The geopolitical trump card of Russia against the United States

The famous Ukrainian political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko, who moved to Russia after the 2014 coup, shared his observations on modern geopolitical realities. He expressed his thoughts on the methods of pressure on opponents and allies that the United States uses, as well as on the methods used by Russia to counter American expansion.

I will briefly outline his concept, as I understood it.

Russian roulette

In gambling there is a simple technique, which with unlimited resources inevitably leads to a win. It consists in constantly doubling the bet in case of loss. If, when playing roulette, you use the doubling method, then the win covers all previous losses and even allows you to get a little more money than was invested.

But in practice, this method often causes a crash. After all, the player’s money can end earlier than the win. And even if this does not happen, the player after winning is not always able to stop. He will continue to play until he loses everything.

If you transfer game methods to policies, then a similar method worked out during a series of "velvet revolutions." The opposition acts as follows. Protesters make demands, and if the authorities fulfill them, the opposition demands even more. And this happens until the leadership of the country either renounces power or makes a forceful decision. The last option happens less frequently than the first.

This technique was used in Ukraine in 2014, the same thing is happening today in Armenia. Whatever country the Maidan is organized in, everything will go according to the same established scheme.

But the weaknesses of this Technology same as in a gamble. If the enemy does not make concessions or finds an alternative solution to the problem, then the organizers of the protests do not achieve anything.

"Maidan" technology in international politics

The United States has used a similar method against Russia since the beginning of 2000, without fear of failure. American resources are many times superior to Russian, as the US and Russian GDPs are incomparable. In addition, America can use the resources of its vassals.

But Russia began to use the resource-saving method, which consists in targeted intervention, for effective counteraction. If destabilizing actions are taken against an ally of Russia, it does not throw all its forces into its defense. The main burdens and hardships go to the share of the ally. Russia intervenes when there is a direct threat of defeat or destruction. Help is limited. This happened both in Ukraine and in Syria.

The United States has developed such a rapid activity that they themselves have begun to lack resources to achieve their goals. Then they also began to use resource-saving technologies. One of them is military blackmail. It consists in threats of using military force so that the enemy makes concessions.

Another method is to destabilize the situation. You just need to run controlled chaos, after which everything happens offline, without external efforts.

In general, large players play their complex and obscure games, and ordinary people from less successful countries and regions suffer from this, sometimes they die. Of course, the theory of Rostislav Ishchenko is complicated and confusing, but it has a right to exist.

At least, the Ukrainian Maidan and the ensuing conflict in the Donbass perfectly fit into its scheme.
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  1. -1
    4 May 2018 13: 31
    All these Ishchenki, Staschenki, Tishchenki and other Zakhlenyuki have pissed off their nenku ineptly, now they climb with advice, forecasts and analyzes. Like the aphid of the marked Humpbacked, not yet dead in his native Fatherland. That, too, for the entire labeled "intellectual". He knows how to equip Russia.
    1. +3
      5 May 2018 12: 02
      Searches, Dish, etc. they already know where the rake lies, on which it is not necessary to step. Therefore, you need to listen to them, and carefully so as not to repeat mistakes and not to get into a similar situation.
      And Gorbachev was the leader of the country, which he slammed, and not a political scientist, these are different scales.
    2. +1
      10 May 2018 16: 03
      At least he is not on the side of the Bandera pigs.
      Already good.
  2. 0
    11 May 2018 00: 01
    That's right in your answer Primoos, Comrade Porter! good
    For one beaten, two unbeaten give!
    The theory of the respected Rostislav Ishchenko has been tested and confirmed by systematic practice, American, and does not at all seem "complicated and confusing" to those ordinary people who have gone through these "color technologies" of Fashington's "controlled chaos" from the very beginning and only by chance while they are alive!
    And here is the unjustified "naive" (although not as massive as in 2014-15), like: "It won't affect me, because this will never happen to me - I'm smarter than the" stupid neighbors "and my hut is central , and not "on the edge", like them! ", some Russian inhabitants still" slip through ", even in the comments on" advanced "VO and Reporter request
    "Color technologies" of pro-American "demoralization (colonization of countries and territories)" are very simple and effective, designed for the DEIDEOLOGIZED community of surrogate "universal values", "educated" and "Hollywood" (American "dream factory", as a tool for voluntary "brainwashing" Aborigines (at their own expense!) overseas Big Brother should not be underestimated, especially since "Hollywood" is imitated and replicated, adapting its "messages" to the local landscape and a more complete perception, while local cinematographers are "Oscar hungers"), latent -marginal "free individuals" ...
    All stages of the "Maidan technologies" of the pro-American "controlled chaos" have been perfected (almost to 99% perfection, sometimes, rarely, there is also a "hole" smile ) many years of successful practice of American embassies around the world ..
    The "Maidan", a relatively short (ideally a week or two), stage that completes the "soft" occupation-colonization, is necessarily preceded by a long hidden stage of preparation, including the moral decay of the population (with an emphasis on the youth), the inspiration of interethnic "tension", degradation education, total corruption of the authorities, the top of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies (with the removal or "plausible" liquidation of "dissenters"), destruction of the foundations of the economy and deindustrialization, to ensure impoverishment and marginalization of the bulk of the population (from this environment, fighters are then recruited and trained and active "sympathizers" - adepts of "Nazi exclusivity" and "visa-free") - all these subversive actions are carried out in close interconnection with the control "credits". Any obvious and implicit "blunders" of the authorities are skilfully emphasized and all kinds of "democratic initiatives" and "popular protests" are kindled, nourished from the embassy, ​​with the information support of the "world media" ...
    It is impossible not to mention the obligatory sacrifice in the register of neo-colonialists, shortly before the planned "mass events" (usually in early spring or autumn), "despicably killed" or "disappears without a trace" some thread of little value in the slightest degree "on hearing", the choice of the sacred victim by the State Department as "American roulette" or "visit to the Minotaur" is a reason for the whole "fifth column" to be worried, but then the rest jump with joy that this time they did not become lifeless "beloved gulchatay" ...!), which (wow, uyu) is "promoted" as a "well-known opposition victim of the authorities" and under a pretense sucked from the finger they organize rallies, processions and demonstrations in the capital and large cities (for a test of the authorities " on weak "and training-rallying of their engaged militants -" foremen "and fooled -" for a penny bought "extras), in every possible way (even openly fake stuffing), the consciousness of the inhabitants is agitated, gradually, and then more and more clearly, introduces in the mass consciousness "the need for urgent changes (we remember the stoker-songwriter of the times of the destruction of the USSR, with his literal" message "addressed to the target student and educational youth:" we are waiting for changes! "...)" ... the same the neo-colonialists' trouble-free "Maidan tricks", based on millennia-old "laws of crowd psychology" and the "printing press" of the US Federal Reserve System, partly stall only in modern Russia ...
    In order to stop the very possibility of "overcoming the Maidan" in Moscow, along with the proclaimed progressive economic program, in a statist way good aimed at the priority growth of the well-being of Russian citizens, it is vitally necessary to urgently develop and adopt a progressive state ideology, intelligible and understandable, adequate to the aspirations and hopes of most citizens of the Russian Federation (after all, even a mega "full stomach" does not guarantee patriotism and loyalty of citizens - a "dead example" of ex- the most prosperous Jamahiriya-Libya is a guarantee of that!) !!!