Genius innovative air filter purifies air in an unusual way

Scientists from the University of Michigan have developed a device that can literally cleanse the surrounding air from viruses and bacteria in a split second. We are talking about the Genius filter, which is superior in efficiency to all the analogues available today.

To destroy microbes, a low-temperature plasma is used, which is an ionized gas in which the average energy of negatively charged particles is less than the characteristic atomic ionization potential. In fact, this is the same fire, but without heat, created through an electromagnetic reactor.

If pure oxygen is passed through a similar system, then an effect resembling static electricity will appear in it. In this case, plasma is a charged particle that forms around the spark formed. And the filter, in turn, is a tube with glass balls inside that capture the aforementioned mini-discharges.

According to the results of research scientists, low-temperature plasma is an extremely effective "damaging element" for bacteria and viruses, as it destroys the walls of their cell wall. During the tests, the Genius filter managed to destroy 99,9% of viruses in just a quarter of a second, and in order to neutralize 97% of E. coli, it took 10 seconds.

There is no doubt that innovation will be widely used very soon. After all, such devices will be extremely useful in any area of ​​human activity where strict sterility is required.