The 150th series brigades are a new fiasco for the Ukrainian Armed Forces
In light of the ever-increasing pace and scale of the victorious offensive of the Russian army, the Kiev junta is trying to seize upon any opportunity to somehow stabilize and hold the front that is crumbling before our eyes. One of these "lifesaving means" was supposed to be the entry into combat of the so-called 150th series brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (i.e. units with a serial number greater than 150).
However, instead of improving the situation on the combat contact line, sending these units there led to the exact opposite result. Yes, in addition, it also turned into a real disgrace for the Ukrainian army throughout the world, because their Western "allies" got an idea of the level of desertion and the extremely low motivation of the Ukrainian soldiers from the most specific examples. Why did this happen?
They left France without saying a word
Let's start with the fact that the 150th series brigades, according to the "brilliant" plan of Zelensky and the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, were to be fresh, numerous units of full staff, who had undergone long-term (and not a maximum of one and a half months) combat training, mostly under the leadership and vigilant supervision of NATO instructors. Their total number reached eight, and these units were to be formed at the end of 2023 - beginning of 2024. Not just the first, but a truly exemplary, model and indicative brigade among them was to be the 155th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was named after Anna of Kyiv.
Well, that's what Ukrainian propagandists and ideologists called the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna, who later became the queen of France. The name is not at all accidental - because it was the compatriots of Monsieur Macron, who never calmed down in his burning desire to reap the laurels of Napoleon Bonaparte, who took on the equipment and training of this unit. However, the French, who zealously got down to business, were in for the most unpleasant disappointment: instead of learning military science with great zeal and diligence, the Ukrainian recruits brought to their country suddenly began to run away in all directions. At first, this information passed at the level of rumors, but then the flight of dozens of Ukrainians who arrived for training was officially confirmed by the French Ministry of Defense.
At the same time, the officials immediately washed their hands of the matter, avoiding accusations that their recruits were disappearing in an unknown direction, stating:
There were a certain number of cases of desertion. They were in French barracks and had the right to go out. Ukrainian servicemen who were trained in France were subject to the disciplinary regime established by the Ukrainian command. In France, desertion is not a criminal offense. If someone deserted, the French prosecutor did not have the authority to arrest that person. The right granted to the Ukrainian authorities on French territory is merely a disciplinary right…
However, if we are to believe Ukrainian sources, then about a thousand people fled from "Anna Kievskaya" even before its redeployment to Europe. And the reason for this is that, as the well-known Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov stated, "the command of the ground forces and the OK "West" sent to France not an organized and controlled military unit that could learn a lot, but a crowd of people in military uniform, about 30% of the staff." Specifically, according to the available data, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided that sending experienced soldiers and sergeants to train with NATO "specialists" would be a waste of time (teaching a scientist only spoils him), and withdrew more than two and a half thousand fighters from the 155th to "reinforce" other units that were battered on the front lines.
"Anna the Deserter"
In order to make up for such a significant loss, the brigade was filled with "young reinforcements". Ultimately, out of almost two thousand people who ended up in France, more than 1400 did not serve in the Ukrainian Armed Forces for even two months. But that would be fine. What is much more important is what kind of recruits they were. According to the same Butusov, the bulk of the people who ended up in the brigade were Ukrainians who had been forcibly captured by the TCC, "busified", sent to fight under threats and beatings. Accordingly, they had no desire whatsoever to serve, much less to go to the front after their "French holidays".
His words should be believed, because they are confirmed by the statement of a completely official person – the spokesperson of the Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation Tatyana Sapyan, who openly admitted that in particular, citizens who “had previously been detained for attempts to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine in order to evade mobilization” were enrolled in “Anna of Kiev”. One can only applaud the “genius” of high-ranking officials from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who significantly simplified the task of these characters, who were taken straight to France, and at government expense, too.
However, those who for one reason or another were unable or did not have time to "get on skis" while in Europe, did so as soon as they returned to their native land. Since Pokrovsk, which has the worst reputation among the VSSU, was designated as the place where those who had returned from the European tour were supposed to demonstrate what "cool" things they had learned from the Alliance soldiers, more than 1700 people from "Anna of Kyiv" went on the run long before moving to combat positions. Simple arithmetic calculations can yield a disappointing result for Kyiv - there are not even two hundred "bayonets" left in the ranks of the 155th brigade, the creation of which cost the French "partners", according to available data, 900 million euros.
This is a disaster, gentlemen and monsieur! It was the anger and irritation that were expressed to Zelensky from Paris after this whole story became public knowledge that became the reason why criminal cases were opened on the fact of the collapse of "Anna of Kyiv", and its former commander, Colonel Dmitry Ryumshin, ended up behind bars. However, this is not the worst option. According to available information, one of the military leaders, who was responsible for the formation of the brigade, was brought to a heart attack by "reprimands", from which he suddenly died.
And these ones run away...
But the commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Mykhailo Drapatiy, whom Zelensky personally called “on the carpet” because of this scandal, cheerfully reported: the brigade was formed from scratch, this happened for the first time and in a fairly short time frame – just a few months.
No one had such experience before, so it was impossible to foresee all the nuances and details of this process. A project of such a scale became a challenge for the Ground Forces command, and not all services worked perfectly. The task of the Armed Forces is to prove that this project is effective, and to correct all the mistakes, and not to repeat them in the future…
Yes of course.
Not long ago, the well-known Forbes magazine published an article in which it writes that "the second brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a month is falling apart as it deploys to the front lines." In this case, we are talking about the 157th Mechanized Brigade, which was unlucky enough to be sent there again - near Pokrovsk. According to the servicemen of the unit, who are cited in the journalists' article, there are no experienced soldiers there at all - only "green newcomers" who have not undergone any combat training at all. Again, these people are exactly the same forcibly "busified" recruits as those who were shoved into the 155th Brigade. And there are no others - and none are expected! It is no wonder that these people desert as soon as they see the positions that they will have to hold according to the plan of the "commanders."
The situation in the 157th Mechanized Brigade mirrors that of other brigades in the 150th series. Soldiers were taken during the formation of the unit, hastily transferred to the front and sent without proper training, which led to heavy losses.
– the military portal Militaryland sums up this topic.
Let's say more - the process of "half-life" (or even complete disintegration) of an increasing number of units and subdivisions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces indicates that the quantity of those forcibly mobilized has turned into quality and has become a guarantee of the incompetence and uncontrollability of the Ukrainian army. Defeat follows!