May 2018 12: 05
          Dear, my life has not changed since 99. I did not feel anything significantly better.

          wassat civil servants lived poorly. and state employees. 60 million in total. You are certainly handsome, if everything is just as badly stable

          I hope only for myself, skills and abilities.

          and not on Putin? Wow

          Therefore, this whole circus of Lilliputians called "elections", all sorts of "decrees" and other instructions and cries about "stability" do not take seriously.

          not surprised. well your attitude.

          If you began to live better, then you have entered the power structures, and I congratulate you on this.

          after this phrase I see a resentful person.

          By the way, I'm not a civil servant. I am one of those 15 million that makes value added products.
  3. +3
    7 May 2018 17: 26
    History gives Vladimir Putin a chance to become the leader of humanity rebelled against the Western dictates.
    Time shows that history is not an authority for Putin. History has shown that the rampant development of capitalism brings increased exploitation of man by man, a reduction in social programs and a drop in morality to the level - "money is everything in this world." All the "successes" achieved by Putin's government are crossed out by one bold, black line - the decline in the birth rate and the lack of population growth !!! You, together with your leavened patriots, can rip your throats in the choral singing of praises, but from this people will not be born in the country, and they will not live better.
    Only visitors from neighboring republics in Russia are up to 10-12 million. These are already with Russian citizenship. That is, population growth was achieved due to migration !!! Who will live in Russia and where, if the population grows in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other cities.
    You ask your boss why he, born, studying, working under socialism, hates him so much? Something is not clear to me how with such views one could be a member of the CPSU and work in the KGB.
    If the country does not return to the socialist path of economic development, there will be no salvation from poverty and ruin. Life for dollars is possible only in the country where they are printed and where they are the national means of payment.
    1. -1
      7 May 2018 17: 32
      You ask your boss why he, born, studying, working under socialism, hates him so much?

      why did you, who loved socialism so much, allow you to break it?
      Maybe the aliens in the photo, or maybe there Putin o_O

      the people have carved themselves, and you are just looking for extreme ones)

      So I feel that I can present you by age for missing my state, and the one you loved and left us (the children of the 90s) only glue after yourself and an open border for Afghan heroin. And my peers have died so much - I am now 30 years old - from this all ...

      And now I read how your generation (who blinked everything that they could, I choose the most accurate word) here laments to Putin and Medvedev (who stopped that hell) I want to twist my finger at the temple

      So calm down. All that could be lost, you have already lost. And all this was lost by the people who were in the party. You can only blame yourself for this, and you have so carefully shifted the responsibility to Putin.

      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +3
        7 May 2018 18: 03
        Well, thank God, not only glue and an open border for Afghan heroin, but also a lot left that "effective managers" saw and share because they have other interests besides glue and heroin, but that neither one nor the other did not forge themselves and sell yes rally at a reasonable price - so the question is only one who was left?
        1. +2
          7 May 2018 18: 57
          and a lot more left that "effective managers"

          efficient car industry? Agriculture? What was effective in the USSR, model 89 years?

          Yes. A lot has been done. Now also being done. The nuclear industry is developing, electronics is developing, the auto industry too. aircraft industry raises its head.

          Not everything is as bad as crying about it on the forums, citing the destroyed giants (ZIL or tractor plants) as an example

          Now I think the Russian economy is effective to the extent that it can be (15 million workers in production - for 60 million people on the budget)

          And what is sold out of the rest of the Union? Queen's creations? Maybe yes. And also?

          Almost all production is outdated. Old equipment is not interesting to anyone. Russia is being updated.
  4. +2
    7 May 2018 18: 32
    The US empire and its slaves behave like gangsters, robbing and destroying dissenting countries. The strategic goal of the US empire is the disarmament of dissenting countries in order to facilitate a military intervention leading to the occupation and regime change, to facilitate the robbery of economic resources and the deployment of military bases, tied to the US Empire. To this end, the US Empire does not disdain anything. Color revolutions, terror, the creation of al-Qaeda "igil", provocation, bombing of sovereign countries. Any negotiations with the US empire serve as a tactical means for the US to divert attention in order to disarm independent countries in order to weaken them and attack them. This is the modern world.