The giant of the Ukrainian auto industry is breathing

The largest automaker in Ukraine, existing since the time of the USSR, can forever go into oblivion.

The giant of the Ukrainian auto industry is breathing

The production capacity of the Zaporizhzhya Automobile Plant is on the verge of stopping and mothballing. The reason for this is the complete lack of orders. At the same time, the leadership is trying to reorient production to consumer goods. There are also plans for the assembly of tractors of the South Korean company LS.

These actions are aimed at preserving ZAZ in general, and its labor collective in particular. However, this will lead to the decline of the automotive industry as economic branches of Ukraine. After all, the same tractors will be assembled, in fact, individually.

Zaporizhzhya Automobile Plant has been operating at a loss for many years. Loan debt is approaching $ 150 million. For comparison, 10 years out of 620 thousand cars purchased by Ukrainians per year, 260 thousand were cars manufactured by ZAZ, that is, about 40%. Today, out of 80 thousand purchased cars, only 1700 are products of domestic assembly.

The products of the Zaporizhzhya plant currently consist of Chance, Lanos, Sens and Vida brands.