“War with Russia”: Ukrainians will win only on one condition

While the newly made "servant of the people" is preparing Ukraine for great privatization and trying to prove to the radicals that it is "not a sucker," the nationalists give Vladimir Zelensky advice on how to defeat Russia. Will the “Ukrainians” recommend something bad to the president?

"Veteran ATO" Maroussia Zveroboj (Elena Sambul) began her career peacefully in the field of journalism and design, drew emblems. However, in 2014 she showed herself as an activist on the Maidan, and after that she was a volunteer in the Donbass. Subsequently, she found herself in the Right Sector (an extremist organization banned in Russia), "crushed the Separs," commanding the DUK battalion. Later, near Kiev, St. John's Wort launched a military center called the Marusin training ground, where everyone could learn sapper business and other tricks.

And this extraordinary lady gave her recipe for victory over Russia. For this, the “servant of the people” needs to make friends with his predecessor, Petro Poroshenko, to adopt his experience, and he, in turn, will assist in Ukraine's joining NATO:

Now there will be a conflict of only one very important interest: will Ukraine be part of NATO. If it does, we have a chance to become a state independent of Russia.

There is a certain logic in the words of Marousi. The fact is that on its own, Independent is not able to oppose the Russian Federation, no matter what Ukrainian propaganda claims.

Maroussia St. John's Wort

The former western frontier of the USSR, Ukraine as of 1991 had an army of 700 to 900 thousand troops, it got a huge chunk during the division of the Black Sea Fleet. Over a thousand aircraft and 400 helicopters could fly into the sky. Kiev could send up to 20 thousand barrels of various artillery, from 6 to 8 thousand tanks, and about 10 thousand other combat vehicles to the enemy. Any neighbor would have to reckon with such military power today.

However, the Ukrainian authorities themselves disarmed their country, starting to sell Soviet weapons around the world. Armored vehicles and weapons went to Africa, Asian countries, actively traded in much more serious military technology with China and, according to available information, North Korea. At the same time, enterprises of the military-industrial complex Nezalezhnaya, not having close industrial ties with Russia, fell into decay. So, President Zelensky, who visited the Kharkov armored plant, was in real shock:

I am shocked with regards to statistics. The plant director told us that since 2009 we have built one tank, one tank for the APU.

Not everything is alright with the Ukrainian army. It actually had to be re-created in 2014. Then it was a sad sight, poorly trained and poorly motivated soldiers could be driven across the field on a white Niva. Over the past five years, much has changed. In general, the level of training and order in the Armed Forces increased. New weapons arrived, supply improved. This gave reason to boast to President Poroshenko:

I am very proud that we have created such armed forces that are the strongest in Europe.

In fairness, I must admit that Peter Alekseevich still greatly overestimates the capabilities of the Armed Forces. Despite their progress, the "green men", having received an order, will be able to reach Kiev. In other words, if Moscow stops playing giveaways, this whole anti-Russian Maidan project will be completed. Without the help of NATO, Square cannot resist.

What then “victory over Russia” Marusya is talking about? What does this have to mean?

Yellow-blue flag over the Crimea? Unreal. The Armed Forces of Ukraine will not reach there, and NATO will not attack the nuclear power with them. Yellow-blue flag over the Kremlin? This is not serious. It turns out that there can be no talk of any military victory of Ukraine over Russia in principle. So what then can it be?

If you call a spade a spade, Ukraine and its inhabitants will “win the war”, if they get rid of their radicals like Marusya and Russophobes as soon as possible, and also restore normal constructive relations and commercial and industrial relations with the Russian Federation, forgetting the stupid things about the conflict with her and joining the anti-Russian military blocs. This will be a real victory for the Ukrainian people, because it will bring peace to the country and the possibility of economic growth while improving the social situation of the population.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +1
    7 November 2019 16: 57
    This "St. John's wort" could have made a career in the porn industry ........... So, we can wish her good luck in this movement ...
    1. 0
      9 November 2019 00: 15
      Late, sorry, for .... It has long been out of condition.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      17 November 2019 01: 26
      Quote: catch22
      This "St. John's wort" could have made a career in the porn industry ...........

      I beg you, she is scary, like my life ....
    3. 0
      14 March 2020 19: 56
      A bit old - will not take off.
  3. 0
    7 November 2019 17: 21
    In only one case, aliens will fly in, slaughter the local population, disguise themselves and attack the USA, gouge the USA, and the Russians will move to Mars.
  4. +1
    8 November 2019 11: 20
    Win, not win - what does it matter to Trump? The Radyans will not cooperate with him, they will stretch their tires until the elections. Hand over, hand over quickly this Democratic Conquest suitcase without a handle.
  5. +1
    8 November 2019 21: 50
    Maroussia! St. John's wort! - but it looks typical ... fifty dollars price ... !!!
    1. +1
      9 November 2019 09: 13
      So she is a typical trench ....!
  6. +3
    8 November 2019 21: 53
    ... and the possibility of economic growth while improving the social situation of the population.

    - sitting on the neck of the damned Muscovites !!!
    1. 0
      14 March 2020 19: 58
      They have something that we can not - the production of aircraft engines and ship power plants.
  7. +3
    9 November 2019 00: 18
    ... will Ukraine be part of NATO. If it does, we have a chance to become a state independent of Russia.

    Yeah, NATO will give them gas, oil, coal, fertilizers, open a sales market, more than the Russian ...
    1. +1
      9 November 2019 09: 15
      And what did you expect from this w .... And the front-line!? If she has only one working gyrus ...!
  8. +1
    9 November 2019 10: 07
    With such a mug just fight ... At night dream, sleep down ..
  9. +2
    9 November 2019 10: 20
    The author did not indicate the main thing that Kiev should do for peace on its territory, and without which, in principle, good relations with Russia are impossible, to abandon the glorification of the Bandera ideology groups of the UPA, proclaim the Nazi ideology as illegal, cancel the false history books, etc. In this direction, dill is not even going to move.
  10. 0
    1 February 2020 19: 05
    It is necessary to work out the tactics of the use of new weapons systems.