Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan: do Russia need such “brothers”?

From the very beginning, and also for meticulous critics, it must be said that everything written below does not serve to incite ethnic hatred and the like, but is only an attempt to adequately assess the situation in the post-Soviet space and the relationship of Russia as part of the former USSR , with other nations. This article is neither a scientific publication, nor a dissertation, etc., therefore, the statistics presented in the text taken from open sources are rounded and serve only to provide a general comparative analysis on specific situations and indicators within the framework of the topic under consideration.

Recently, quite often, various information has appeared that the leadership of the former republics of the Soviet Union, that is, countries that the vast majority of Russians are accustomed to consider themselves “fraternal,” is taking some steps towards rapprochement with the West, in particular with the USA, while moving away Of Russia. And such actions are perceived in our country, as it were, even with a sense of offense - how, they say, are our “brotherly peoples” and it seems like they are leaving us to our worst enemy, in fact. We will call a spade a spade, otherwise we are tired of this deceitful term “partners”. Since everything that the United States has been doing recently in relation to our country, it can hardly be called hostile actions. But America, in this case, we judge solely by its real behavior both in the present and in the past, and other countries we write to ourselves as “brothers” for some reason solely on the basis that we have been part of them for a rather long time one state - first the Russian Empire, then the USSR. And it is on this basis that we are trying to build “fraternal” relations with them, as if distracting from what is in reality. Moreover, when viewed from the other side, that is, on behalf of these same former Soviet republics, and now independent states, the same attitude towards the Russian Federation, as a "fraternal country", is already found on a much smaller scale than we have for them. And here, in my opinion, it would have been quite in place it would have been somehow more precise to determine what kind of brothers they are to us, and whether the brothers in general, or simply former "neighbors in the same apartment" with whom we now "parted."

Let's start with the very principle of “entry into fraternal peoples”, based on cohabitation on a common territory, so to speak. If you look at pre-revolutionary tsarist Russia, then we also had “cohabitants” there, who later separated - Finns and Poles, for example. And so, can they be considered "brothers"? Firstly, both of them almost immediately after gaining independence moved to a camp hostile to our country, and secondly, some earlier, others later, but began to fight with us both independently and in coalitions with our other enemies . And they fought not for life, but for death, really, without any discounts on “fraternity” and recent “cohabitation”. And if you look now, for example, among European continental states, then the real enemies we have there, probably worse and meaner than the "fraternal Slavic" Polish state, are, probably.

About a common Victory and something else from the history of fraternal relations

Recently, all of Russia solemnly celebrated the next anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The parade, the "Immortal Regiment" and other events, not only in our country, of course, but also abroad, including the former Soviet republics. But there, for the most part, the celebrations were more modest, and participation in them was not so massive, although naturally all the peoples of the Soviet Union participated and won, of course, then together. Nevertheless, modern propaganda in these states, Victory Day and its main symbols - the red star, the guards tape, etc., writes more and more often in purely Russian holidays and Russian symbols, and not common to all "fraternal" peoples . The theme of participation or non-participation of representatives of the "fraternal" former republics of the USSR in major celebrations on Red Square in Moscow is also regularly discussed from different sides in our press and abroad. The second, moreover, happens more often. How so? Victory and celebration, it seems, are common? Why is there a different approach now? .. And because then, too, everything was not exactly the same, but when the Union was in office, it was not accepted to talk about it, so again, not to provoke ethnic hatred between the "fraternal" republics and their peoples. Yes, everyone served in the Red Army, and they took the oath, and shed blood. Fulfilled by law this military duty to protect the state. Someone really went for the idea, someone not for it, but simply for the country and from the bottom of the heart, and someone just because it was a given duty by law, and for non-fulfillment, strict punishment threatened. But this is also nothing unusual, our enemies, the same Germans, for example, all the same thing happened. After all, not all of them there were ideological “fascists” there, as we like to call them, and the existing political the system was far from sympathetic to everyone. But they also had their own state, at that time the same as it was, and in that state, again, the law, military duty and oath, and for violating or refusing to fulfill this duty by the law - severe punishment, up to death. So they fought, someone for the idea, and someone involuntarily. Like ours.

But there is one more aspect to all this - betrayal, collaboration, the transition to the enemy’s side and so on - the names are different, but the essence of the phenomenon is one. We do not like this topic and, if possible, try not to remember. But, as they say, you won’t erase a word from a song - it was as it was. The data and figures on this topic also exist different, and they are not fond of voicing them either in the USSR or in modern Russia. Apparently because the numbers are unflattering: according to various sources, in German military uniform, on the side of the enemy, that is, in the military and various auxiliary units of the armed forces and police of the Third Reich, from 890 thousand to one and a half million Soviet citizens voluntarily served during the Second World War. I would, for example, further take as a basis a cross from this, which, as it seems to me, is closer to the truth (the figures are also called 2 and 2,5 million, but I personally consider them very overpriced, and no adequate there is no documentary evidence of this data either). I’ll clarify again: it’s about Soviet citizens, without taking into account, for example, white emigrants and their descendants, who in these units also served in the amount of several tens of thousands of people, at least, but they were never USSR citizens. So who were all these people who crossed over to the enemy at a difficult time for their homeland? Often, the name of General Andrei Vlasov and his so-called “Russian Liberation Army” - ROA, appear on hearing in connection with the betrayal during the war. And all the traitors are often called "Vlasovites". But in reality, everything was a little more complicated.

The Germans often tried to “play” on the national question, and this was no exception with the peoples of the Soviet Union. Collaborant units were composed, as a rule, precisely on a national basis. That is, for example, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Turkestan, etc. separately, and ethnic Russians in these units almost never existed. But in the "Russian" units under the German command, in reality, one could meet not only Russians, but often simply Russian-speaking representatives of almost all the peoples of the USSR. If everything is described in a very short way, then by the very end of the war, the ROA, under the command of General Vlasov, was transformed into the Armed Forces of KONR (KONR, organized by Vlasov and his associates Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia), and into these "armed forces", although purely nominally, all “Russian” formations are scattered all over Europe, and at that time were somehow subordinate to the German command — 3 incomplete divisions of the ROA itself, aviation and air defense units, Cossack units, various intelligence schools and propaganda courses, construction and police units, formed from Russian collaborators of the SS, camp protection, etc. etc. At the same time, all other purely national units remained so. So the total maximum, albeit purely statistical, number of these very “VS KONR” under the command of Vlasov, and they, just notice, included the bulk of the former white emigrants who also considered themselves Russian, amounted (according to various sources, again the same) from 120 to 150 thousand people. That is, a completely natural question arises: if there are “Russians” in the total number of traitors, well, even if 150 thousand and with white emigrants together, so from whom does this rest plus / minus a million people recruit? And it just turns out that from the "fraternal" peoples of the USSR ... Here is such mathematics. That is, in the tendency of our “brothers” to run over to the side of the enemy in difficult times, it turns out that there is nothing new.

Soviet fraternity in modern realities

But let's move on. And what do we have now and in the recent past with the "fraternal" peoples? You can recall, for example, things that happened not even with Russians by nationality, but with Russian-speaking people in general, who at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union found themselves in the territories of national republics. But nothing good happened to them there, to put it mildly. Under the influence of sharply aggravated nationalist sentiments, almost everywhere these citizens began to be subjected to severe discrimination and humiliation, restrictions on their rights, and often came to cases of mass bloodshed and even killings, which can be described as actions that have signs of genocide. People were forcibly expelled from their places of residence, housing and property acquired over the years were taken away. There were even armed conflicts on a national basis. All this ultimately led to a mass exodus of the Russian-speaking population, for example, from the Central Asian republics or Transcaucasia. In addition to Ukraine and Belarus, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, attacks by a nationalist-minded local population against Russian-speaking fellow citizens began in almost all the former republics. But Ukraine has more than caught up with this “lag” now. Apart from the very specific situation historically prevailing in the Baltic states, in all other places over the past 30 years, the attitude towards the Russian-speaking minority has calmed down noticeably, however, state regimes in most of the former Soviet republics can hardly be considered fully “fraternal” in relation to the Russian Federation.

You can also look at the results of economic interaction. It would seem that during the existence of a common Soviet state, a jointly built and totally interconnected economy should historically predetermine successful economic cooperation in the future. But here everything is not quite as rosy as we would like. And this is despite all the various reciprocal preferential conditions that exist between the former republics of the Union, for example, free trade and the movement of capital and labor within the Eurasian countries (today full-fledged members of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Tajikistan + Moldova in observer status). Here are the data on the mutual trade turnover of the Russian Federation with our "fraternal" countries for 2018 (in billions of dollars):

Kazakhstan - 18,2; Uzbekistan - 4,3; Armenia - 1,9; Kyrgyzstan - 1,8; Azerbaijan - 2,48; Georgia - 1,35; Moldova - 1,56; Tajikistan - 0,89. I do not give figures for Ukraine and the Baltic states, since there are currently obvious problems with the "brotherhood".

And now, for comparison, trade data for the same period with our typical "enemies", if you look at historical parallels, the axis "Berlin-Rome-Tokyo" (billion dollars):

Germany - 60,1; Italy - 24,5; Japan - 19,5. It should be added that these figures reflect the state of things after four years of hard anti-Russian sanctions that these states support, the FRG and Italy are the main members of the NATO block hostile to us, and with Japan, now the main US ally in the Far East, since World War II we have not yet signed a peace treaty and there are even unresolved territorial claims. It was these countries that were the instigators of the last world war and directly aggression against the Soviet Union. That is, by no means "brothers" and not even friends at all.

Another NATO member and our long-standing and eternal adversary, Turkey - $ 25,6 billion.

Someone, probably, can object, say, like: well, you can’t compare the former Soviet republics with the leading economies of the world and the largest states ... Perhaps. Well then, let’s take another example, also one of those who attacked us together with the Germans during the Second World War, fought against us, and now also joins NATO and, even on this basis, does not behave particularly friendly towards Russia, well, in short, also definitely not “brothers”:

Slovakia, a country with a population of incomplete 5,5 million people, the industry “cried”, in 2018 had a turnover of 5,9 billion dollars with the Russian Federation; Czech Republic, with a population of 10 million people - $ 8,6 billion, Romania - $ 4,9 billion, Hungary - almost $ 9 billion.

Or is Poland, why not an enemy? And trade turnover in 2018 was $ 21,7 billion, while compared to 2017, it grew by 42,9%! This is with all the sanctions, customs barriers, the ban on apples, membership in NATO, US bases and hostile political machinations. It somehow strange turns out that we have with our “enemies” a kind of even more active economic relationship than with our “brothers” in the Soviet past, with whom we once fought shoulder to shoulder against these same enemies ...

By the way, all these new NATO troops were also called “brothers” just recently - according to the socialist camp, CMEA, the Warsaw Pact, and there were also “brotherly” peoples, for example, Cuba, Angola and Mozambique, Vietnam and Kampuche, and so on. further, many of whom also constantly received “fraternal” military and economic assistance from us, and if, in truth, they simply, so to speak, sat on our neck, hanging their legs and chatting gaily in the air ...

Is it time to finally draw conclusions?

Based on the above, the question arises: What is better, to have such “brothers” from whom we don’t even know when and what to expect, or, although not “native”, but simply pragmatic and quite predictable business partners, whose relations are built exclusively on a basis for balanced and mutual benefit? And in general, what is this concept of “brotherly people” or “brotherly country”? What, for example, does the USA have any “fraternal” states? Do India? Or France? Maybe in China? No, no one has. At Austria? Did the Austrians also once once with Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Yugoslavs and so on around them, lived in the same Austro-Hungarian empire? But for some reason they do not consider them all as “brothers,” like the Germans, and the Swiss, who are spoken with in the same language, also somehow do not record themselves in close relatives. Everyone just lives for himself in his own country and observe only their own national interests.

On the other hand, there is an example of Germany, the two parts of which, forcibly separated from each other as a result of a lost war and occupation, reunited, and this made the country stronger and more powerful. This is one people, one whole. There is a construction of the Union State of the Russian Federation and Belarus, with which we, too, are, in fact, a single people. Yes, there are problems, but they are also in families between close relatives. And besides, breaking something is always easier and faster than rebuilding. The same Germans also face this for three decades after the unification. But it normal.

So I think so: do you want a family? - welcome! But then let's live together, build our common home, and stand for each other always and in everything, no matter what happens. Then all this really makes sense and the future.

But to write to ourselves in the “brothers” those who ran away from us in their own corners as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I think it’s not very reasonable. Moreover, the "fraternal" relationship implies something radically more than a simple good neighborliness. And then these citizens then enjoy all their “fraternal” rights and privileges with pleasure, but somehow we are not in a hurry to reciprocate. I don’t see something in Syria of the troops of the CSTO member countries. And how is it that our “brothers” have still not recognized the reunification of Crimea with Russia? Where is their support for our UN resolutions? Where is the position on the "Kerch incident"? Why are the "fraternal" former republics of the USSR in no hurry to take retaliatory sanctions against the same US and EU, which have been strangling our economy for the fifth year with their illegal sanctions? Where is at least a nominal outrage by the US actions against our diplomatic property or participation in solving the situation in eastern Ukraine? ... But there is nothing like that! Where are you, brothers? Aw-u ... When we really need you, for some reason you’re not being around anymore. But when you need something from us, you are right there right away, with kindred smiles and hugs ...

Well, why do we need such “brothers”? ...
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  1. +3
    17 May 2019 11: 48
    So the fact of the matter is that the myth of fraternal peoples is inflated only in the Russian Federation.
    For decades, as the rest, they have been trying to explain to Russia that there are no bros, but there are international relations between countries that are held together by various treaties.
    But the Russian Federation point blank does not want to understand this request
    1. +1
      18 May 2019 08: 35
      This is not your mustachioed talking about brotherhood? When money is needed, he sings like a nightingale. And everyone else is the same.
      1. 0
        18 May 2019 09: 53
        And you listen to him more, he still will not whip laughing
        1. -1
          18 May 2019 21: 36
          Then give up oil, metals, gas, everything. Including from benefits when selling their products in the Russian Federation (and not only their own - imported too). Give up everything. Let's construct a normal boundary. We have nowhere to go, we have to create everything anew for ourselves, as in the USSR. Well, nothing - we have EVERYTHING except pineapples and bananas (and they, they say, are already grown). The question is for you - how long will you exist with your goods, which in the West are not needed by ANYONE? Take the same Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians ... and generally all. They ALL have an economy in) I (op. Poles only hold on due to the fact that the EU subsidizes them (well, the rest of the "Young Europeans" too). Remind me - when does this aid from the EU end? Then we'll see who and what Do you think psheki are so-so under the amers in a sprint way? No, they perfectly understand WHAT they are threatened with the termination of subsidies from the EU. If you think that the EU NOW will subsidize you (or the Americans), then look at the former USSR or Baltic territory - this awaits you in the future.
          1. 0
            24 May 2019 10: 14
            But we will not give up bully
            So far, we are satisfied good
            1. +1
              29 May 2019 10: 04
              Well then, do not tweet! Therefore, we will complete the Union State - we will do everything as it should.
              1. 0
                29 May 2019 12: 59
                And this is not a question for us, but for our king tongue
                1. -1
                  29 May 2019 15: 09
                  And your business is veal then. laughing
  2. +2
    17 May 2019 11: 58
    there were almost no ethnic Russians in these units

    - complete nonsense! But I don’t understand why?


    • Armed Forces of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) (1 army, 4 corps, 8 divisions, 8 brigades).
    • Russian Liberation Army of the Congress for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (3 divisions, 2 brigades).
    • Russian Liberation Army of the Wehrmacht - 12 security corps, 13 divisions, 30 brigades.
    • Russian Liberation People's Army - 5 regiments, 18 battalions.
    • Russian National People's Army - 3 regiments, 12 battalions.
    • Russian National Army - 2 regiments, 12 battalions.
    • KONR Air Force (KONR Aviation Corps) - 87 aircraft, 1 air group, 1 regiment.
    • 582nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 11 battalions.
    • 583rd security (Estonian-Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 10 battalions.
    • 584nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 6 battalions.
    • 590th security Cossack (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 4 battalions.
    • 580th security Cossack (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 1 regiment, 9 battalions.
    • 532nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 13 battalions.
    • 559nd security (Russian) corps of the Wehrmacht - 7 battalions.
    • Russian Legion "White Cross" of the Wehrmacht - 4 battalions.
    • "Special Division" Russia "" General Smyslovsky - 1 regiment, 12 battalions.
    Abwehr Brigades
    • Brigade "Graukopf" - "RNNA" General Ivanov - 1 regiment, 5 battalions.
    • 442nd Special Purpose - 2 regiments of the ROA.
    • 136nd Special Purpose - 2 regiments of the ROA.
    • 210th Special Purpose Stationary Infantry (Coastal Defense) - 1 regiment, 2 separate ROA battalions.
    • Russian security corps of the Wehrmacht in Serbia - 1 brigade, 5 regiments.
    • Russian "People's Guard" of the General Commissariat "Moscow" (Rear Area of ​​the Army Group "Center") - 13 battalions, 1 cavalry division.
    • 15th Special Purpose Mountain Rifle Corps of the 2nd Tank Army:
    • Russians - 1 security corps, 5 regiments, Croatian - 2 divisions, 6 regiments.
    • 69th Special Purpose Corps of the 2nd Panzer Army: Russian - 1 division, 8 regiments, Croatian - 1 division, 3 regiments.

    Very noticeable about the actual number of Russians who fought on Hitler’s side, says the fact that when 1943, Hitler demanded that all Russians be removed from the Eastern Front and transferred to the Western Front, the generals grabbed their heads: this was impossible, because every fifth on the Eastern Front was then Russian.
    1. +3
      17 May 2019 12: 21
      Syoma, you have to read the text carefully before you bother to list such a list!

      ... Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Turkestan, etc. separately, and ethnic Russians in these units almost never happened. But in the "Russian" units under the German command, in reality, one could meet not only Russians, but often simply Russian-speaking representatives of almost all the peoples of the USSR.

      There were also plenty of Russians, but not in the Georgian units, for example, or of the same Galicia division ...
      Of the Russians, there were other units, "Russians", which later formed the basis of the KONR Armed Forces.
    2. +1
      17 May 2019 17: 54
      Again, you, Samen, are scattering according to the State Department manual, just like Nikita Isaev or Gozman .... Yes, at that difficult and terrible time we had our own mazeps and Vlasovs, but, based on what you wrote above, who then fought with the Nazis on the Soviet side, if all of our military escaped to the enemy camp? Ek from the USSR and Russia sausages you that even weave all crap on these pages.
      1. -2
        18 May 2019 08: 38
        Put a plus!
  3. +4
    17 May 2019 12: 44
    Good article, colleague! Tough, bitter, but, alas - the truth, as a rule, there is no other.
    It is high time to change the "brotherly" approach to something more pragmatic and corresponding to modern realities.
    And, nevertheless, I want to believe that the brotherhood of Great, Lesser and White Russia will nevertheless be reborn.
    1. +1
      17 May 2019 13: 19
      I agree. So I wrote

      do you want a family? - welcome! But then let's live together, build our common home, and stand for each other always and in everything, no matter what happens. Then all this really makes sense and the future.
      1. +1
        18 May 2019 21: 48
        Alexey, you are not entirely accurate in the definition of "brotherhood-non-brotherhood". The problem is much broader than what you pointed out. In fact, the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian peoples are one people divided by national quarters, who invented (just look at THIS - Oleg RB (Oleg).Because he writes in Russian (I am sure that he thinks the same way), BUT he is already positioning himself NOT RUSSIAN!!!) ..........
        It’s the same as taking Komi, Mordovians, Chuvashs and saying that these are other nations and they have nothing to do with the Russians. After all, IT IS NOW AND DO !!! Not only have the Russian people ALREADY been divided into Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, so now crushing is carried out directly in Russia itself.
        Those who wanted to divide us, partly already achieved their goal ... They still have a little more - to start a nationalist war within Russia itself.
        This is sadness ...
        1. +2
          18 May 2019 22: 31
          Yes, everything is correct, but I mean that it will be enough for us, perhaps, to love all brotherly one-sidedly and unrequitedly. Let it be decided - we consider them brothers, and they, for their part, behave like brothers? In the end, it's a shame, of course, but we will live without them, but they will not be fed with their "independence", and they will not be fed WHERE they look and lick their lips, they will only promise geese with apples, and then they throw in the gnawed bones, for which they will never pay off afterwards
          1. +1
            19 May 2019 08: 46
            Here, yes - that's right. It just infuriates me that people like the first commentator, not understanding ANYTHING in the economy of their country, argue with a claim to the ultimate truth. These people do not understand that their entire economy was sharpened and integrated into joint interaction with the economy of the Russian Federation. And if they destroy interaction, then their enterprises are suitable ONLY for scrap metal, because the nomenclature and products of these enterprises are not needed by anyone in Europe, and even more so in 3,14ndostan. They are complete NäN0ty when they reason with a clever air that “Omeriga will help us !!!”. Don't they understand this, don't they see it? ................... There is a suspicion that they simply do not want to see it (this is like with small children - if they close their eyes, then there is no danger, she, like , disappears). Otherwise, if they UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING PERFECTLY, then they are provocateurs and enemies of their country, their people.
  4. 0
    17 May 2019 15: 08
    And what are the others? Let's put these aside, and then it will go like clockwork - Chechens, Dagestanis and hundreds of other nationalities inhabiting Russia. The result will be Russia within the MKAD ... and that is not a fact
    1. +2
      17 May 2019 15: 40
      Chechens, Dagestanis and other peoples inhabiting Russia they live in it, and did not separate from us anywhere. Look at the comments a little higher - if you live together, then yes, then we are one family, and if each in their own corners and looks in the opposite direction, where they will give more or at least promise, then what kind of brotherhood is this?
      1. 0
        18 May 2019 11: 01
        didn’t separate? quickly you forgot the Chechen wars ... by the way, the Chechen experience shows that a return is possible ... the question is desire and resources
        1. +1
          18 May 2019 13: 59
          Yes, there are problems, but they are also in families between close relatives.

          ... is the answer from the text. Everything was. But after all, THEY REMAINED, we live all together, and the Chechens, by the way, in Syria, for example, and many more are still doing their most important work for the whole country. And this is the main point.
    2. 0
      18 May 2019 21: 50
      That's it - and I'm talking about the same thing! Already divided. Remained in Russia itself ...
  5. +2
    17 May 2019 16: 30
    Separatism - taking advantage of the confusion tore off a piece of territory with the population, they appointed themselves power. How can this be justified for the population, who have had a good life before, who do not want to protect the new government? And it is necessary to instill a certain peculiarity, even completely invented - "Ukraine is not Russia." And they inspire! But there are always those who remember the blood relationship, and they remind: not strangers, but brothers to us, just forgotten. It cannot be denied that relatives can shit much more than strangers.
    The "siblings" are united by a common culture, which takes a long time to develop, in contrast to the grammar of Newspeak. Look around: the new independent have abandoned the common Russian culture, they are creating new languages, they are inventing history - but they have not created masterpieces of culture! You can write cultural achievements, appoint luminaries - but if there are no high-level masterpieces - There is no culture, there is no special people.
    In a certain kingdom, they want to change the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin - and it turns out that the people have completely stopped reading books, especially in the national language ....
    It is necessary to remember the brothers, no matter what. But the relationship needs to be built as with someone else's family: separated - so please observe etiquette.
  6. +2
    17 May 2019 19: 39
    Decision No. GOKO-4322ss of October 13, 1943

    State Defense Committee
    Decision No. GOKO-4322ss of October 13, 1943
    Moscow Kremlin.

    About conscription
    The State Defense Committee decides:

    Conscripts of local nationalities are not subject to draft: Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republics, Dagestan, Chechen-Ingush, Kabardino-Balkarian, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics and Adygea and Karachay, areas.

    -No comments....

    -Such, brother ... business ... -Who cares, they can find and read everything about it in detail ...
    -So ... - "fraternal peoples" ...- these are "fraternal peoples" .. but "tobacco is still apart" ...
    -In due time, Siberia was so raked to the front (including all my relatives) that some teenagers remained ...
    -And today, already in the topic "The United States was scared of the Chechen special forces" already someone "17085 (Dmitriy)" ... already decided to scare me with the Chechen special forces ... ..
    1. 0
      18 May 2019 08: 12
      As of 1941, the population of Azerbaijan is 3,4 million people. 600 thousand people went to the front. Four Azerbaijani national divisions were formed.
      My grandfather fought and reached Vienna.
      Decision No. GOKO-4322ss of October 13, 1943

      4. To oblige the Komvoiski of the Transcaucasian Front to allocate 1943 people for two months (November, December 30.000). trained ordinary and sergeant, suitable for military service, and to transfer to the replenishment of units of the army under the direction of the head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  7. +2
    17 May 2019 22: 50
    All that is needed is pragmatism in relations with these brothers. Although, if you push them away, they will be under the United States, which will be happy to give loans, benefits until these bros are divorced from Russia. That is, as is happening with Ukraine now. Thus, we will give them ourselves to the mouth of the United States and thereby allow us to become at our borders. So we need to somehow get along with our neighbors, but not with our little brothers.
  8. +1
    17 May 2019 23: 16
    In order to answer the question: "Are such brothers needed?" It is necessary to look at Russia with their eyes, and we will see a huge discrepancy with the format of the USSR and even more so with the Russian Empire. The current format of the Russian Federation gives practically nothing (except for some financial support) to our brothers. In the Russian Federation, there is no idea for rallying around itself not only new but also old fraternal peoples. Restore the Russian Empire and after a while all the brothers will again reach out to us. For obvious reasons, I do not insist on the restoration of the USSR.
    1. +1
      18 May 2019 17: 55
      Absolutely correct remark. Modern Russia does not look attractive in the eyes of most former brothers.
      Russia is building capitalism. So what is the attractiveness of Russian capitalism from American? Sorry generously, but American capitalism seems preferable to Russian. Offer a different form of existence and will be drawn to you. For example, the USSR proposed a formula for social equality. Whether execution failed or failed, why it failed, we will not consider now. But the USSR of the mid-20th century looked attractive enough for half the globe. What can Russia offer now? 5 varieties of sausages against 20 American? Or change the local oligarch to Russian?
      Are you indignant that "brothers" have become "not brothers" to you? In vain. Resent the fact that the oligarchs and the people have become "not brothers".
      Who is closer to you? Non-Russian worker at the field or Russian oligarch from Rublevka?
      1. +1
        18 May 2019 19: 43
        I completely agree that at the moment the Russian Federation does not have a clear concept of its own course, and therefore there is really nothing to offer. But perhaps this "something" could be found together with those who really want it ... There are indications, at least not of a political, but of a purely moral nature, where the so-called modern "Western values" are neither for us, nor for the majority of peoples the former USSR do not smile in any way ...
        I fundamentally disagree with the rest - I don't understand why American capitalism is better and more attractive than Russian one? Only the fact that "it's good there, where we are not" - in terms of the oligarchy, everything will be cooler than ours, with sausage, I think, in the Russian Federation now, too, everything is no worse than overseas, there would be funds, but I generally keep quiet about social issues, in the United States, for example, this is very difficult ... It is only underdeveloped individuals who think that the West today is a "sweet West" like in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century, for a long time everything is completely different ...
        1. +1
          18 May 2019 20: 20
          The West is not sweet. I've traveled around the world. And I saw not five-star hotels, but workers. Even the engineers were real hard workers. And I know that life is difficult everywhere. But .... what I have always envied in the West is the judicial system. There is no need to focus on individual cases. In general, the Law protects people there. Social security system (if you worked, of course). There are many positives. When I was in the States for the first time (mid-90s), it wasn't roads, sausage or jeans that struck me. I am indifferent to this. The slogan "It is all about people and always will be" made a huge impression on me. As the coordinator told me, America is a country where those who felt bad at home came and decided to build a country for themselves. Do we scold their selfishness? This is their conscious choice. "Every man for himself. One God for all"
          Yes, they built their wealth by plunder and wars. The United States has robbed the whole world and therefore Russia will never reach the heights that Western Civilization has reached. Today's Russia is on a dead-end path of development. You cannot copy the western path. And they decided to discard their own. Hence the loss of "brothers".
          1. 0
            18 May 2019 20: 57
            Not everything is so bad, Bakhtiyar, do not be a pessimist wink The West has reached a dead end today, and the stolen money also ends sometime ... We, in my opinion, have just passed our dead end, and now we are poking into different corners, in search of a new path, God forbid we will wait until he will be found ... although not a fact. But our Western "friends" are just waiting for all the delights of getting into a dead end, and we will definitely see this in the next 10-15 years, mark my word ...
            1. +2
              19 May 2019 00: 35
              I just consider the capitalist path of development to be a "dead end". And Russia is building capitalism.
              I would like to be optimistic, but so far I see no reason.
            2. -2
              19 May 2019 08: 51
              Alexei, but when the money and the loot is over - then another world war will begin. And since the rest of the world has ALREADY been plundered, only Russia remains. The question is - against whom will the world war begin ??? .......... the answer is obvious ...
              1. 0
                19 May 2019 13: 51
                Well ... I hope that this your prediction still does not come true in the foreseeable future ...
                1. 0
                  20 May 2019 06: 45
                  We all hope so ...
          2. +1
            19 May 2019 08: 52
            You confuse tourism with emigration. You equate the quality of life with the dubious parameters of THEIR social networks and high salaries by your standards.
            And please answer, what kind of “heights” has the West achieved, of which we will never reach? (I had to live in France and work)

            For example:

            In the field of culture.
            Morality and morality.
            Of freedom. (yes yes don't be surprised)
            Scientific and technological progress.
            Resource provision of the country (both natural and human)
            No matter how strange social welfare.
            Opportunities to find work.
            An opportunity to get a quality higher education in any university of the country.
            The defense of the country.
            Personal qualities of the population.
            Crime level
            Freedom of movement even within the borders of one’s own country.
            The possibility of quality rest of the person.
            About sincere friendship, love, compassion, mutual assistance, even about our kitchen.
            Let's compare.
            1. +1
              19 May 2019 09: 12
              You can compare. In many ways, the West is ahead. Have you seen many pensioners in Russia who are taken twice a year for excursions around the country with accommodation in excellent hotels? Or once a year abroad? I saw in Norway. Have you seen many pensioners who live in very, very good apartments with full state security? I have seen in America. Education? They have higher - believe me, I had the opportunity to compare. You are considering a couple of metropolitan universities, I saw guys and girls from South Africa, France, the Philippines, Indonesia. My chief was from Indonesia, the head of the party from the Philippines. There were several Russians, but just a few. Mutual assistance? And they have it well developed.

              The question is not in comparison. We are talking about the same thing. Capitalism is not the most correct path of development. This is a dead-end road. Capitalism, by its very nature, will lead to war. It is necessary. But Russia chose this very path of development after 1991. And she began to lose "brothers". Tell me, why should I be friends with Russia if the West gives me much more? Many words have been said here about pragmatism. Well, from this point of view, it is much more profitable for me to be friends with the West than with Russia. I don’t like it, but what exactly can Russia offer to its former "brothers"? Personally, the West offered me an excellent job in my specialty, an excellent salary, a bunch of social benefits, the opportunity to travel around the world (except for Antarctica, I was on all continents) and made a trip around the world like Magellan. And he gave me a pension, which I would never have seen in Russia in my life.

              This is my "selfish interest". But I would give all this for the opportunity to live in the USSR. Putin said "whoever dreams of the revival of the USSR has no head." Roughly speaking - why do I need a poor owner if I can sell myself to a rich man? Offer me other conditions and I will come to you with joy.
              1. 0
                19 May 2019 09: 29
                Why should Russia again? In particular, is there something to offer someone? To be called brothers? I pose the question differently. WHAT THEY CAN OFFER TO USso that I consider them brothers? What, besides the dubious imperialism and sick pride of some of our imperials?
                1. +1
                  19 May 2019 09: 36
                  The article is called "Does Russia need brothers?" And the pragmatic issue is mainly considered. I answer. No one owes nothing to nobody. Forget brothers.
                  I ask, what can Russia offer not in material terms? Read carefully. What can Russia offer in return for the Western model? You abandoned yours yourself. Well then, there’s nothing to crush the water in the mortar. In material terms, the West is preferable.
                  If Russia offers something tempting INTANGIBLE, then we can discuss it.

                  Found a Bulgarian and a Russian treasure
                  Russian - well, brother, will we share everything fraternally?
                  Bulgarian - do not fraternally. Let's get it better!
                  1. +2
                    19 May 2019 09: 58
                    I’ll try to ask again: why should we offer something (it sounds like to impose) on nations that we don’t want to see as brothers?
                    Based on the INTERESTS of Russia, at one stage or another of development, Russia can offer a lot. Like Syria, for example, protection. Or Venezuela. Or China - support at all levels of international relations, mutually beneficial economic and military-technical cooperation. Moreover, we do not call the Syrians, Venezuelans and Chinese the brothers. And who we call by the inertia of Soviet morality, we get nothing but hemorrhoids and problems.
                    Let me bring you to a simple thought. Until we ourselves reach a high level of development in all spheres of life, it is impossible to cover up the dirty ass of mythical brothers. They will throw and still will call us invaders. And when we leave, they will crawl themselves. And then, selectively it will be necessary to take them into our “orbit”.
                    On the example of Ukraine. The wife went to the tractor on a neighboring farm. He had it in all holes for many years, turned it into a poor and shabby old woman. She wants to go back. Which of normal men will notice this back?
                    1. +1
                      19 May 2019 10: 05
                      If you do not want to offer anything, then the article itself does not make sense. Do not want to be brothers, and therefore will not. Be consistent. Don't need brothers? Will not be brothers. What are we talking about?
                      Can't you see that for almost 30 years no one (NOBODY) has crawled back.
                      This is from the Carnegie Moscow Center. Doesn't it seem to you that you are close in something?

                      «The fact that we do not have and will not have allies is not a tragedy". According to Trenin, Russia must now rely on “situational alliances concluded for a certain period of time in order to achieve specific tasks”

                      And this is a slightly different opinion.

                      «Russia does not offer an image of the future now - only an image of the present". Against the background of the fact that the United States, the European Union and China offer their images of the future, on the contrary, this puts us in an emphasized disadvantage - a situation from which it is absolutely impossible to get out at once. But it is necessary to get out of it - it remains only to understand how.

                      These are just people who consider themselves analysts and political scientists to express their opinion. Just a month ago.
                      1. +1
                        19 May 2019 11: 38
                        System error in your judgment. You are a smart person, but begin to switch to demagogy.
                        The concepts of “brother” and “ally” should not be confused. What we do. Fraternal relations imply brotherhood. Like a family. Brother will die for brother, brother will give the last for brother and brother, brother will never give up, will not betray, will not deceive, will not cheat, will not use you because of his commercialism, he will cherish the common history, increase and protect family common values ​​.. .
                        I am absolutely categorically against such a "fraternity" in interstate relations, because they simply do not exist. There was one case with one state that users had, milked, used, and. It’s about the state, to the detriment of itself, and first of all, the civilizationally determining nation, the Russian person, has been running around the world from naked. And everyone called brothers. USSR. The false, Jesuit "brotherhood" on the part of the nations and nationalities known to you, has been confirmed by the last 28 years.
                        The concept of "ally" is a completely different hypostasis. An alliance (maybe even a temporary one) for achieving, promoting, protecting, etc. MUTUAL to a certain state of interests. When goals and objectives coincide and are MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE and MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL.
                        He, this ally, like us, should not be imposed, offer something ONE-SIDED. It is enough just the necessary minimum of points of contact to jointly achieve a specific goal. Trenin is absolutely right. Regarding the "future" that the United States, Europe and China offer ?????
                      2. +2
                        19 May 2019 12: 00
                        This is not demagogy, as you say, but a misunderstanding of the essence of the state, as an institution of power. Whose power is it? The generally accepted position is the power of the people. Whether it is being implemented or not is another question. So from this point of view you are absolutely right that there are no brothers. Well, the Germans and Austrians do not talk about fraternal feelings. Language, culture alone, but no brothers. Neither Ukraine nor Belarus are fraternal in terms of statehood. There is no question about Kazakhstan at all. Although present in the title of the article.
                        So - in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine there are peoples and they have quite definite interests. Which often don't match. There can be no talk of any fraternal relations between the STATES. Russia basically does not work with peoples. Russia is working with the elite of these states. Result? The people see the alienation of the oligarchy from their interests and go to "where the water is deeper." The economic opportunities of the West and Russia are incomparable. Consequently, the people will look for "visa-free" and Western values. They are simply more attractive from a philistine point of view.
                        I just don’t understand the suicidal desire to stay in the enemy environment.
                        A concrete example of not fraternal, but business relations is Azerbaijan-Russia. We have investments from Russia of more than $ 4 billion, almost a thousand firms from Russia work in Azerbaijan. Dozens of joint ventures. Azerbaijan has purchased more than $ 5 billion worth of weapons from the Russian defense industry. But we are clearly not brothers.
                        Whether we will be allies depends on ... I don’t know from whom.
                      3. +2
                        19 May 2019 11: 50
                        What future does America offer? Ask any European, he does not see the future in the coming decades. What model can China offer so that Russia puts it on itself? Ideological and political? Economic? Cultural-humanitarian or civilizational-progressive?
                        Do not make me laugh.
                      4. +2
                        19 May 2019 12: 09
                        Didn't you put the country in the spaces? This article is from the National Interest "Does America Need Allies or Freeloaders?" The country in the spaces is the USA. How the opinions of patriots of Russia and America converge.

                        America is able to offer jeans and chewing gum, Hollywood and sausage, GPS and F-35, investment, technology. Or it could ban Sberbank from working in Crimea, transfer aluminum to US jurisdiction, force Russian Railways not to send trains to Crimea, and arrest any citizen anywhere in the world as the head of the Huawei company.

                        The whole world sees this and draws conclusions. And for some reason the world is not funny ...
                      5. +1
                        19 May 2019 19: 13
                        You do not carefully read my posts. Russia may respond to the United States and Geyrope several times more painfully. You can’t even imagine how painful and catastrophic for neither we can answer.
                        But as the country answers, all of whose highest authority keeps stolen money in accounts in London and Switzerland, it has castles and mansions with villas in the West, whose children study and live in the West. If the spokesperson for the President of Russia has Real Estate Abroad, her daughter lives abroad, she did an internship in the EU, which kicked Russia out at the time when he had a watch for $ 500000 ... And this is one of the people closest to Putin. As for the clock, he said that it was a gift from his wife)))) where did they come from in. Diamonds, if this poor fellow earned extra money by dancing on ice.,
                        To dig ANY minister, the majority of deputies, senators, governors - the same picture.
                        And will these canals do something serious against the West? All their anti-contagion rhetoric is for our ears. And as it comes to serious counter-measures, they quietly include the back.
                      6. +1
                        19 May 2019 22: 24
                        I can tell you the same thing. You are inattentively reading my posts. We have no disagreement on basic issues. Russia, of course, can answer very painfully. And even non-military methods. I have long been proposing the imposition of sanctions and embargoes on the supply of any goods to the West. About 6 months. No longer needed.
                        And I also completely agree with you that in Russia power is in the hands of the comprador bourgeoisie. Well, so do we. And throughout the post-Soviet space. So you don't have to talk about "brotherhood" at all. Power prefers to sell itself to a rich client.
                        I just do not understand the lamentations about the bad attitude towards Russia. And what should it be if there is no Russian national elite in the Kremlin? I once said "I have to admit that the last truly Russian ruler was the Georgian Dzhugashvili."
                      7. +2
                        19 May 2019 22: 39
                        For Russia, "badly" have been around for about 1000 years. Even in the time of Alexander Nevsky, who dispersed the veche, the Vatican reproached Russia for the absence of "democracy"! You will be surprised, but this is not a banter, but the true truth.
                        The more, more persistently and more rigidly we will defend the interests of our state, the more they will hate and envy us. This is not a problem that Russia simply does not pay attention to. In addition to the "elite" - corrupt and cowardly rulers.
                      8. +1
                        19 May 2019 22: 46
                        Well, I seem to know the story. If not great, but I know something. A crusade against schismatics was announced by the Pope as early as 1256. And then Pope Clement the 6th declared: "Russians are enemies of the Catholic Church"
                        But now in Ukraine they want to subordinate the Orthodox Church to the Catholic. So what? And nothing. Orthodox are silent.
                      9. 0
                        20 May 2019 07: 38
                        Originally ... You, Bakht, quote the statements of those who are ministers of the enemies of Russia ... Do you consider them experts in Russia?
                        "Carnegie Moscow Center" - aka "Carnegie Moscow Endowment." The center is funded by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The "fund" itself is one of the divisions funded by the US Department of Defense, the US National Intelligence Council, the US State Department, and Soros's Open Society Institute ... and so on. etc.
                        At different times, the supervisory board included (and includes) - Gaidar E.T., Nemtsov B.E., Pozner V.V., Ryzhkov V.A., Yavlinsky G.A. ...
                        At one of the conferences (in 16, it seems) the Russian Economic Challenge, (the Carnegie Moscow Center is the organizer), the question was considered why in Russia it is not possible to organize a "color revolution" like the Ukrainian one.
                        And THIS you give us an example ???
                        "Well, you give a pancake!"
                        Bahit, I didn’t think that THESE are Russian experts for you ... It’s a pity ...
                        And about the meanings and vision of the future - the time has not come yet ... It will come.
                      10. +1
                        20 May 2019 07: 53
                        I quote from the Carnegie Center and compare it with the comments on this site. You read these sentences from my post?

                        This is from the Carnegie Moscow Center. Doesn't it seem to you that you are close in something?
                        These are just people considering themselves analysts and political scientists expressed their opinion.

                        The Carnegie Center also believes that Russia’s allies are not needed.
                      11. -1
                        20 May 2019 08: 39
                        Again, you refer to them ... Do they mean light to you through the window, are there no other sources? Or are these your colleagues and teachers?
                      12. +1
                        20 May 2019 08: 46
                        Do not you understand? I have now cited, not a link to the Carnegie Center, but repeated my words. Google the Internet. More than half of the comments on the network agree with this opinion. Including in this discussion.
                      13. -1
                        20 May 2019 13: 17
                        You just do not understand me. lol I’m talking about what you’re talking about. lol
                        But seriously, then take SUCH and SUCH as an example or as a consonance of your own words ... how would it be more polite to say not to offend or insult you (nevertheless, we don’t seem to swear to death) ... well, it’s not normal . After all, they are enemies ... even hidden, even explicit.
                      14. +2
                        20 May 2019 15: 20
                        We are about the same thing. I gave the opinion of the head of the Carnegie Center that Russia does not need allies. Judging by the comments, the majority of Russians adhere to the same opinion.
                        Discard the opponent’s opinion only because quoting from an enemy camp is not a smart way. I often quote from Brzezinski, Kissinger and other enemies. I use the library of the Sakharov Center and watch the polls of the Levada Center. This suggests that I am not an ostrich.

                        Again. The opinion of the head of the Carnegie Center reflects the opinion of the majority of Russians that allies are not needed. "Such allies" are not needed. And there won't be others.

                        You do not want to listen to this opinion? I do not dare to impose. Check the internet. This is the opinion of most Russians.
                      15. +1
                        21 May 2019 10: 03
                        But here, yes - why do we need allies? These are situational parasites. As one of the famous said - an ally can betray ... an enemy - never. We see all this throughout the history of Russia. And all these Kornegins are uttering banal things that everyone knows and so in Russia. Therefore, the article, by and large, is not about "brothers-non-brothers", but about relatives who have become enemies. Nobody calls them (or you - whatever you like) to be allies - you or Russians (whatever nationality you are) or not. Who is not - that tool of the enemy now or in the future, and this is not subject to dispute. This, I repeat once again, is a historical fact: the same "Galicians" were also once Russians. But the recoding made them the most ardent enemies of Russia. They will do the same with you, and if not with you, then with your children or grandchildren.
                        ps ... and yet - you could not pick up other sources of confirmation of your words? Surely this evil was brought here as evidence of your innocence (that's what I mean)?
                    2. 0
                      19 May 2019 10: 14
                      Question for fun

                      Thus, in search of the maximum number of allies, ______ created a whole brood of dependents. _______ suffered too long an outburst on the part of his allies, it is time ______ to begin to dump this burden from himself, and not to hope that someone will share it.

                      Can you insert a country instead of spaces?
                      1. 0
                        19 May 2019 10: 24
                        It is believed that Russia for two decades of independence has lost all those foreign friends who were from the Soviet Union. In this explanation, the following is proposed: the leadership of the USSR spent a lot of money trying to win the favor of foreigners. Financial injections supported the economy of developing countries, toiled by the European creative intelligentsia, provided an opportunity for students from abroad to get a good education. But nowadays in Russia it is not customary to throw away money, so everyone turned away from us. In actual fact, it turns out that the explanation, though convincing, is incorrect. “We should not mix in a bunch of those who sympathized with the USSR and those who are kind to Russia,” explains political analyst Sergei Markov. - With the Soviet Union were friends more for ideological reasons. There were quite a few people in Europe and in America who sympathized with the ideas of equality and fraternity, who were proclaimed by the communists who ruled our country. The location of foreigners to us was explained not by sympathy for felt boots, caviar or balalaika, but by the proximity of our then ideology. The American citizens Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed on the secrets of the nuclear bomb and paid for it with their lives, did not feel that they were traitors or traitors - they strengthened the country of workers and peasants, which they considered to be beyond the reach of the capitalists. And when our country abandoned the communist ideology, it immediately stopped sympathizing with all those who shared the ideas of Marx and Lenin. Would those same spouses Rosenberg risk their lives by transferring the atomic bomb drawings not to the Soviet, but to the Russian special services? In no case!"

                        Sergei Markov
                      2. +1
                        19 May 2019 11: 45
                        Markov in his old age to begin to blunt. He says that the Stoics do not need friends and brothers in Soviet tracing papers, then he recalls the Rosenbergs.
                        He forgets or does not intentionally say that Rosenberg, like Oppenheimer, the Coens and others working for us, wanted to spit on our ideology. They, as very clever and far-sighted scientists, foresaw the situation on the planet where one country would dominate, having a monopoly on nuclear weapons. As of the famous five, only Philby was sympathetic to the Union.
                        Markov dropped to the level of Kovtun.
                      3. 0
                        19 May 2019 12: 14
                        Well, this is a private opinion about the Markov level. Of course, participation in a talk show does not add intelligence, but I do not think that he is dumber than us
                      4. 0
                        19 May 2019 11: 39
                        My answer is above
                      5. +1
                        19 May 2019 21: 44
                        Thus, in search of the maximum number of allies, ______ created a whole brood of dependents. _______ suffered too long an outburst on the part of his allies, it is time ______ to begin to dump this burden from himself, and not to hope that someone will share it.

                        As a carbon copy says about the USSR! Dropped the dependents and the yoke in 1991 and thank God!
                        And I really hope that this will never happen again in our history.
                      6. +2
                        19 May 2019 22: 28
                        "Thrown off the yoke" and it immediately became easier to live? There are no brothers, no friends, no allies .... Why are you then surprised that there is a hostile environment around Russia?

                        There can be no half friends in our business. A half friend is always half an enemy.
                      7. +2
                        19 May 2019 22: 54
                        Much easier. Without the Baltic states, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Mozambique, Angola, Somalia, and dozens of 3 other countries that declared the social path of development for the exhaustion of resources from the USSR and received dollars from the Union by shipping containers from Maersk. And the USSR, first of all, of course, RSFSR, he lived from hand to mouth. You can find the table of production / consumption in the republics of the USSR. Non-subsidized in the USSR there were only 2 republics (((
                        Azerbaijan, for example. GDP per capita is 8,3 thousand dollars, and consumption is 16,7 ...
                      8. +1
                        19 May 2019 22: 58
                        I saw these tables. And the comparison and calculations are different. I ask - now life has become more satisfying? Has security improved?
                        Following your logic, it is urgent to withdraw troops from Syria, to abandon Venezuela. Yes, and there is no need to help Iran. This is what a breakthrough of resources is now being taken from the people? And for what? Allies are not needed anyway.
                      9. +2
                        19 May 2019 23: 05
                        You can count in different ways. So these tables provide information, but "the devil is in the details"

                        according to Granberg and Suslov (this source, among others, cites Yegor Gaidar in his “Death of an Empire”), only two republics had a positive trade balance for 1989 (this refers to the ratio of exports and imports within the country and abroad) - Azerbaijan and Belarus The rest, and above all Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, were in a hard minus. But this is counted in Soviet policy prices. World prices give a completely different picture.

                        So, the RSFSR exported goods beyond its borders to 32,6 billion foreign exchange rubles. Thanks to this, it was practically the only republic in the USSR that had a positive balance under this article. The second, as in the case with the valuation at domestic prices, was Azerbaijan (550 million rubles). The most significant minus was in Kazakhstan (more than 7 billion rubles), Ukraine (6,5 billion) and Uzbekistan (4 billion).

                        As for purely domestic relations, two republics remained in positive territory here as well. Russia maintained its place, but Turkmenistan was in the second position instead of Azerbaijan. In general, this is not surprising given the fact that both republics were oil and gas, and fuel, as already mentioned, was sold at low prices.
                      10. 0
                        11 June 2019 18: 17
                        Here I can join you, Bakht, only in one thing - who feeds the girl - he dances her. So with the neighbors of Russia.
              2. +1
                19 May 2019 16: 05
                Why did Russia go the capitalist path after 1991 (all go!)? Because the Soviet version of the social state collapsed! So, we need to build another option, the flag in our hands! And getting old dogmas to nothing ...
                1. 0
                  19 May 2019 22: 29
                  I would not get the old dogma. But they themselves get it. Can you tell me when the communist ideals were first voiced and written?
        2. +1
          19 May 2019 08: 49
          Aleksey, there is still more to the concept ... No, not that the concept is - IDEAS NOT !!!
          1. +1
            19 May 2019 23: 57
            There are all kinds of ideas, and even good ones. Like acceptable moral values, a social orientation, the rule of law, lack of double standards, multi-vector world development, etc., but to compose something from them is one, complex, understandable to everyone and feasible, somehow it does not work out ...
      2. +1
        19 May 2019 15: 51
        Is it necessary to attract, lure, incline to friendship? Who, in life, has this happened? It is necessary to persistently equip your country, your life, to love and respect the homeland (and yourself). At a minimum, it is necessary to abandon public squabbles, insults to the country and the authorities. If you assess with impartiality, much has been achieved in recent years. And it pleases.
        It is VERY important to learn how to respect capable entrepreneurs, those who implement the most important projects, there is NO way to do without them! Do not scare yourself and others with oligarchs, income differentiation is a regularity. The increased responsibility of the wealthiest citizens should mature in search of public consensus, and not aggressively be imposed.
        In Russia there is a shortage of entrepreneurs at all levels, the authorities are already looking for such! But in Belarus there wasn’t any left at all - they intimidated the oligarchs into death.
        The arrangement of the country is not an abstract task: one must begin with the arrangement of one’s home, with the care of one’s family.
        One grandfather said: three times he was dispossessed, expelled - each time he again created a strong economy in a new place, built (CAM!) A cozy house. This is the will to live, a worthy example for mass imitation!
        1. +1
          20 May 2019 08: 24
          Victor, entrepreneurship is not a panacea. Moreover, entrepreneurship in its current form (without funding from the state) is most often criminal. In my unenlightened view, in the state, entrepreneurship should be in the field of public services and small-scale production. Everything else should be the responsibility of the state. Because A PARTICIPANT will NEVER think at the state level. All large-scale industry should be in the hands of the state, all enterprises of a strategic nature, all natural resources, their extraction and processing, pricing (this is where strategic planning should be!). In no case should you give up housing and communal services - this is one way of developing corruption, with a gradual access to power structures (few private structures can honestly and successfully operate in housing and communal services).
          I am not saying that you need to take away what was created FROM ZERO (the same plant, for example). I managed to create - honor and praise to you, BUT - this enterprise MUST BE INTEGRATED into the system of STATE planning, and not as God puts it on your soul (as is happening now). Most entrepreneurs, having created an enterprise, after a certain time go bankrupt, become bankrupt and close production. And this is a reality that I see already at the local level. We opened enterprises for the production of: meat and sausage products, soft drinks, fermented milk and milk, canning, meat state farm, creameries (there were two - not one was left), FAYANOVY (what kind of sets were made there !!! took places at international exhibitions, received medals!) ... The Kommunar plant itself (a manufacturer of hydraulic (!) equipment) changed owners several times (and it was a city-forming and defensive one) ... as a result, only one workshop remained a worker, and everything else fell apart, collapsed, sold out (there are only ruins and thickets on the territory).
          That's what is interesting - it seems that our people are not lazy, and there are opportunities ... but there is no entrepreneurship (except for small repair and "buy-sell"), well, not in any. And the state was in no hurry to restore large enterprises, and it does not itch. Agriculture - OOOO !!! You can write about it day and night! I have a good friend - the owner of a collective farm. Private trader in one word. So every year his income is less and less ... He collects equipment in landfills to repair his tractors and harvester. Losses (due to old technology) - HUGE. And the state does not care. The lack of understanding that agriculture will collapse without government support is dominant in our country. The state helps the LARGEST agricultural corporations of those who are close to the power structures of the capital. But in the localities ... We had an NGO "South Ural" - a lot of villages (almost the whole area was padded for themselves). Do you know who the owner was? you will never guess !!! CHERNOMYRDIN !!! But now he died ... And now the NGO is a bankrupt !!! That's it - an official of this level has not survived - HAXPEH is not an enterprise ... What is it called, this is a state approach ???
          That’s why I say entrepreneurship — bliss and nonsense. All entrepreneurship was destroyed in Russia in 1917 (well, something still happened under Stalin, but Nikitka ruined everything for such-tom-ri). Well, once you have changed the system and the owner, you have to live the way you built ... But to return to what has already been destroyed is not a state approach ...
          1. +1
            20 May 2019 12: 22
            You are too narrowly interpreting "entrepreneurship". People who are able to take some real action, are not afraid of risks, who are able to bring the business started to the end, are needed always and everywhere: in the public sector, in the private sector. At the same time, they rely solely on their own forces. This is very hard work.
            The socialist state economy had very serious shortcomings, which led to its destruction. It was not possible to find countermeasures while maintaining state ownership, and dogmatism did not allow the development of a program of evolutionary reform. This is the topic of a large study that no one has yet decided on, including the state: everyone accepted the fact of the incapacity of the socialist economy, except for the Orthodox. Do not wake sleeping dogs.
            1. +1
              20 May 2019 13: 09
              Victor, why did you decide that the Soviet economy died? She was CONSCIOUSLY killed. They killed them with actions aimed at discrediting socialism as a system. After all, do you remember what happened when there were empty shelves in stores at the end? Compositions with food were at an impasse, and people were sucked in that there was nothing to eat. Question: Why did the planned, socialist economy outperform the capitalist economy during the Great Patriotic War? You will not argue that the TA war was a war of economies? The economy of the USSR is against the economy of ALL continental (and not only) Europe. Or was it not so?
              The USSR was consciously destroyed, first of all, by the leaders themselves, its elite. As in the destruction of imperial Russia. Can you imagine the Russian Empire with the tsar-emperor at the head and with the socialist system? I can. The problem was the system’s inertness, confidence in its infallibility and the ability of the power elite to hold power in their hands CONSTANTLY, no matter what! Self-confidence is ruining power ... Any change of ownership in Russia has occurred, first of all, from the beginning of the complete destruction of the PREVIOUS. What caused the collapse of the economy, the loss of territories, human losses (not necessarily in the fighting with international intervention ... although this is also the same).
              The crisis of ideas (or stagnation in ideology) ALWAYS led to destruction. As soon as the idea of ​​universal equality and brotherhood passed into the category of RELIGION, DOGM, the process of decay immediately began. Every idea, without development, dies. Why do you think Orthodoxy in modern Russia does not find such a great response among the masses? And this is because the formulations have remained old, but science and society continue to move on. So it is with socialist ideas - there were no people who could develop and substantiate changes in ideology for the requirements of the time. At the same time, do not deviate from the form of ownership in the main. That "catastrophe" attempt was a failure ORIGINALLY. dilettantes took over it. And to put it bluntly, it was headed by a person who has NO idea either in ideology or in the economy - a populist and eyewash! "The purpose of my life was the destruction of communism" - AND THIS MAN RULED OUR COUNTRY ??? For this one phrase, he had to be removed from all posts and taken into custody .... In general, when "When the Lord wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason", and in relation to the state - "When God wants to punish the people, then in the head of the people becomes a person who does not know how and does not know ANYTHING! "
  9. +2
    18 May 2019 05: 39
    A very important article to understand. After all, everything is so, as the author writes. Indeed, it is necessary to build relations with these (so-called) peoples exclusively pragmatically, as well as with the whole West. No wonder they say that Russia has no allies, except the army, navy and VKS!
    1. +1
      18 May 2019 08: 46
      On pragmatic approaches and relationships, you can’t whistle money.
  10. -6
    18 May 2019 05: 56
    This is a dirty, provocative and custom-made article by a pro-Israeli author. If the three Slavic states united again - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, then the Empire will restore its potential by 80%. Similarly with other former republics of the USSR. It is clear that the United States and NATO will not allow this and without war they will not give Ukraine away, which they need as a battering ram and a convenient strategic bridgehead for the destruction of Russia.
    1. +3
      18 May 2019 13: 51
      ... I sometimes get the impression that people write comments without reading the text, only by name ... Boris, what do you think, what is this about?

      ... I think so: do you want a family? - welcome! But then let's live together, build our common home, and stand for each other always and in everything, no matter what happens. Then all this really makes sense and the future.

      I was criticized and criticized for everything in a row, from views, custom articles, to poor literacy, I’m used to it already, but, God, Israel has to do with it ???
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        19 May 2019 08: 52
        And this is a provocateur ...
    2. +1
      19 May 2019 08: 59
      Damn you Empire, my dear? Prove that you will live better under the “empire”. Prove yourself. I do not need the imperialism of Russia in your understanding in FIG. An example is the USSR.
      And most importantly, what you don’t expose is Russia and now the EMPIRE. See the characteristics and criteria of the concept of Empire.
      Or do you want to run around the world again with naked w. and at their own expense to ennoble the tribes, promising them a bright future?
      Ennoble Ukrainians. Even after 91 years. In response, they received the most serious betrayal of Russia in their history.
  11. +4
    18 May 2019 07: 34
    How tired of this government demagogy about the "brotherly" people. Having such "relatives" and enemies is not necessary! For example, about the union state of Belarus. One solid requirement. Open the market completely; prices for their goods are close to world prices; energy prices are both within Russia, and since there is little money, they are lower! But otherwise, we are an independent state with an independent foreign policy. But no, so we will leave you to the West. So the road is a tablecloth. There you will immediately have salaries and pensions like in Germany, everyone will walk in lace panties and don’t do shit. Only these are pink dreams. But in reality, no one needs your goods there, and you will only do what is ordered. Lukoshenko himself will end his life in the prison of an international tribunal.
    1. 0
      18 May 2019 07: 59
      Lukoshenko himself will end his life in the prison of the international tribunal.

      - If not on an electric chair in the USA !!!
    2. -1
      18 May 2019 22: 04
      Alexander, you are Oleg RB (Oleg) tell me, otherwise he’s getting clever here - all of himself.
  12. +1
    18 May 2019 08: 53
    .. Recently, quite often there are various information about ....

    On this my reading was completed.

    ... the word "Information" is by no means plural! It is impossible in any case to say, "I have a lot of information for you," as a Russian person, this does not work out for me. But, you can say - "I have a lot of information for you." It will be right.
    1. +1
      18 May 2019 13: 43
      To you, dear, I definitely recommend reading only the Primer, before going to bed, to calm you, and in the morning so that you are in a good mood. There you will definitely like everything, but don’t even look better here — there are all kinds of problems, adult conversations, etc. Not always within your perception, not always according to the rules, so do not spoil the psyche ...
    2. 0
      18 May 2019 22: 07
      Citizen "MP" especially for such big-eyed as you at the end of the article is:

      NOTICE ERROR Select text and press Ctrl + Enter

      Or did you decide to prove yourself the most literate of all those present here?
  13. -2
    18 May 2019 13: 41
    It’s a very delicate question. But I must honestly admit that Ukraine is a state hostile to us with a population of 80% who hate us. Or at least, condemning Russia, considering us enemies and occupiers. The fact that they have IMITATIONS of sympathy for Russia is nothing more than a hohlyak-envious and parasite mentality of freeloaders. The poor population of this territory is 70%. As Porosenko himself admitted, because these figures he was forced to publish by the IMF. And hohloperoty serve for openness of society. Even if some kind of neutral relationship is established, then at least 50 years must pass before the hatred of the kaklov towards us passes.
    About Byalorus, one thing can be said - they are no better than Bandera in relation to us. In 2012, he was on a business trip in Mogilev and Minsk. Almost all of their channels froze Russia in a hotel on television, openly saying that we have nothing but oil and gas, that we cannot work, that they are an outpost of Russia and without them NATO will stand near Smolensk.
    By the way, in the same 2012 he was in Lviv. I have not heard a single bad word about Russia.
    "Coward Byalorus" is not what I came up with. There is an extremely negative comparison in the internet of a Belarusian and a Russian from Batsky’s own company. And if you say honestly the same freeloaders, you’re the farm mentality and vision of Russia only as a cash cow. Against the fact that their mustachioed cockroach has not yet recognized South Ossetia, Abkhazia is okay. But this ... did not recognize Crimea as part of Russia.
    By the way, the not-so-educated Belarusian troll who writes here.
    In Europe, neither during the war, nor now they know what is and where is Moldova, Ukraine, Bialorussia and others. Therefore, the Belarussian and Khokhlyatsk-Moldavian forgive tut, who filled all the brothels in Poland, the Baltic states, the Czech Republic, etc., are introduced and called Russian. As well as Uzbeks with Georgians, by the way. According to this principle, the national formations in the Wehrmacht and the SS were also called. The Byalorussian and Kaklyatsky rabble in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and the SS were much more in these formations than the Russians.
    To get ahead of the stench from the dirty company of a Belarusian hanging out here, I will write, only one Belarusian Kaminsky outshines even Bandera animals with his cowardly cruelty.
    I personally did not consider either the Ukrainians or the Belarusians brothers and I am not going to count.
    1. DPN
      18 May 2019 22: 04
      Against the fact that their mustachioed cockroach has not yet recognized South Ossetia, Abkhazia is okay. But this ... did not recognize Crimea as part of Russia.
      Politics is a delicate matter: perhaps because of this, in Russia, the prices for fruit are divine. Yes, and thanks to him, the border is locked. It’s 7 hours from Belarus to Moscow, you should not forget about it.
      1. 0
        19 May 2019 07: 37
        I do not agree.
        The border with Belarusians is the most full of holes. The import of sanctioned goods from Europe and America into the territory of Russia, the lack of a proper check at the border of people entering Ukraine for involvement in ISIS and the National Bats of Ukraine, an imperfect border protection system directly on the ground, etc.
        At the current level of military-technical development, the buffer between Europe and Russia represented by the territory of the Republic of Belarus is not very relevant. Missiles, if anything, will fly over Father’s head, so that his blackmail about tanks near Smolensk does not channel.
        Under the Agreements from 2009-2010, the profit from the re-export of our oil in the form of fuel was to be shared 50/50 with Russia. He did everything to rat out of the Russian share and blame Russia for this. Belarus had DIRECT contracts with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the supply of diesel fuel, oil and gasoline from the Mozyr oil refinery. !!!! How many thousands of Donetsk and Luhansk residents did he kill indirectly?
        About the prices. They subsidize their rather poor agriculture in terms of efficiency (yes, do not be surprised) due to low energy prices from Russia and cheap loans, thereby reducing the nominal cost, sending products to us and dumping in order to oust OUR manufacturers from our own market. He was warned once, twice, ten. He included a collective farm fool and blackmailed tanks near Smolensk. Patience is over this year.
        And despite this, the Belarusian “miracle” due to Russian handouts, the population there is poor. Not richer than kaklov. RB - fourth guest workers after Ukrainians, Uzbeks and Kyrgyz.
  14. -1
    18 May 2019 13: 45
    We are such brothers and tries ....... are not needed. They can only eat the ball.
  15. +2
    18 May 2019 15: 05
    Mercantile politics has brought little success. The desire to bend the story for themselves, too, was not successful.
    1. +1
      18 May 2019 15: 23
      ... yeah, and the more someone tries not only to "bend" the story, but also to break it, for the sake of their own momentary mercantile interests, the harder it will hit him, when at the end of this process, figuratively speaking, it will still necessarily break will come back to its original straight position ... You can try to bend as much as you like, but you still cannot break ... and many of them strive for this without realizing the impossibility.
  16. +3
    18 May 2019 19: 17
    It’s not the peoples who are to blame, but the leaders of our country, in the first place. The construction of Yeltsin centers says a lot.
    1. 0
      18 May 2019 20: 19
      And who gave birth to these leaders, if not the people themselves. They are not designated aliens.
    2. DPN
      18 May 2019 21: 54
      The word PEOPLES is used to justify oneself to one's own. one thing is bad when people do dirty tricks, they don’t ask him about it. How is this possible: the governor can buy 10 apartments for one salary per month, and a person can’t do it for life, that’s what we built after the USSR.
    3. +2
      18 May 2019 22: 14
      Here, yes - you can’t argue ... But one thing is interesting - why the people directly in Yo-Burg didn’t resist this even once, nowhere was it heard that anyone was protesting against the construction of this abomination, and the existence of this nonsense eatery.
  17. DPN
    18 May 2019 21: 45
    After the collapse of the USSR, we no longer need any brothers who wanted him to return to Russia. We must deal with our country, I did not want Russia to follow in the footsteps of the late USSR.
  18. +2
    19 May 2019 08: 15
    Quote: Pyshenkov
    ... I sometimes get the impression that people write comments without reading the text, only by name ... Boris, what do you think, what is this about?

    ... I think so: do you want a family? - welcome! But then let's live together, build our common home, and stand for each other always and in everything, no matter what happens. Then all this really makes sense and the future.

    I was criticized and criticized for everything, from views, custom articles, to poor literacy, I’m used to it already, but, God, Israel has to do with it ???

    There are professional commentators who start scribbling their precious opinion, seeing only the headline smile
    1. 0
      19 May 2019 13: 47
      Are they paying someone for this, or is it just pathology?
      1. 0
        20 May 2019 08: 28
        Alexei, this is ordinary kreaklovaya liberda - they cannot do otherwise. They are already writhing from the truth.
  19. +2
    19 May 2019 08: 16
    Quote: steel maker
    It’s not the peoples who are to blame, but the leaders of our country, in the first place. The construction of Yeltsin centers says a lot.

    I have never voted for the current government, so I don’t feel my share of guilt. request
  20. +2
    19 May 2019 18: 25
    Quote: Pyshenkov
    Are they paying someone for this, or is it just pathology?

    I think there are paid ones. The rest work from the heart
    1. 0
      20 May 2019 00: 02
      Dream job - pay money for dope laughing Sergey, if you learn about such a free position, whistle p-hundred, I will be very grateful ... laughing
  21. +1
    20 May 2019 06: 26
    Quote: Pyshenkov
    Dream job - pay money for dope laughing Sergey, if you learn about such a free position, whistle p-hundred, I will be very grateful ... laughing

    For such work, you must be a person of a completely defined warehouse. fellow
    1. 0
      20 May 2019 08: 30
      Yes, there are half of these! He grappled with some here - they sprayed with saliva! lol Romanians and Orsis - there are such ...
  22. +1
    20 May 2019 10: 25
    Quote: Victor N
    Why did Russia go the capitalist path after 1991 (all go!)? Because the Soviet version of the social state collapsed! So, we need to build another option, the flag in our hands! And getting old dogmas to nothing ...

    He did not collapse. It was treacherously destroyed inside. These are different things.
    1. +1
      21 May 2019 11: 02
      Who are these "inner traitors", how many were there? Do you seriously believe that you personally had nothing to do with the destruction? Maybe you personally defended it? Then why didn't it work?
      Is it worth it to understand? It is necessary, without wasting time, to build a new one. And take into account, as far as possible, previous mistakes.
  23. +1
    20 May 2019 12: 32
    Judging by the number of reviews - the article was a success. Purely personal impressions on the topic under discussion: even Lukashenko is almost no longer trying to justify. Maybe the Russian Foreign Ministry will also draw conclusions so as not to upset citizens?
  24. +1
    20 May 2019 17: 33
    After reading the article, it seems that the author is an ardent nationalist. In the USSR, fraternal peoples are the peoples of one country. This is the main postulate of this idea. Due to the fact that we all lived in this country, we got married internationally, moved to work in other regions and settled there for permanent residence. This is generally the best way to convert the indigenous people of conquered lands into a single country. It began with the first tribes. A stronger tribe captured a weaker one, the adult population was destroyed, the children grew up, got married and their children already considered themselves indigenous (in this context, let's say Russian). This is how fraternal relations are formed. Well, what can you do if in a large family one sister is married to a Kazakh, the second to a Tajik, the brother is married to a Ukrainian, the other is an Estonian, for example. Nations are mixed, everyone speaks Russian. Gradually, native languages ​​become languages ​​of small nations and are forgotten. In Belarus, for example, few people speak Belarusian, people do not already know such a language and many do not want to know it. Because there is no national self-awareness as a nation of Belarusians. Belarusians are already 70% Russian. Although by mentality they are closer to the Poles. The Russian Empire, and after its territorial heir to the USSR, literally lacked 100 years, maybe 200. And there would be a single country - all Russians, all brothers (even though you are Chukchi, even Estonian). But this is a good or a moot point. As I wrote above, the capture of a weak tribe by a strong tribe and the formation of a new community is a historically inevitable process, and all countries without exception are proud of their large territories that they once owned. In Poland, remember the greatness of the Commonwealth, in Italy about the Roman Empire, in Turkey about the Ottoman, etc. This is all a matter of national pride - we have won, this is ours. Russia has always had great imperial ways, so the answer to the question asked in the title of the article is YES, Russia needs fraternal peoples, under any pretext. Any empire would do that.
  25. +2
    21 May 2019 10: 32
    F. M. Dostoevsky about the Slavic "brothers" of Russia:

    ... according to my inner conviction, the most complete and insurmountable - Russia will never have, and never have had, such haters, envious people, slanderers, and even obvious enemies, like all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees recognize them released!
    And do not mind me, do not dispute, do not shout at me that I am exaggerating and that I am a hater of the Slavs! On the contrary, I love the Slavs very much, but I won’t defend myself either, because I know that everything will come true exactly like I say, and not because of the low, ungrateful, as if, character of the Slavs - they have a character in this sense, like everyone else, namely because such things in the world cannot happen otherwise.

    After their release, they will begin their new life, I repeat, precisely by asking themselves to be given the pledge and protection of their freedom from Europe, England and Germany, and even Russia will be in a concert of European powers, but they will protection from Russia and will do it.

    They will certainly begin by saying that within themselves, if not directly out loud, they declare themselves and convince themselves that they are not obliged to Russia with the slightest gratitude, on the contrary, that they hardly escaped Russia’s power-loving intervention by the European concert, and not if Europe had intervened, Russia would have swallowed them right away, "bearing in mind the expansion of the borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire on the enslavement of the Slavs to a greedy, cunning and barbarous Great Russian tribe."

    Perhaps a whole century, or even more, they will continually tremble for their freedom and fear the lust for power of Russia; they will curry favor with European states, slander Russia, gossip and intrigue against it.

    Oh, I'm not talking about individuals: there will be those who will understand what it means, it means that Russia will always mean to them. But these people, especially at the beginning, will appear in such a pitiful minority that they will be subjected to ridicule, hatred and even political persecution.

    It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to express and trumpet the whole world that they are educated tribes capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, persecutor and hater of European civilization.

    Of course, they will have, from the very beginning, constitutional governance, parliaments, responsible ministers, speakers, and speeches. They will be extremely comforting and admiring. They will be in ecstasy, reading telegrams about themselves in Paris and London newspapers informing the whole world that after a long parliamentary storm the ministry finally fell into (... the country to taste ...) and a new majority of the liberal majority someday theirs (... last name to taste ...) agreed to finally accept the portfolio of the president of the Council of Ministers.

    Russia needs to seriously prepare for the fact that all these liberated Slavs will rush into Europe with rapture, before they lose their identity, they will become infected with European forms, political and social, and thus
    will have to go through a whole and long period of Europeanism before comprehending at least something in its Slavic meaning and in its special Slavic calling in the midst of mankind.

    Between themselves, these zemstvos will always quarrel, forever envy each other and intrigue against each other. Of course, in the moment of some serious disaster, they all will certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander Europe, flirting with her and assuring her of love, they will always feel instinctively (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe was a natural enemy of their unity, they will always remain, and that if they exist in the world, then, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, restrains their integrity and unity ....

    F.M. Dostoevsky
    The diary of a writer.
    September - December 1877.

    I believe that after the words of the Great Russian writer, discussions on this topic should be stopped.
    Almost 150 years have passed. To the "brothers" Slavs only some and non-Slavic tribes were added.
  26. 0
    21 May 2019 11: 24
    Quote: Victor N
    Who are these "inner traitors", how many were there? Do you seriously believe that you personally had nothing to do with the destruction? Maybe you personally defended it? Then why didn't it work?

    I have nothing to do with the destruction of the USSR from the word at all. And the traitors know where.
    1. -1
      22 May 2019 07: 52
      Was it really on the moon? Contemporaries, to one degree or another, are all involved - either by action or inaction.
  27. 0
    21 May 2019 15: 24
    Quote: Gunter Preen
    When money is needed, sings like a nightingale

    Not only will he sing for free, but he will also dance.
  28. 0
    6 June 2019 05: 33
    As long as we relate to the history of our country, then in the West they will rewrite it in their own way. Mathematics turns into sophistry. And we all do it.
  29. +1
    6 June 2019 13: 53
    You can certainly be considered traitors to those who were originally enemies of our government.
    indicates how many people lived outside the country. The author does not indicate in which areas mobilization took place. We don’t even know how many people lived in closed places for their betrayal. And after that we showed loyalty to these people. And the result is obvious. You can not consider the past from the point of view of the present day.
    1. +1
      6 June 2019 19: 48
      You can certainly be considered traitors to those who were originally enemies of our government.

      Nikolay, with all due respect to your opinion, you wrote nonsense. Those who were originally enemies, could not be traitors by definition, they did not betray anything ... These are, for example, former White Guards who lived abroad, etc.
      And on the first comment

      As long as we relate to the history of our country, then in the West they will rewrite it in their own way.

      ... so it was also rewritten in the USSR and in the Russian Federation now and is rewritten in their own way completely shamelessly, do not worry, this is not a Western prerogative. This is a general trend in politics. And all this "grabbing", as you put it ... well, almost everything. And whoever tries to blather something against the "party line", so to speak, is quickly shut up ...
  30. +1
    14 June 2019 20: 44
    I want to say right away that I did not read this article, and only because the direction of thinking of the author of this article, where he indirectly confirmed with his justification, "not inciting ethnic hatred" proved that we are all Slavs, and for some reason we share history. I will say this ..... My great-grandfather fought for the Slavs .... he was a Soviet citizen ... but he lived on the territory of the BSSR ... I am proud of him and all who saved my homeland (you mean a common state) from the invasion of subhumans. ... I can't understand why the author, knowing our history, knowing our faith (in family, in friendship, in our national coincidence, both in language and in mentality), tries to explain that we do not need each other? We are one as a force that will be and was !!! Lukashenka or Putin, they know it .... And as long as there are such authors of these writings .... the future is questionable. I'm sorry that you decided to blame everything on how Russia feeds (you can say, and it's true !!!!.) BROTHER'S PEOPLE !!!! .... In the end I will say ... do not divide us !!!! we are together against those who consider us subhuman and ...
  31. +1
    30 July 2019 07: 55
    I do not think that the USSR hid the participation of the republics in the Second World War. For example, I know which republic had more Heroes of the Soviet Union per capita. It is often said that the Soviet Union fed everyone. The information field is not built on words alone. We must also throw "cheesecakes". But in the UN we had the right number of votes. What can you do, that's life.