Russia's allies in Syria began their own game

The contradictions between the allies of Damascus threaten to lead to another aggravation of the situation in Syria. Israel warned of its readiness to intensify the bombing of its border provinces of the SAR, where the pro-Iranian group Hezbollah strengthened. According to a number of Middle Eastern media, these airstrikes will no longer be coordinated with Russia.

The problem now is Iran and Hezbollah. What is this organization today?

Hezbollah is a Shiite-style militant movement created in Lebanon with the direct assistance of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Its declared goal is to create a state in Lebanon on the model of Iran, therefore it enjoys the direct support of Tehran. Attitude to this structure differs in different countries of the world. In the West and in neighboring Israel, it is recognized as terrorist. Moscow does not consider Hezbollah to be such, despite the fact that in 1985 there was an extremely serious incident with Soviet diplomats.

Hezbollah is an impressive military force. In different periods, the number of its militants was estimated from 7 to 30 thousand. They possess combat technique, artillery, MLRS, anti-tank missile systems. After the start of the military campaign in Syria, Hezbollah took an active part in it on the side of official Damascus, however, justifying this by the need to protect the Lebanese living in the territory of the SAR. It is unreasonable to deny the Shiite contribution to the fact that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has resisted. But the situation is gradually changing.

Most of the country has already been freed from militants who have gathered in northern Syria. Lebanese began to gain a foothold in the territories of the SAR occupied by them, which cannot but cause some concern in Damascus. Therefore, a prudent decision was made there to send the "dogs of war" to hell, where they can find the best application. However, this place was extremely ambiguous - the province of El Quneitra, on the eastern border of Israel, where Hezbollah took up what it was created for - preparing for a war with the Jewish state.

This naturally provoked a sharp reaction in Tel Aviv. Political analyst Oleg Gushchin explains:

Hezbollah is a continuation of Iran. Therefore, everything that Tel Aviv does against Hezbollah, he does against Iran. The same is true and vice versa: if Hezbollah opposes Israel, it is the same as Iran.

Interestingly, they are trying to make Russia guilty in the beginning exacerbation. The logic is that the Kremlin is not in a position to control its Iranian and Syrian allies, and therefore, Israel will relieve itself of responsibility for the security of the Russians and will no longer coordinate with the Russian Ministry of Defense its airstrikes on the ATS. We will remind, earlier because of the actions of the Israeli Air Force, our IL-20 with all the military personnel on board had already died.
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  1. 0
    9 August 2019 12: 30
    And it always happens when the murder gets away with it. Kill a Russian - and nothing will happen to you, we have already been accustomed to this over the past 20 years.

    ... Permissiveness is not a blessing on the path of the fine fellows,
    life without a coat of arms and without a flag is life without brakes
    and without thresholds on the way.
    Permissiveness - wandering,
    the ultimate goal is not found.
    1. -1
      11 August 2019 03: 08
      .... over the past 20 years we have already been accustomed.

      If you have personally been accustomed (tamed), then this is your personal problem.
      No need to speak on behalf of all Russians.
  2. -2
    9 August 2019 22: 03
    Israel will wait for a new portion of Carbonated missiles.
  3. +1
    10 August 2019 18: 49
    But you still need to turn on your head. To take an example from the English, claiming that they have suspicion, and on this basis is enough .... will not roll. Both the situation and the territory are not the same, and it’s tricky to answer with similar ones ... here you can quite realistically and strongly. Deal with the Iranians. Here we do not bother or help you. But we will not forget the IL-20.
  4. 0
    10 August 2019 19: 06
    ... and, therefore, Israel relieves itself of responsibility for the security of the Russians and will no longer coordinate its airstrikes with the Russian Defense Ministry.

    Well then, we also relieve ourselves of the responsibility for the fact that the Syrians will begin to bring down the Jews
    1. -2
      14 August 2019 11: 25
      Quote: Robert Robertovich
      Well then, we also relieve ourselves of the responsibility for the fact that the Syrians will begin to bring down the Jews.

      Maybe not? And then the last time the Syrians shot down the Jews, 15 Russians died (but for some reason the Jews were to blame for some reason).
      1. 0
        19 August 2019 08: 42
        Need, Need.
        1. +1
          19 August 2019 09: 13
          Do not you regret the Russians.
          1. 0
            8 September 2019 07: 41
            Since when did the occupying Zionist-Nazi kagal become Russians?
            1. -1
              9 September 2019 12: 21
              You think in that il sat

              Quote: Robert Robertovich
              Nazi occupation Zionist kagal.

              What did he do there?
              1. +1
                10 September 2019 14: 38
                And what does the IL have to bring down you. No one else will hide from us.
                1. 0
                  11 September 2019 13: 06
                  I don’t understand anything. Knock me down? I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, and if I find myself in the sky in that area, then only in an airplane flying to the resorts of Egypt, when they are allowed. Are you from ISIS, banned in Russia, and are going to shoot down civilian aircraft?