Not a single oil: What riches Russia owns

Today, the assertion that Russia sits on an oil needle is popular, although our country's share in world oil production is no more than 7%. But, in addition to oil and gas, Russia owns many other natural resources.


Russia has the largest forest reserves on the planet. Forests cover almost half of Russian territory and make up 24 percent of all forest resources of the Earth. Like the Amazon jungle, Russian forests are the lungs of the planet. In addition, they are used in the production of wood, as well as paper and cardboard. Wood is used in construction, furniture manufacturing and many other fields.

Unfortunately, it often happens that wood leaves the country in the form of raw materials and returns in the form of expensive imported furniture.


In terms of coal reserves, Russia ranks third in the world after the United States and China. The massive use of coal was the impetus for the industrial development of mankind. He became a catalyst for the rapid development of metallurgy, railway transport and many other industries.

In modern energy, coal has been partially replaced by other types of fuel and energy sources, but it continues to play an important role in the global the economy.


This chemical element is far from the most common on our planet, but it plays a crucial role in the energy and defense industries. Enriched uranium is a raw material for the production of nuclear weapons. In addition, uranium is used in nuclear energy.

Russia owns 10% of the world's uranium reserves, ranking third in the world in its reserves.


This yellow metal is used not only for the manufacture of gold jewelry, but is also an important investment resource. The state’s gold reserve is the basis of its economic security.

Russia and Canada share among themselves the fourth place in the world in gold reserves after South Africa, the USA and Australia.


In its chemical composition, diamond does not differ from coal. This is the same carbon, but unlike coal formed at a greater depth and under high pressure. Diamonds are not only used to make diamonds. This stone has unique cutting properties, which allows it to be used in drills and cutters. In addition, diamond has found application in microelectronics and some other industries.

In terms of diamond reserves, Russia ranks second in the world after Botswana. Diamond mining brings tangible profits to the country. For example, in 2014 they were mined in excess of $ 3,5 billion.

Fresh water

According to experts, very soon there may come a time when fresh water will become the most important resource on the planet. You can live without oil, but you can’t live without water. And at such a pace with which there is a expenditure of water resources and pollution of water bodies, shortages may very soon occur.

The world's freshwater reserves per capita

Russia has the richest reserves of fresh water. Baikal alone, the deepest lake on the planet, contains about 20% of the world's freshwater reserves.

Other natural resources of Russia

It is difficult to list everything that Russia owns. Much has not been mentioned. I did not mention nickel, a very valuable non-ferrous metal, whose reserves in Russia make up more than 13% of the world. There is also aluminum, chromium, copper, palladium, manganese, iron ores and much more. Amber deposits in the Kaliningrad region account for more than 90% of the global total.

But the most important resource is people, ordinary Russians. Without them, all these riches will be useless. Only they are able to turn natural resources into tangible wealth.
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  1. +1
    April 30 2018 10: 11
    All this is certainly good, but somehow it is not possible to use these riches to raise the level of these very people - ordinary Russians!
    1. +1
      April 30 2018 14: 10
      Having the opportunity and realizing it are two big differences.