Israel is on the verge of breaking diplomatic relations with Poland

The Polish publication Onet.Wiadomosci, referring to its own sources, said that today, February 1, Israel will decide to recall its ambassador from Poland. With this step, Israel will express indignation at the Polish Senate draft law on the Institute of National Remembrance.

Israel is on the verge of breaking diplomatic relations with Poland

The source notes that the head of the Israeli government, Benjamin Netanyahu, has already made a decision to recall Ambassador Anna Azari from Poland. After it is officially announced, the Israeli diplomatic mission in Poland will be left without a leader.

According to an unnamed source, such a move by Jerusalem could be the beginning of a big crisis in relations between Israel and Poland, since a new ambassador will not be appointed until Poland somehow corrects the situation. As you know, the United States and the OSCE have already expressed dissatisfaction with the Polish bill.

Recall that in the new bill, which was approved by the Senate of Poland, public statements that the Poles were involved in the extermination of Jews during the Second World War will be prosecuted and punished both with a fine and a real prison term.

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    April 1 2018 14: 37
    All these punitive measures in Poland! Who has the right to dictate the text of laws to another state?