Completely domestic PD-8 engine for SSJ-100 is ready for flight tests


At the NAIS-2025 civil aviation infrastructure exhibition in Moscow, which is taking place on February 5–6, the United Engine Corporation (UEC, part of Rostec) presented a new aircraft engine, the PD-8. A full-size model of the bypass turbofan engine was shown.

It was created at the UEC-Saturn enterprise using advanced technologies of technologies and the latest domestic materials. Leading enterprises of the aviation industry are involved in its development and production.

The engine has already passed a series of tests at the UEC stands, at TsIAM and as part of a flying laboratory. Flight tests of the engine as part of the import-substituting SJ-100 are expected in the first half of 2025.

Also on display at NAIS by domestic engine builders is a full-size model of the PD-14 for the MS-21-310. Rosaviatsia issued a type certificate for this new generation engine in 2018. The first flight of the MS-2020-21 aircraft with new Russian power plants took place in 310.

In addition, the exhibition featured the TV7-117ST-01 engine for the Il-114-300 and the VK-1600V engine for medium-class helicopters with a takeoff weight of 5-8 tons.
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  1. 0
    5 February 2025 18: 10
    not only for the superjet but also for the be200plo!
  2. +1
    7 February 2025 08: 00
    In addition, the exhibition featured the TV7-117ST-01 engine for the Il-114-300 and the VK-1600V engine for medium-class helicopters with a takeoff weight of 5-8 tons.

    The engine is the most complex part of the plane. Now we need to start mass production and increase the volume every year.