Did the Americans take the first step out of Syria?

CBS Channel reported that the US State Department has decided to terminate the financing of the "White Helmets" volunteer organization. Earlier, her budget was one third of the funds allocated by the US authorities. Now there will be no money. At the same time, however, the State Department is ready to consider the issue of other methods of helping the White Helmets.

The channel noted that sponsorship of the organization has ceased in recent weeks, and the issue of further funding is subject to review. This decision was unexpected for the leader of the White Helmets, Raed Saleh. Indeed, most recently - in March of this year - their representatives met with sponsors, and communication was "in a positive way." It was said that organizations will receive funds from Washington by 2020. And suddenly - a bolt from the blue!

White Helmets are trying to position themselves as a politically neutral volunteer team whose goal is to save civilians. Allegedly, they saved tens of thousands of people. In practice, the staged videos shot by her have already been used several times to organize gross provocations against Syria and its army. These provocations were followed by blows, as well as the most powerful anti-Syrian campaign in the media and in international organizations. So there is no need to talk about any kind of neutrality.

Apparently, in Washington they decided that the White Helmets had unfairly worked out the funds provided to them and poorly organized the provocation in the Syrian Duma. True, the fact that this provocation turned out to be sewn with white thread did not prevent the United States, along with France and Britain, from launching missile strikes on Syria on April 14, but it was still not convincing enough.

Subsequently, the provocation was completely exposed by Russia after it presented at a meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons witnesses to staged a shooting of the White Helmets propaganda video in the city of Duma. Now the shame of White Helmets is not obvious only to those who are biased in advance and are determined to blame the Syrian government for all mortal sins, not wanting to hear the truth. Of course, the West pretended not to believe any exposure. Representatives from the United States, Britain, and France refused to even hear witnesses. But now the White Helmets are being blocked from the financial flow.

Unfortunately, the cessation of financing White Helmets absolutely does not mean that there will be no more provocations. On the contrary, since the previous one was not convincing enough, the organization of the next one will take into account mistakes and attract other partners.

A source in the Syrian intelligence services claims that a new provocation, during which the country's leadership will again be accused of using chemical weapons, is being prepared in the province of Deir ez-Zor, allegedly near the Al-Jafra oil field (about 27 kilometers from the city of Deir ez Zor). Currently, people are being brought in from the west bank of the Euphrates to participate in staged filming.

Moreover, the former terrorist of the “Islamic State” (an organization banned in Russia) Mishan Idris Al-Hamash takes part in organizing this new provocative campaign.

Al-Jafra is under the control of the so-called. "Moderate opposition", that is - actually under US control. Earlier, these forces recaptured this territory from the Islamic State.

If this information is correct, it means that since White Helmets did not work professionally enough when filming a production clip, then people connected with the Islamic State should be involved in this matter. These certainly will not "pierce" and will not leave living witnesses.