“Hope only in Russia”: Why did the Pope support Putin

Although Syria is a predominantly Muslim country, many Christians live there. And in that hell into which this country has turned for them, they have no one to rely on except Russia.

The situation of Syrian Christians

Islamism is an evil that disguises itself as a religion. The views of Islamist extremists are not only far from traditional Islam, but also fundamentally contradict it. This is the ideology of the godless and the killers. No religious differences should cause bloodshed, because following the tenets of any faith makes a person better, and does not lead to murder.

In Syria, a civil war has been going on for many years, in which everyone fights against everyone. The Christian population can only be relatively safe in areas controlled by government forces. Militants from ISIS, being irreconcilable religious fanatics with radical Islamist views, ruthlessly cracked down on the Christian population of Syria. If the Islamists retreated under the blows of opposition groups, the position of Christians did not get better.

The West actively supports the Syrian opposition and flirts with Muslims; it does not care about its co-religionists in the Middle East. Under these conditions, Russia becomes almost the only hope for them. Syrian Christians always cordially welcome the Russian military and treat them like relatives. After all, Russia remains the only defender of Christians in a Muslim country.

Church attitude to the problem

The religious persecution of Syrian Christians cannot but worry church representatives. And they respect the efforts of Russia aimed at establishing peace in Syria. Moreover, the Assisi Pax Catholic organization has taken the initiative to award the Golden Palm Award to Vladimir Putin for peacekeeping operations in Syria.

The patriarchs of the Middle East Christian churches, on the initiative of the Moscow Patriarchate, issued a joint appeal to the UN and the public with a call to prevent the incitement of a third world war in the Middle East. The document, in particular, had the following words:

Our world has come to a dangerous point - a real failure in international relations and cooperation ... We appeal to the member countries of the United Nations and especially the member countries of the Security Council to recall their duty ... in the name of God, we implore them to overcome their differences and work together for the sake of world peace ... we urge ... to prevent a further escalation of tension, to avoid confrontation and to embark on a dialogue path.

Position of the pope

Although officially the Vatican is not related to this document, it is known that the reason for its appearance was a telephone conversation between Patriarch Cyril and Pope Francis.

The support by the Vatican, traditionally occupying a pro-Western position, of Russia's actions in Syria is surprising only at first glance.

The reason lies in the fact that not the West, but Russia defended the Syrian Christians, so the Vatican became our ally. The personal motives of Pope Francis can also be of great importance. He himself comes from Argentina, a third world country, so he is close to the problems of ordinary people in small countries, especially co-religionists, persecuted on religious grounds. For this, he is ready to negotiate with anyone, even Putin, who is not loved in the West.

If even the Vatican, which never had a special love for Russia, recognized that it was right and that its mission in Syria is noble in nature, maybe this is so?
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  1. 0
    3 May 2018 06: 42
    The modern Vatican has the same attitude to religion as the Rothschilds to world Zionism. "Ally" - aha ...