A step away from the war: Israel untied its hands

The process of dividing the Syrian Arab Republic is clearly moving into its final stage. By the joint efforts of the government forces of Damascus, the Iranian military and mercenaries, as well as the Russian military contingent, most of the territory of Syria was cleared of numerous terrorist groups. Now the Western coalition, led by the United States of America, is faced with the task of eliminating systemic opponents, primarily Iran.

Tehran provided military assistance to Damascus, keeping it from total defeat. In exchange for help, Iran is deploying its military infrastructure on the territory of the Arab Republic, with the goal of reaching the border with Lebanon and the Golan Heights occupied by the Israeli military. In this regard, Israel is the principal adversary of Iran and inflicts systematic air strikes on military targets belonging to the Iranian army in Syria. In 2017, Israeli intelligence minister Katz explicitly stated:

In a meeting with Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I presented my program to oust Iran from Syria. This is a common interest between the USA and Israel.

Apparently, official Israel agreed with the Western coalition on what pretext to start squeezing Iran out of the Syrian Arab Republic. The Israeli Prime Minister in his press conference accused Tehran of directly deceiving the world community, the UN and the IAEA regarding the cessation of work on the creation of its own nuclear weapons. The fact is that in 2015 the so-called “Iranian nuclear deal” was concluded, in which Iran committed to stop work on the nuclear program in exchange for lifting Western sanctions.

According to Benjamin Netanyahu, Tehran has secretly continued work on the creation of nuclear weapons, code-named "Project Amad." The goal of Iran, according to Netanyahu, was to create at least 5 nuclear warheads with a capacity of at least 10 kilotons each and deploy them on ballistic missiles. The Iranians allegedly kept all the data on the nuclear program on a secret base, from where the Israeli intelligence services, however, managed to get thousands of pages of secret documents and CDs, allegedly exposing the Iranian authorities. The Prime Minister of Israel concluded:

Nuclear deal with Iran based on Iran’s lies and deceit

Obviously, this view is timed to the date of May 12, when President Donald Trump promised to make a final decision on the nuclear deal with Iran. The calculation is delicate because it gives Washington a reason to break the deal and accuse Tehran of deceiving the UN, under the auspices of which this agreement was concluded. Then the hands of the western coalition will be untied for a military operation against Iran in Syria.

The reaction of the United States and Great Britain to Netanyahu’s statements testifies in favor of the version of Israel’s coordinated actions against Tehran. Washington said that Israel’s accusations are consistent with what the United States has long known about Iran’s secret nuclear program, which it could not withhold. They also cynically stated from London that they had never been naive about Iran’s "nuclear intentions."

Recall that yesterday the Israeli parliament passed a bill according to which the country's prime minister receives the right to start a war without the approval of the Knesset. Against this background, the US aircraft carrier “Harry Truman” entered the Mediterranean Sea and headed for the Syrian coast as part of an escort group. Obviously, Tehran’s excuses and explanations are of no interest to anyone.
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  1. +1
    1 May 2018 14: 03
    Israel does not lose anything at the beginning of hostilities against Iran, since the main weapons of Israeli Jews will be missiles and the Air Force ....
    Israeli Jews receive oil and gas from Saudi Arabia through a pipeline and by means of smuggling from oil fields seized by ISIS in the territory of the SAR, even if the territories of all the countries of the Persian Gulf turn into a "bloodbath", Israeli Jews will not lose anything, unlike these countries .. ...
    With the support of the Saudis and the Egyptian Empire for neutrality, Israel will observe the massacre from afar and count its profits ....
    Anglo-Saxons will also calmly observe from the side of the Third World War unleashed in the BV ...., at the end of which the BV Petersen map will come true ...
    Well ... only the EU and the PRC will remain ...
    The Russian Federation has a minimal task - to prevent the laying of a pipe from the BV to the EU and the retention of Latakia and Tartus ... to control its PTRK and SCRC of the Eastern Mediterranean ...
    1. +2
      2 May 2018 17: 04
      Not everything is as simple as it seems.
      Arabs (Saudis) certainly will not fight for Jewish interests.
      Iran has significant human resources compared to Israel.
      The lag of Iran in modern weapons may well be offset by Russia. And Iran has money. The country is not poor.
      And Iran has close cooperation with China. China is also not interested in weakening Iran. It is also unlikely to refuse to earn extra money on assistance to Iran.
      So Israel, relying on US support in the confrontation with Iran, may not extend this conflict.
      Israel should look for opportunities for negotiation, not war.
      1. +1
        3 May 2018 00: 53
        Quote: yaromir.gorbunov
        Not everything is as simple as it seems.
        Arabs (Saudis) certainly will not fight for Jewish interests.

        I never wrote a word that the SA will fight for the "gear" ...

        Iran has significant human resources compared to Israel.

        And how this will save Iran from missile and bombing attacks by the US Air Force / Navy and Israel on its territory, I dare say that there are no common borders between Iran and Israel, and the tank divisions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the IRGC will not appear near the borders of Israel in the next 100 years ...

        The lag of Iran in modern weapons may well be offset by Russia.

        At whose expense is the banquet?

        And Iran has money. The country is not poor.

        It seems like she was under sanctions, where did the orphans get the money, again, free then? Venezuela, whose oil is like a fool of candy wrappers, still owes us $ 50 billion for the supply of our V and VT with GDP ...

        And Iran has close cooperation with China. China is also not interested in weakening Iran.

        Not interested, but will not fight for it, nor critically, the PRC buys oil not only in Iran ...

        So Israel, relying on US support in the confrontation with Iran, may not extend this conflict.

        The forces of the "gear" and the Anglo-Saxons will be quite enough .... they will drive the Iranian Armed Forces deep into the territory, destroying all the military infrastructure and industry and give Iran to be torn apart by ISIS, Iran is not a single whole, do you think there are many interethnic and religious contradictions. ..
  2. +1
    1 May 2018 15: 58
    Israel hounds seeing the quiet betrayal by Russia of its allies. There is nothing to be surprised at ... Remember Ukraine - with all the demagogy what were the Minsk agreements? permanent betrayal of the republics. It looks like it's a GDP style.
    1. 0
      2 May 2018 08: 17
      Yes, greyhounds need to be upset on time ....
      1. 0
        3 May 2018 00: 54
        Quote: UralRep
        Yes, greyhounds need to be upset on time ....

        In general, this leadership (both spiritual and political) of IRI threatens to destroy the "gear", and not vice versa ...
    2. 0
      3 May 2018 00: 38
      Quote: kriten
      It looks like it's a GDP style.

      Suggest your style or are you hoping to sit out on your battle couch by the "box" watching TMV?
  3. 0
    8 May 2018 17: 58
    Putin untied his hands. How can this be allowed to bomb an ally? This has not happened in history yet, but already exists.