Stalin's USSR: “concentration camp country” or lost paradise?

A public opinion poll conducted by the Levada Center, which revealed that an unprecedented large number of Russian residents not only positively perceives the image of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, but even admires this really great historical figure, quite expectedly stirred up the rotten waters of the liberal democratic swamp. From there, let’s say, it sighed sharply, with very characteristic smells ... Again, a howl arose about a "zombie people", "worship of a tyrant" and a "concentration camp country". Still, it's time to figure out what the Soviet Union really was under Stalin - a general prison, or a country where many would envy the realities of life today?

“There was a deal - and prices were reduced ...”

To reflect the whole variety of different spheres of life of Soviet people in the Stalin era in the framework of one article, of course, is completely impossible. Therefore, today we will focus on those points that were most common for all residents of the then USSR, regardless of their age, gender and place of residence. Let's talk about the development of the national economy and the standard of living of its citizens. It only seems that economy - science is boring and dry. If you carefully and creatively tackle some of her calculations, it turns out no less exciting than a good adventure novel. And the scope for various kinds of falsifications of the topic, reliably backed by statistical figures, practically does not leave.

We will consider mainly the last period of the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich - post-war. The choice is due to the fact that talking about the quality of life of people in the most difficult periods of the country's recovery after the devastating Civil War, preparation for the inevitable new war against the capitalist West and the Great Patriotic War itself, you would agree, it would be incorrect. The principle by which the Soviet Union was forced to exist in those days, absolutely exhaustively fits into the saying: "I don’t care about fat - I would live!" The main merit of Stalin and his team in the 30-40 years of the last century is the very fact of the existence of our country, and do not count for pathos each of us. In an unprecedented war against all of Europe, they won, and, as you know, they do not judge the winners.

I apologize in advance for mentioning some well-known things. However, without them there is no way to put together a single, holistic picture of what happened in the USSR under Stalin in the late 40s and early 50s, when his economic strategy began to bear real, tangible results for all. So…

Subjected to perhaps the greatest destruction of all the states participating in the war, and suffered colossal human losses, the Soviet Union recovered in an unprecedentedly, fantastically short time! On the site of the ashes and ruins stood factory buildings and residential areas. Fields, where until recently unprecedented battles thundered, generously yielded crops. Food cards in the USSR were canceled two years after the end of World War II - much earlier than in many other countries, including Western ones.

In the same 1947, a monetary reform was carried out. And then ... A process has begun, which would seem to be completely unimaginable and inappropriate for a country that has survived the nightmare of a war of annihilation - an annual general decrease in prices, accompanied, moreover, by an increase in salaries! It should be noted that not only “daily bread” has become cheaper, but literally everything - from watches and gramophones to jewelry. I personally am especially touched by the fact that in 1949 the prices for televisions and vodka were reduced in exactly the same proportion (by 25%)! There is something in this ... And, by the way, hello to those who like to talk about the "backwardness" of the USSR from the West in technical matters. Once the price was dropped on TVs, then they weren’t exotic or rare already in 1949 ... By the way, the total sums of cheaper consumer goods were estimated at tens of billions of rubles - which, as you know, did not go to the state budget. And no crises, no economic collapse! Why?

It's simple - the pre-war volume of industrial production was exceeded in the USSR in 1948! By 1950, its gross volume was higher than 10 years ago already by 73%. And this despite the fact that in the relevant plans, the 48% milestone was set as realistically achievable. Over the same period, the gross social product of the USSR increased by more than one and a half times, as did the national production income. And do not "la-la" about postscripts and fraud! Firstly, under Comrade Stalin, doing such things was fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences. And, secondly, no “exaggerated” figures of economic growth allow lowering prices and raising salaries. But its real growth at a gigantic pace - just gives such opportunities. It was not a fraud here, but a colossal - 100% or more increase in labor productivity literally in all spheres of the national economy. And here we, by the way, come to another, extremely interesting topic ...

The state built by "convicts"

The schizophrenic nonsense that the incredible successes of the Soviet Union were based on, supposedly, “the slave labor of tens of millions of innocent Gulag prisoners” is not just the favorite of the myths of the liberal intelligentsia, but rightly one of the cornerstones of its bastard anti-Stalinist “theories”. It is difficult to argue on the topics of economics with those who have no clue about its laws, but believe that they know everything and everything ... It has long been proved - with documents and numbers, so to speak, in their hands that there are no “dozens million prisoners ”, which existed exclusively in the inflamed brains of Solzhenitsin and his possessed followers, was not even mentioned in the USSR. God knows when the exact data was published that the share of the labor of real Gulag prisoners, even at the time of its maximum “fullness” and the number of 2 and a half million, did not exceed 2.3% of its total gross volume in the country ... However, the poisonous myth continues to live, despite the aspen stakes regularly driven into his grave.

By the way, at the time described by me - the end of the 40s - the beginning of the 50s, in some sectors of the national economy the contribution of "convicts" was indeed higher. In construction, for example. The explanation sounds very simple - it was just at the construction sites that the captured Germans and their allies were injected, as well as a great many bushes from among the former citizens of the USSR who had turned to them as minions and accomplices. And what, all this selected scum had to be sent to resorts ?! And the fairly thinned NKVD, whose hands freed after the end of the war, “lost their shores” while the country was fighting to the death, the criminals also contributed. And rightly so. But, nevertheless, only “complete ignoramuses” or those who do not bother to think about elementary things can speak of a “country built by prisoners for free”. Which ones?

For example, that forced labor, slave labor cannot be effective by definition. Proven a thousandfold. It would be different - humanity to this day would live the realities of Ancient Rome ... And not the “free" labor of prisoners at all! After all, they must, first of all, be fed, and not an empty balance, especially those who are engaged in really hard work. Dress, shoe, lodge at least in barracks, and heat these barracks - in the Far North, inmates will otherwise simply die out overnight. But there is also protection, and it should be the greater, the greater the number of “convicts”. And really it is necessary to provide it with food, uniforms, living conditions not just like that, but honestly. Otherwise, the trouble will be ... Plus, all those specific things that are inherent in places of detention: towers, fences, high walls and strong fences. Vehicles for transportation of convicts. Yes, a lot more. But, logically, we also need a real horde of investigators with operatives who will “sew things” for future workers involuntarily. Their state also needs to be maintained.

Isn't “gratuitous” labor coming out in the end ?! And now the most important thing. The work of prisoners (with the rarest exceptions) cannot be either professional or highly productive. Where can I use them? Digging up the earth, interfering with concrete, sawing up the forest ... But only one qualified excavator will cope with the same amount of work that a whole team of "convicts" is much faster. And it will make everything better, and, most importantly - without any convoy and other additional costs. Just as surely - with everything else. By the way, this is an interesting detail: at one time it was calculated by stupid people that if the hordes of convicts who were lingering on our liberoids were used exclusively on logging, there would not have been a single tree behind the Ural ridge by the year 1960 ... And why did the USSR need would such a breakthrough of wood?

Unfulfilled future

The great Soviet Union, thanks to the wisdom of Stalin, in front of his eyes becoming the most powerful and economically developed world power, was built, of course, by no prisoners. The key to the mystery lies in the fact that under Joseph Vissarionovich the main thing was achieved - the incredible motivation of the Soviet people for honest and high-productivity work. People saw what they were working for, not only in the sense of raising the level of their own personal well-being, but also in terms of the development of the country, which literally blossomed before their eyes. Then it was not at all a pathos empty sound - people believed in it, lived and worked for this, not for fear, but for their homeland! For hell, excuse me, we needed beaten "convicts" to Stalin, who had Stakhanovites and Komsomol members who voluntarily wanted to raise industrial giants on dead wastelands ?!

The plans of the country's leadership for transferring the majority of Soviet people to 5-6 hours a day give a comprehensive idea of ​​the real productivity and effectiveness of the then labor in the USSR! There are plenty of quotes from the speeches of the same Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria on this subject. Whim? "Flirting with the masses"? Have mercy! They didn’t joke such things in those days - especially, the closest associates of Stalin. It is said: “we are reducing prices”, which means we are reducing! Once the conversation started that in the Soviet Union a five-hour working day would be enough, therefore, there were quite real plans, economic calculations and justifications for that. The country could afford it without slowing the pace of development and growth.

At the same time, according to the same Beria, our citizens should have spent time not on idleness. And it’s not at all an in-depth study of the works of Comrade Stalin, as someone might imagine. Lavrenty Pavlovich spoke of physical improvement, the unprecedented development of sports and the healing of Soviet people. And also about the “universal polytechnic education”! Do you know what this is about ?! A country that has hundreds of thousands of engineers, designers, inventors ... Does it resemble anything? But this is the same path that communist China turned a couple of decades ago and thanks to which the Celestial Empire has already turned into a scientific, technological and industrial leader of the whole world. But the Soviet Union could have done this for more than half a century earlier! If the dreams and plans of Stalin and his associates were realized, striving to create from the Soviet people not “slaves”, not “obedient flocks”, but proud rulers of the world, those who were to conquer starways on spaceships with red stars on board ...

In the Soviet Union, of course, there was not only good. Yes, there were repressions, lean years and hunger years occurred, almost constantly, even if not through our fault, wars were fought. However, with this thorny, plentifully watered sweat, and, sometimes, with blood, dear Soviet people went to a truly brilliant future. The growth of respect for Joseph Stalin and his time, admiration for him, is nothing but the realization by our contemporaries of this obvious fact.
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  1. -3
    April 21 2019 08: 57
    The cult of Stalin: why is the leader again popular in Russia?

    And the last thing. Pay attention to the dates: it refers to March 2019, and the Levada Center report indicates March 23-25, 2015. We must assume that Levada Center conducts such polls every March :))
  2. -2
    April 21 2019 09: 03
    ... an unprecedentedly large number of Russian residents not only positively perceive the image of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, but even admire this truly great historical figure, quite expectedly stirred up the rotten waters of the liberal-democratic swamp ...

    Among groups that have a more pronounced positive attitude towards Stalin (Russians aged 55 years and older, with a lower secondary education, poor, rural residents), an approving position towards the idea of ​​erecting a monument to the leader prevails.
  3. -4
    April 21 2019 09: 12
    Fields, where until recently unprecedented battles thundered, generously yielded crops. Food cards in the USSR were canceled two years after the end of World War II - much earlier than in many other countries, including Western ones.

    It is enough to hammer the words "Famine in the USSR (1946-1947)" into a search engine ...
    1. -2
      April 22 2019 16: 30
      Obstinate minuscule guys: my late grandmother told me how there was a strong hunger strike in our southern city in the post-war years, and (among other things) they ate all cat-dogs.
      And here you are at least knocking on the wall with your horns, singing about generous harvests and cancellation of cards :)) There simply was nothing to give to those cards, therefore they were canceled.
      1. -2
        16 June 2019 20: 12
        Quote: Kim Rum Eun
        There was simply nothing to give to those cards, therefore they were canceled.

        Do not give, but aboutgive at solid state prices.
        But you are right, there was nothing to sell. So they were canceled. Those. it was the grief that the ignorant scoops are proud of today.
        1. -4
          28 June 2019 02: 14
          The main merit of Stalin and his team in the 30-40 years of the last century is the very fact of the existence of our country

          The fact of the matter is that the existence of "your country" is just a nightmare. Cancer tumor on the body of Russia.

          “There was a deal - and prices were reduced ...”

          Yeah. At first they lifted up so that no one bought. And then, when all this began to deteriorate, prices began to decline. In order not to throw it away.

          In an unprecedented war against all of Europe, they won

          Actually, the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition won. One of which was the USSR.

          The Soviet Union recovered in an unprecedentedly, fantastically short time!

          The USSR did not recover and could never recover in principle.
          20% of the pre-war population only direct losses (42 million people).
          Another 11 million people are indirect losses.
          15,2 million disabled people. Of these, 2,6 million disabled people of the 1st group.
          From the USSR in 1945 there were shreds. Outrageous. If something great happened, then this is the Great Catastrophe.

          Food cards in the USSR were canceled two years after the end of World War II - much earlier than in many other countries, including Western ones.

          There was nothing to redeem the cards, so they were canceled. The author of the Bolshevik shoals gives out for their achievements. This is called cheating.

          In the same 1947, a monetary reform was carried out.

          Not reform, but taking away part of the savings from the population. Robbery in broad daylight.
          Next comes the unintelligible and uninteresting nonsense about price reductions.

          not received, as you know, in the state budget. And no crises, no economic collapse! Why?

          So there was nothing to collapse; there was no economy in the USSR. Economics is a sign of more developed societies. And relict societies (like the USSR) do well without an economy.

          pre-war industrial production was exceeded in the USSR in 1948!

          It is strange that it was not in 1942. Trust the Goskomstat more.

          And do not "la-la" about postscripts and fraud! Firstly, under Comrade Stalin, doing such things was fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences.

          Under socialism, double counting was the norm. Some numbers were for a shaggy people. Others, real, for guidance.

          and in a colossal - by 100% or more increase in labor productivity literally in all spheres of the national economy.

          And why would this productivity increase so much?

          did not exceed 2.3% of its total gross volume in the country ...

          Bullshit about 4% Lend-Lease, we also read everything. But only the especially stubborn believe the numbers of the Bolsheviks.

          For example, that forced labor, slave labor cannot be effective by definition. Proven a thousandfold.

          Therefore, the USSR collapsed. Because it was based on the basis of ordinary slave-owning TPO. But the add-on was exotic. The original was an add-on.

          plans of the country's leadership to transfer the majority of Soviet people to 5-6 hours a working day!

          He’s also lying. When Dzhugashvili worked 6 days a week for 8 hours.
          Under Khrushchev, this reduced the working day by 1 hour (6 days a week).

          Once the conversation started that five hours of working day would be enough in the Soviet Union, therefore, there were quite real plans, economic calculations and justifications for that. The country could afford it without slowing the pace of development and growth.

          Afford could be and could. But the working week since 1940 was 48 hours.

          China has already become a scientific, technological and industrial leader of the whole world.

          The author again turned to delirium. The assembly shop at him turned into a design bureau. And in general to the brain center.

          But the Soviet Union could have done this for more than half a century earlier!

          And why only this USSR could not. Only nifiga did not. For some reason.
          But maybe he still couldn’t?

          practically, constantly, though not through our fault, wars were fought.

          The USSR was attacked only once. In 1941
          But the USSR managed to attack almost all of its neighbors. And not even the neighbors, either. And on some, even several times. At the same time, the USSR attacked exclusively peacefully.

          the Soviet people went to a truly brilliant future.

          But why didn’t it? Why did it end so sadly?

          The growth of respect for Joseph Stalin and his time, admiration for him, is nothing but the realization by our contemporaries of this obvious fact.

          The growth of respect for Dzhugashvili can talk only about one thing, about the degradation of society. And his impending impending collapse.
  4. -9
    April 21 2019 12: 22
    All is well, but they just forgot to write about collectivization, Holodomor, 37 years old, about the demining of minefields by human forces, during the Second World War. The Gulag is also not particularly illuminated. And so, in fact, there are scientific publications that unequivocally say that the Stalinist administration and the sacrifices that were made for the "Stalinist miracle" are not economically feasible.
    1. +5
      April 21 2019 12: 45
      Holodomor, clearing alive, etc. Liberal nonsense for such complete idiots like you, stupid and uneducated selyuk with a worldview that does not go beyond your own hut.
      1. -3
        April 21 2019 13: 53
        Gunther Prien ... A very eloquent nickname ...
        Why not Hans-Ulrich Rudel? :)
        1. 0
          April 21 2019 18: 12
          Under the Rudel bombs, many Soviet people died! Lots of! Let it burn in hell!
          1. 0
            April 21 2019 19: 02
            From the torpedoes of Prin, too, cockroaches did not die.
            1. -1
              April 26 2019 22: 32
              This is the problem of the Anglo-Saxons!
              1. +2
                April 28 2019 00: 23
                Yes you are a Nazi.
                A man, subscribing in the name of a fascist officer, mutters something about the lives of Soviet people.
                And it never occurred to you in your mindless mind that:
                1. Prien drowned not only the Anglo-Saxons.
                2. What if the Anglo-Saxons did not sink him in the spring of 1941, he would calmly drown the Soviet people.
                For such an idol in the scoop "Soviet people" your head would have been broken ...
    2. 0
      9 July 2019 10: 02
      The so-called famine was in 1933. And he touched not only the republics, but all of Russia. The reason is known. The USSR paid in all respects.
  5. -3
    April 21 2019 12: 31
    The opinion of a real historian on this topic, and not the opinion of an anonymous scribbler
    1. +1
      April 21 2019 12: 47
      The historian-Khlevnyuk! ))))))))) Another ukrovyrok with a speaking last name.
    2. +5
      April 21 2019 13: 48
      ... the opinion of a true historian ...

      The "real" historian (Oleg Khlevnyuk) was born in Vinnitsa. Let him go home and teach the pigs history.
  6. -2
    April 21 2019 13: 44
    Briefly about the era of Stalin, according to my grandfathers and parents:
    - 6 working days a week (sometimes on Sunday forced to participate in community service),
    - 2 holidays per year (half a day - mandatory participation in demonstrations),
    - leave two weeks a year,
    - Salary is enough only for food and for a minimum of household needs.
    - The bulk of urban residents live in rooms of communal apartments, with one toilet and a kitchen for 3-30 families.
    - at some time, paid higher education and even paid high schools at schools (vocational schools for free) were introduced, apparently so that people from this hopelessness would not get into the heads
    - criminal prosecution for being late for work or refusing to work (preserved until perestroika)
    Well, cherry:
    with all of the above, the most severe repression of the dissatisfied. Just try somewhere in the team to say that you are dissatisfied with the current government, for tomorrow you can no longer go to work.
    1. +4
      April 21 2019 14: 04
      - 6 working days per week

      Apparently poorly listened to parents.
      There were only six (!!!) days in the week. Five workers and one day off. It was called "six days". In 1940, they returned to the seven-day week.

      - 2 holidays per year

      Lying is bad.
      Here is the 1940 calendar. There are two days off a week. And there are more than two holidays.
  7. -5
    April 21 2019 13: 46
    Usatii’s political corpse would have been left alone
    1. 0
      April 23 2019 18: 42
      Due to him, you live now and exist! Many brains do not - dirt pour!
  8. -2
    April 21 2019 13: 57
    Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky believed that the repressions of 1937 played a significant role in the history of the USSR:

    Without the thirty-seventh year, there would have been no war at all in the forty-first year. In the fact that Hitler decided to start the war in the forty-first year, the main role was played by the assessment of the degree of defeat of military personnel that Stalin committed in our country.
    1. -4
      April 21 2019 14: 19
      Of course, I am not a historian, but in the Molotov-Ribbentrop deal, Stalin acted as a kind of Shura Balaganov - I wanted to scratch a piece of Poland, my eyes lit up. Molotov was replaced by the Jew Litvinov, in order to replace the agenda of the work of the NKID and simply surrender unceremoniously.
      1. +4
        April 21 2019 14: 35
        Key words "I'm certainly not a historian ..."
        Then went frank nonsense :))
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -3
        April 21 2019 16: 58
        Here is what Ernst von Weizsacker, Ribbentrop's right hand writes:

        In May, Stalin for no apparent reason dismissed his People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs M.M. Litvinova (replacing him with V.M. Molotov. - Ed.). Perhaps this happened because Stalin wanted to get rid of the supporter of the friendship of the Soviets with Western democracies?

        Now we already know why the castling happened - the Americans began to wake up from a dream, seeing Hitler rummaging in Stalin's pockets. I think the Germans felt the tension and hit.
    2. +3
      April 21 2019 18: 20
      Another nonsense. How much garbage in the heads. You would read Mine Kampf, so, for educational program. It is written in black and white about the expansion of living space in the east. War was inevitable. If only because Germany had to pay reparations before 1987.
      1. +1
        April 21 2019 23: 59
        Gunter Preen (Gunter Preen)
        What is nonsense? Do not know the question, do not meddle
  9. -5
    April 21 2019 14: 28
    The people yearn not for Stalin, the "bloody Asian despot," but for the time when our country was really great and worthy of respect throughout the world. And with our stupid, thieving people who do not recognize any rules, we will not be able to govern liberally so far. A strong and sometimes tough ruler is needed. And all these discussions after the article, as if by a template: a couple of trolls, a couple of provocateurs, an ignorant naive who is being conducted on all this, anger and a burning desire, if not to strangle, then at least offend someone who thinks differently from him. Such denunciations were written in Stalin's times.
    1. -5
      April 21 2019 14: 45
      Stalin is an old, miserable senile and his principles are unacceptable today. He said goodbye to Bolshevism, that is, changed the party with which he served the Marxist idea so that his principles, or rather unprincipledness, were unacceptable even then. I don’t know what order you are about. How did he drag Henry Yagoda, bypassing the Central Committee, to the chiefs of the NKVD, so that he would bring down those who were objectionable, and to keep his hands clean?
  10. +1
    April 21 2019 15: 26
    Quote: User Kont_2
    - The bulk of urban residents live in rooms of communal apartments, with one toilet and a kitchen for 3-30 families.

    And before where did they live? In the villages in the shacks or in the barracks at the factory?
  11. 0
    April 21 2019 15: 27
    Quote: Leonid Khazanov
    Stalin is an old, miserable senile and his principles are unacceptable today.

    You have a real rubbish in your head from anti-Soviet propaganda cliches and cliches ...
    1. -3
      April 21 2019 16: 17
      I am a Marxist. And in general, without a transition to the individual can?
      1. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    April 21 2019 15: 28
    Quote: ezdiumno ru
    “Without the thirty-seventh year, there would have been no war at all in the forty-first year. In the fact that Hitler decided to start the war in the forty-first year, the main role was played by the assessment of the degree of defeat of military personnel that Stalin committed in our country. ”

    This "debacle" is greatly overrated. Most of the repressed soldiers were soon rehabilitated.
    1. -3
      April 21 2019 16: 25
      You fell off the moon ...
  13. +3
    April 21 2019 15: 32
    Quote: Gunter Preen
    Holodomor, mine clearance alive, etc.

    "Holodomor" is a shameless Ukrainian falsification of a famine that actually took place. The victims are exaggerated at times by statistical manipulation.
    Mine clearance alive - if you believe in this, then you have margarine in your head instead of brains.
  14. -1
    April 21 2019 15: 33
    Quote: Kim Rum Eun
    The cult of Stalin: why is the leader again popular in Russia?
    And the last thing. Pay attention to the dates: it refers to March 2019, and the Levada Center report indicates March 23-25, 2015. We must assume that Levada Center conducts such polls every March :))

    Why is something like this so surprising to you?
    1. 0
      April 21 2019 17: 38
      Because this survey was conducted 4 years ago, in 2015. And you say that he was in March 2019. If the difference is not obvious to you, then this is very sad :(
  15. -1
    April 21 2019 16: 23
    Quote: Marzhetsky
    Most of the repressed military was soon rehabilitated.

    "Rehabilitated ..." / "Not rehabilitated ..."
    Shot in the dungeons and died in the camps, like the Red Army in June 41, it did not matter.
    There were no more of them, experienced, trained at the Academies, fired at in battles in Spain, on Hassan, Khalkhin-Gol, and in Civil, too, who had experience in commanding large military formations.
    1. -1
      April 22 2019 01: 54
      There were no more of them, experienced, trained at the Academies, fired at in battles in Spain, on Hassan, Khalkhin-Gol, and in Civil, too, who had experience in commanding large military formations.
      Politics and corruption do not combine correctly, one thing interferes with the other - the Germans, incidentally, faced the same phenomenon in the war. For example, Göppner, the hero of campaigns in Greece, Spain or France, refused to obey Hitler’s orders and was expelled from the Wehrmacht. In Russia, they destroyed such preventive measures as Tukhachevsky or Blucher because they were afraid of losing power and money. The state devoured the army, as a fire in a forest devours a forest.
  16. -3
    April 21 2019 16: 55
    Quote: Marzhetsky
    This "debacle" is greatly overrated.

    For some reason, the words of Marshal of the Soviet Union AM Vasilevsky, who lived and fought in those days, for me have more weight and meaning than the words of a certain "Marzhetsky".

    And about the rehabilitated, hastily released military.
    Yes, many were hastily released when “Stalin's cock had already pecked in the ass” and he again sensed a threat to his own skin and power.

    But it was too late. The enemy walked around the country, capturing city after city ... The price of such rehabilitation is worthless.
    1. 0
      April 21 2019 18: 36
      Marshal Vasilevsky was a participant in the repressions of the 37th and the defeat of the 41st. You can’t say anything bad about yourself in your memoirs, they’re not written for that. The defeat of the 41st was apparently inevitable. No country was ready for this type of war, and no army could resist the German blitzkrieg. For more than three years, having made huge sacrifices, it took what would learn to win. And your primitive simplifications of the events of that time, you leave for the kitchen.
      1. -1
        April 21 2019 20: 02
        Likely, to learn to write in Russian is not enough for a lifetime :))
  17. +1
    April 21 2019 17: 31
    I agree that the performance of the signs was hardly large. As for the rest: my grandmother, her brothers and father had to leave their native village in the Tambov region during collectivization, although they did not use wage labor and worked hard and they loved the land. Grandma suffered from this all her life. How even people went to Moscow for flour, not to mention sweets and butter, all the old people told me that, I myself had gone for meat with my parents and since childhood I did not like Moscow because of this. What a joke it was possible to sit for 8-10 years is a fact, and who will argue that it was breaking fate. And denunciations broke souls. Living constantly in fear and in a lie - is this normal? We still have not got rid of this, because there is no assessment of all this at the state level. I would also like to note that Stalin’s active defenders, and the author is no exception, are aggressive, constantly insulting those who disagree with them. Although here are the liberals they constantly attack, balanced, which in my eyes speaks in their favor. Although this only goes to the kitchen from the Internet, it’s scary if such a friend as the author breaks into real power.
    1. +1
      April 21 2019 18: 44
      In the 91st, not the Stalinists, but the Democrats came to power. How many millions of fates were broken by these philanthropists. Do you want to count the victims? How much is destroyed and plundered? No desire to figure it out? Stalin's time is a terrible time. And of course, those who praise him would not want to live at that time. But when evaluating these events, any extremes are harmful!
  18. -1
    April 21 2019 17: 59
    Quote: ezdiumno ru
    This "debacle" is greatly overrated.
    For some reason, the words of Marshal of the Soviet Union AM Vasilevsky, who lived and fought in those days, for me have more weight and meaning than the words of a certain "Marzhetsky".

    Yes, and the dog is with you smile
  19. -1
    April 21 2019 17: 59
    Quote: Kim Rum Eun
    Because this survey was conducted 4 years ago, in 2015. And you say that he was in March 2019. If the difference is not obvious to you, then this is very sad :(

    And you do not admit that the survey could not be alone?
    1. -2
      April 21 2019 20: 06
      You are not able to prove it.
      I admit that your incomplete secondary is clearly not enough to write on historical topics. It is such, as you know, adore the leader.
      1. 0
        April 26 2019 22: 40
        You leave your intellectual squeamishness for the kitchen. Where is your place with your knowledge. And the presence of education does not mean the presence of knowledge. You are a great example of this.
        1. +1
          April 27 2019 21: 15
          1. Learn Russian literacy.
          2. Do not say what I need to do. And then I won’t say where you need to go.
          3. Your knowledge is clearly not on the level.
  20. -2
    April 21 2019 18: 01
    Quote: ezdiumno ru
    There were no more of them, experienced, trained at the Academies, fired at in battles in Spain, on Hassan, Khalkhin-Gol, and in Civil, too, who had experience in commanding large military formations.

    True, Marshal Zhukov would not agree with you.
    1. 0
      April 21 2019 20: 08
      Are you voicing instead of him?
  21. -2
    April 21 2019 18: 04
    Quote: Leonid Khazanov
    You fell off the moon ...

    You, judging by the comments, are a victim of propaganda
    1. 0
      April 21 2019 20: 09
      The most stubborn victim of propaganda. He also blames someone else for this :))
  22. 0
    April 21 2019 18: 58
    Quote: Gunter Preen
    Marshal Vasilevsky was a participant in the repressions of the 37th and the defeat of the 41st

    Exactly, he was a participant in those events.
    You are not.
    So leave your reasoning for the kitchen. :)
  23. 0
    April 21 2019 18: 59
    Quote: Marzhetsky
    True, Marshal Zhukov would not agree with you.

    How do you know?
    Are you Marshal Zhukov ???
  24. +3
    April 21 2019 19: 31
    Ohhhh ... gentlemen liberals were walking around! For the living took. Colleagues for their support - respect and thank you! Because of the repression, say the Great Patriotic War began ?! Well, wait a week. And we will deal with this topic.
  25. 0
    April 21 2019 20: 01
    Quote: Non-European
    Because of the repression, say, the Great Patriotic War began ?!

    1. The statement of Marshal Vasilevsky.
    2. You have misinterpreted that "because of" repression. What for?
    3. "Liberalism is a philosophical and socio-political trend that advocates the inviolability of human rights and individual freedoms."

    Are you against what?
    Against your rights or against your freedoms?
    4. In a week? You are no longer interested ...
    1. +2
      April 21 2019 21: 09
      Such "readers" as you are not interested. Well, it was not written for you. And to juggle and juggle words - you don't need a lot of erudition and intelligence. What is meant by the guise of liberalism - yours and yours, is well known. And you understand that. But who's lying - we'll figure it out. I LOVE catching half-educated people with high self-importance on lies!
      1. +1
        April 21 2019 21: 12
        Well, what was the lie?
        Only without demagoguery, specifically!

        Well, by "what is meant under the guise of liberalism" - this is what you and others like you invented, distorting the notion sacred for normal people.

        Although what can you talk about with people for whom the concepts of "freedom", "human rights", "liberalism", "democracy" are abusive?
      2. -2
        April 21 2019 23: 50
        The article, of course, is dumb. TV in 1949 pleases
        1. 0
          April 22 2019 05: 37
          This "Reporter" has been trolling here all week. They released these necropic-marginal ones, telling about good Stalin and the poll of the "Levada = Center" as much as 4 years ago, then they began to "throw" here themselves, so it turned out more than 50 comments, although on this portal - 3 comments are considered a lot ...
          Then they will show this nonsense to their bosses and say that their rating has increased tenfold :)).
        2. 0
          April 22 2019 10: 52
          The article, of course, is dumb. TV in 1949 pleases

          Read. Enlightened.
          1. 0
            April 22 2019 12: 17
            Life has become easier, TVs have become cheaper. Many people have lived their whole lives in wooden huts, although the authorities do not seem to complain about stagnation. The Porsches of Cayenne have fallen in price now, and all liberalism is aching - everything is wrong for her.
    2. +2
      April 22 2019 05: 24
      against freedom to rob his people and their natural wealth, while calling him cattle and cattle base. just such liberalism in Russia, I have not seen another.
  26. The comment was deleted.
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. 0
    April 22 2019 05: 18
    Why is Stalin popular today? because people saw with their own eyes the riot of the "cream of their society" who, without a twinge of conscience, rob their people and become "supermen of the Russian Federation", and the authorities only encourage this lawlessness. the persecution of Stalin and his policy after the NEP becomes immediately clear. how many bribe-takers should be imprisoned now? they will say the GULAG again, but road construction will definitely fall in price, especially in the east of the country.
  29. 0
    April 22 2019 11: 07
    Quote: lance vosirob
    it is precisely such liberalism in Russia that I have not seen otherwise.

    It was you who stuck the term "liberals" to the former communist figures and their sons, although they never were and could not be in principle!

    That is, it is you, and they did not pervert this concept, using it not in essence.

    It is impossible to be a liberal by being born and raised in a monoparty dictatorship.
    It is an axiom.
  30. 0
    April 22 2019 11: 11
    Quote: lance vosirob
    Why is Stalin popular today? because people saw firsthand the revelry of the "cream of their society"

    One might think that under Stalin there was no "riot of cream".
    And corruption did not become mass with him.
    And the "Stalin Line" was not plundered by almost half, having punished for this a handful of, in principle, innocent, "scapegoats" ...
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. -1
    April 22 2019 13: 45
    Quote: 1000 swolder
    because they were afraid of losing power and money.

    Here! They were afraid to lose power.
    More precisely, you need to write: "Stalin was afraid of losing power ... and life!"

    This "Father of Nations" decided that for the sake of his safety on the throne, you can pay with human lives in any amount.
    As a result, 27 million people were killed for his skin in the Second World War + half the country was destroyed.
    And then there are still people who sing praises to him ...
  33. -1
    April 22 2019 13: 47
    Quote: Gunter Preen
    The defeat of the 41st was apparently inevitable.

    The genius Stalin stupidly missed the German attack in 1941. As a result, the Germans reached Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. Him, the Soviet leadership almost shook the Second World War.

    And for Stalin's "oversight" in the country "only" 27 MILLION people paid with their lives! This is not counting those who were his system (and therefore he personally) killed in the NKVD and in its camps.

    What nonsense amid his great personality ... Only 27 million lives or even more ...

    And such a large-scale devastation and economic losses in the Great Patriotic War are solely the fault of Stalin and his hangers-on from the top.
    If he had not spilled out the outbreak of war by his own stupidity and self-confidence - there would have been no such losses.
    The USSR on June 21, 1941 possessed such military power that, with proper management, the Germans would be strangled even at the border.

    And there would be no battles for Moscow, Stalingrad, the Kursk, etc.
    Just in principle, this could not have happened!

    On June 22, 1941.
    The Germans have a total of 3352 (not including commander) tanks and assault guns on the border with the USSR

    T-1 (training) - 180
    T-2 - 746
    T-3 - 965
    38 (t) - 772
    T-4 - 439
    Assault guns (self-propelled guns) - 250

    USSR in total: 25'621 (combat-ready 19'997)
    Of these, the latest, unparalleled among German:
    T-34 - 1029
    KV-1 - 412
    KV-2 - 135
    Apart from many thousands of BTs - which were at least as good as the German T-1s, T-2s and T-3s!

    How could you practically make a half of the country with such an advantage? Only by stupidity and criminal thoughtlessness.

    In theory, Stalin was obliged to arrest himself, expel him from the party and shoot him, as he did with others for much less sins, and often without any guilt.

    And who is he after this ???
    1. -2
      April 26 2019 22: 44
      You have not been obscured while writing. ))))))))) Or rather, I rewrote it. ))))))) Your own knowledge is equal to zero. )))))))))))
      1. +1
        April 27 2019 16: 51
        And this is not my knowledge, but the knowledge of the documents of the archive of the USSR Ministry of Defense.
        You are here so often poking all about knowledge ...
        Usually these are people who are ignorant of the issue under discussion.
  34. -2
    22 May 2019 22: 15
    Who wants to in SSSR should move to the DPRK, where everything will collapse.
  35. 0
    9 July 2019 10: 18
    The Stalinist line in the domestic economy continued until 1957. And over the years, the stores have been blocked by quality products. Starting with red and black caviar, and ending with herring in several varieties. Everything ended after the party congress. Now in places of detention people do not know what to do. Another fact of the existence of the country, which no one is trying not to notice. This is the creation of nuclear parity. In fact, we should be thankful that we are still alive. Learn the story. True, it is served from different positions. And you have to be picky.