In Russia, will create a robot to inspect aircraft

During the flight, the aircraft is subjected to numerous loads. Therefore, one of the mandatory procedures for the maintenance of liners is a thorough inspection after landing. As a rule, this work is carried out by a person, which takes a lot of time. In addition, the "human factor" has not been canceled.

And now, Russian engineers, headed by B. Alyoshin, head of the Department of Automated Systems of Orientation and Navigation Systems, MAI, seem to have figured out how to make the above process more efficient and at the same time less time-consuming. Designers are working on the creation of a robotic complex that can make up a 3D model of the aircraft and automatically examine its surface for damage, comparing the data obtained before and after the flight.

The device will consist of two modules: ground and air. The first is a four-wheel robot equipped with cameras with 30x zoom, sensors and a GLONASS / GPS navigation system. The device is able to function for more than three hours offline. The air module is represented by a hexacopter with a camera, autopilot and navigation system. The drone will be able to automatically take off, be in the air for up to 20 minutes and return back to the ground platform for recharging, while not disrupting the work of the “four-wheeled counterpart”.

The developers said that their offspring is capable of self-learning based on neural networks of technologies. At the moment, the robotic complex is "able" to distinguish damage with a size of about several square centimeters. However, the quality of defect detection will continue to improve with the accumulation of “experience”, which directly depends on the number of iterations of training the neural network.

The experimental model can operate at temperatures up to -5 ° C and wind power up to 12 m / s. Her tests should be carried out before the end of the summer of this year. Since February 2020, it is planned to begin trial operation. At the same time, at first the operator will control the device.

According to the developers, their robotic system should greatly facilitate the work of ground services. The system will take about 20 minutes to conduct an external inspection of the aircraft, which is several times less than the time it will take a person to perform a similar task.