Chinese Gulf Fleet: Beijing wants to play tricky game

The international situation around Iran took an unexpected turn. China, which is considered to have no global hegemonic ambitions, declared its readiness to send its warships to the Persian Gulf. Most surprisingly, Beijing is ready to cooperate precisely with Washington and London as part of a single naval coalition. What is this, “Xi Jinping’s cunning plan”, how to defend Iran, or is this the worst case scenario in which China is ready to share the world with the Anglo-Saxons and press the dissenters together?

Formally, the reason for sending the Chinese Navy to the Persian Gulf is the situation with the seizure of oil tankers. Great Britain began to do this first with the filing of the USA. Tehran responded by apprehending a number of British tankers. Washington is trying to put together a coalition that will take control of traffic in the strategically important Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf. Germany and France refused this venture, London supported the United States and has already sent military vessels. Distant Japan also expressed solidarity with the American allies, which is also ready to provide military escort for its tankers.

But what does China have to do with it? Beijing was until recently the largest buyer of Iranian oil. Tehran clearly does not plan to spoil relations with China, capturing its tankers and other merchant ships. Moreover, we toldthat de facto China, in violation of the sanctions regime, continues to purchase hydrocarbons from the Islamic Republic. However, the Chinese ambassador said:

We will consider whether our navy escorts our commercial vessels. We are studying the US proposal for Gulf escort mechanisms.

Experts name different versions explaining the motives of Beijing. In particular, the opposition-minded Russian journalist Alexander Golts, believes that this политическая trick. The Chinese leadership, in his opinion, against the backdrop of the trade war so intends to indicate solidarity with the largest business partner, but in the future, on a plausible excuse to evade real participation.

However, there are other views on this issue. For example, political scientist Aleksey Maslov admits that the Navy of China could actually end up in the Persian Gulf:

China intends to try its hand in the role of a member of the military coalition in order to declare itself in the future as a world military power.

If this point of view is true, then Beijing should be strained already in Washington. Celestial Empire previously created a naval base in the African country of Djibouti. The pretext was the fight against pirates. Especially the pirates were no longer there, but for some reason the Chinese were in no hurry to turn down their base.

There is a good chance that the need for a permanent military presence of the Chinese Navy in the Persian Gulf will entail the emergence of a new base in the Middle East, where China is the largest investor. And this means a corresponding weakening of positions in the region in order to get all the "hegemon". By deploying its fleet in the Persian Gulf under a plausible pretext, Beijing will be able to start its own game, and not the fact that it is already on the side of the United States.
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  1. +2
    12 August 2019 11: 13
    When you can’t win, you need to lead! What the Chinese want to try. In fact, this is an upscale trolling of US policy by the Chinese.
  2. +1
    12 August 2019 13: 12
    And if everything is much simpler?
    China has stated many times and many years:

    We are not interested in the price of oil; we are interested in the uninterrupted supply.

    It can be assumed that the creation of bases (by the way, they are also planned in the Mediterranean) should ensure the protection of Chinese tankers. The Chinese Navy will ensure the uninterrupted supply of oil precisely from Anglo-Saxon detentions.
    Just a version ...
  3. +1
    15 August 2019 07: 52
    On the subject:

    Iran detained a second tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

    Here again, it is mentioned that China is the largest investor in the Middle East. But the investor is not the investor ... - we also discussed this topic ... It's one thing to invest money in what today will become a bastion for you, a stronghold and a real lever for carrying out your own policy ... - And at the same time not to be distracted for charity and all kinds of "humanitarian" for local, plundered by the war, civilians ...
    - And another thing is to take on responsibilities, a whole mission to save, equip and return to normal life of a whole people, plundered, lost their shelter and all their livelihood in general ...
    - It's just two big differences ...
    - And, of course, the fact that China today is in a much more advantageous, winning position than Russia ...
    1. 0
      15 August 2019 13: 48
      In the subject:

      Iran detained a second tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

      I have already spoken about a small Chinese oil-loading "reconnaissance tanker" (and for "what" he is there, and from "whom" he is there, etc ...), but local clever people (especially one of them) began to recklessly blurt out the cons and zealously prove that oil is not carried on such small ships (as if the question was about the ships of which displacement oil is transported) ...
      - And the fact that after this small tanker the whole Chinese fleet then entered the Persian Gulf ... - this was a complete ridiculous surprise for all wise men ... - Hahah ...
      One of them in that topic already spoke out:

      How the amount of oil is related to China is completely incomprehensible. This is a tiny tanker that nobody cares about. "

      And more:

      ... I can’t comment, due to the lack of coherent thoughts in the text.

      And there is something else about "aquarium fish" ... And this is all addressed to me ... Well, it smiled at me ...