Russia will clean up the Americans in space

Russia will clean up the Americans in space

According to forecasts, thousands of new satellites will be launched into low-Earth orbit by 2025. According to Elon Musk's space plans, low Earth orbit as part of the StarLink project can...
A computer will help connect with dead people

A computer will help connect with dead people

Now not only voodoo priests will be able to organize communication with deceased relatives. Programmers from Sweden are busy developing a unique technology that will allow installing...
The moon is getting crowded

The moon is getting crowded

About the space missions of India, not so much is heard as about the missions of recognized space powers. However, the mission "Chandrayan-2" in case of success will be a sensation ....
Russia is switching to artificial intelligence

Russia is switching to artificial intelligence

The development of technological innovations in our country continues. Recently it became known that a smart robot was developed in a Rostov university that can replace a person during ...
Robots are preparing a revolution

Robots are preparing a revolution

The American company Boston Dinamics is known worldwide for its experiments with robots of various designs. One of her famous creations is the four-legged Spot robot imitating a dog ....
Trump wants to turn the moon into a death star

Trump wants to turn the moon into a death star

It seems that the so-called American "imperials", whose representative in the United States of America is President Donald Trump really intended to become a space empire ....
Russian microelectronics is moving ahead

Russian microelectronics is moving ahead

On February 9, the first stage of the Sensors and Systems plant opened in Kursk. This company will soon begin production of security systems, monitoring and control, test equipment and MEMS sensors ....
Microsoft refuses passwords

Microsoft refuses passwords

The American corporation Microsoft is preparing a large-scale update of the Windows 10 operating system called Redstone 4. One of the main features of the new assembly is the virtual absence ...
The gun against the drone: new realities

The gun against the drone: new realities

Technological progress gives rise to novelties that can be used both for good and for evil. And such dualism triggers a chain reaction, during which mankind has to come up with ...
Japan: dwarf satellite launched on a dwarf rocket

Japan: dwarf satellite launched on a dwarf rocket

Japan has occupied its niche in the field of space exploration and, steadily launching small rockets, is gradually solving its pressing issues with communications, exploration, etc. ...
US experienced a multi-purpose "submarine hunter"

US experienced a multi-purpose "submarine hunter"

The list of mechanisms that are able to work without or with minimal human involvement is steadily expanding. This is happening especially quickly in the military sphere. Following the military air ...
Arabs decided to overtake the whole world in space

Arabs decided to overtake the whole world in space

Despite the ostentatious religiosity and conservatism, the Arab sheikhs are experts and connoisseurs of scientific discoveries and are quite knowledgeable about technological innovations. Moreover, let not ...