In Australia, a huge sunfish surprised fishermen

On a deserted beach in Australia, located 25 kilometers east of the mouth of the Murray River, two fishermen discovered a strange "sea monster." A giant fish almost three meters long struck their imagination. The weight of the fish is several hundred kilograms.

A photograph was published on the Web in which two people pose against the background of an inhabitant of the ocean depths. However, many users have decided that the photo is not real. One of the publishers of the picture - Lynette Grzelak - even stated that this is not a fish at all, but a tree.

In Australia, a huge sunfish surprised fishermen

However, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail, a specialist in the South Australian Museum Ralph Foster gave his comment. According to him, fishermen are faced with sun fish (sun fish).

This species of fish lives in tropical waters, the expert explained. Because of its size, it is often confused with a shark. On the beaches, such fish often die due to eating plastic bags.

It should be noted that the sunfish belongs to the order of pufferfish (Tetraodentiformes). Sometimes it is called a "fish-head." Its length can be up to four meters, and weight - more than two tons. Fish likes to take “sun baths” on the surface of the water, which allows it to get rid of parasites living on the skin.