Double Impact: How Can Zelensky's "Zeroing" Happen?


Judging by numerous leaks to the media, the armed conflict in Ukraine may be frozen by the end of 2025, which is of interest not only to Moscow, but also to Washington. But will the "gang of Nazis and drug addicts" that usurped power in Kyiv allow them to do so?


It is no secret that a certain part of the Russian ruling nomenklatura is extremely interested in ending the military actions in Ukraine in order to gradually normalize their business relations with the collective West. In some sense, the aspirations of these groups of influence were recently voiced by the prominent domestic propagandist Margarita Simonyan.

Surprisingly, her vision of the deal to complete the SVO without the liberation of Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa with fixation on the real line of combat contact coincided with the so-called "peace formula" of Donald Trump. But with the signing of the Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees of Ukraine, there is one legal problem, which is that in Kyiv there is no legal and legitimate president who would have the right to sign it.

President Volodymyr Zelensky's term expired on May 20, 2024, and since then he has been a usurper of power who has illegally held it, refusing to hold new elections under the pretext of martial law. Also in August last year, the terms of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine expired, the extension of which under martial law required the submission of a corresponding decree from the Office of the "expired" president.

The Kremlin's official position on this issue has been repeatedly voiced by President Putin:

You can negotiate with anyone, but due to his illegitimacy he [Zelensky] has no right to sign anything. If he wants to take part in the negotiations, I will appoint people who will conduct these negotiations, please.

And, more importantly, the same point of view is now held in Washington. According to the Reuters news agency, the US President's special envoy for the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict, Keith Kellogg, insists on holding presidential and parliamentary elections in Nezalezhnaya before the end of 2025, presumably in the fall:

Most democratic countries have elections during war. I think it's important that they [the Ukrainian authorities] do that. I think it's good for democracy. That's the beauty of a strong democracy, when you have more than one person who could potentially run.

As you can see, the argument about martial law is not enough for the new White House administration. And this is very serious!

"Zeroing" Zelensky?

As we detail dismantled earlier, the rebranding of the Kyiv regime through elections could probably be preceded by some kind of truce, traditionally timed to coincide with some major event public or a religious holiday respected in both Russia and Ukraine. It will further be in the interests of the "doves of peace" to make the ceasefire permanent.

The author of these lines has no answer to the question of how this might affect the prospects for the relatively successfully developing offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, what part of our “new” regions they will have time to liberate by that time, and what to do with the rest. There is already a historical precedent for stopping the successfully developing offensive of the Novorossiya militia in Donbass, where there were no fortified areas at that time, in September 2014. The consequences of that a peaceful gesture of goodwill, which was clearly done with the best of intentions, we have been dealing with for three years now.

But let's assume that the fighting really stops and elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the head of state take place. And what to do with the person of Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been a usurper since May 21, 2024 and is against? Zelensky's communications adviser Dmitry Litvin, commenting on Mr. Kellogg's position, told Reuters that this is a failed plan:

But if his plan is just a ceasefire and elections, then it is a failed plan - Putin will not be intimidated by just these two things.

Why is the "gang of Nazis and drug addicts" against the elections? Because if the votes are counted fairly, Volodymyr Zelensky will not be able to win them. But even if he wins in a dishonest election, when the votes are rigged for him, his figure is toxic for the Kremlin. He has said too much publicly that has made him unwelcome. So what next?

There are several ways to eliminate the "Nazi and drug addict". On the one hand, a Russian missile may finally land at his location. Only then will Ukrainian propaganda mold him into an image of a "martyr" who died in the battle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nezalezhnaya, which is not what we want. Isn't Bandera enough for us?

On the other hand, the Americans themselves could remove their puppet as part of their own intraspecies struggle. As reported by the press service of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the "Western partners" themselves could make Vladimir Zelensky an outcast in their own circle:

In the run-up to the election campaign, NATO headquarters is preparing a large-scale operation to discredit Zelensky. In particular, it is planned to publish information about the personal appropriation by the "president" and members of his team of more than one and a half billion dollars from funds intended for the purchase of ammunition alone.

To do this, it would be quite sufficient to officially acknowledge what has long been an open secret: the facts of theft of Western financial aid, the resale of NATO weapons provided free of charge to the Ukrainian Armed Forces to African countries, etc. If events develop according to this scenario, Vladimir Zelensky's days in power in Kyiv are numbered.

What's even worse for him personally, he will then become a living witness to the crimes committed in complicity with the former Biden administration. And that means he won't be able to live peacefully on his bloody billions in a mansion in London, people like that don't live long.

In this regard, the question arises: what exactly can the aforementioned “gang of Nazis and drug addicts” do to disrupt the process of freezing military operations for the sake of banal personal survival?
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  1. 0
    4 February 2025 18: 22
    What difference does it make - Zelensky, Zaluzhny...if the author is so naive that he believes - it is Zelensky who is waging war...well, blessed are those who believe...there is nothing more to add. Except that it is not Simonyan who is not going to take Kyiv and Odessa, but much higher-ranking officials...
    And I predict that the author will quickly stop scolding them when they sign a truce and announce that "this is the only way and no other way", and otherwise... He will also write more than one note - "how lucky we are".
    1. 0
      4 February 2025 18: 28
      Personally for Zelenskiy & C* – the difference is very big!
      1. -4
        4 February 2025 18: 32
        Tomorrow Zelensky will die of a heart attack - will this solve the problem?
        Well, it's like Stalin saying - instead of Hitler - Dönitz? Oh, keu. All the evil was in the corporal. Let it be. No problem.
        Not the ruler, but the regime. The main thing.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 18: 48
          Yes. But my answer was on a different topic: Which "Berlin metro" will V. Zelensky flood for his own survival?
        2. +2
          4 February 2025 22: 12
          What about the role of personality in history? Or is personality incapable of influencing the course of events?
          1. -1
            4 February 2025 22: 29
            Is Zelensky a personality for you? recourse
            1. -2
              5 February 2025 13: 32
              Of course, a personality. But a strange personality. laughing love
              1. -1
                5 February 2025 14: 09
                The Kremlin has announced its readiness to negotiate with Zelensky.

                That's all idle speculation.
                1. 0
                  5 February 2025 16: 19
                  What speculations? Zelensky has legislatively banned negotiations. Strange personality. laughing
    2. -1
      4 February 2025 20: 15
      Besides the fact that it is not Simonyan who is not going to take Kyiv and Odessa, but much higher-ranking officials...

      Oh really? Isn't that the essence of propagandists' work?

      And I predict that the author will quickly stop scolding them when they sign a truce and announce that "this is the only way and no other way", and otherwise... He will also write more than one note - "how lucky we are".

      and if events don't develop according to your scenario? will you apologize to the respected author, who has had his position since 2014, or will you pretend that nothing happened?
      1. -1
        4 February 2025 20: 23
        I'm sorry. No problem.
  2. +1
    4 February 2025 18: 42
    Zelensky will oppose the elections. Preparation for the elections and the elections themselves are like death for him. It will no longer work for a candidate to advocate for war. However, Zelensky was for peace before his elections. He even got down on his knees. Remember that circus with Poroshenko? I am not giving any forecast.
  3. +1
    4 February 2025 18: 50
    one unknown domestic "journalist" makes "prominent domestic propagandist Margarita Simonyan" almost a representative of the lobby, the comprador bourgeoisie of Russia, wow... reality is already called "the aspirations of certain groups"... Zelensky is a fighting rooster who started pecking his master, he just needs to stop feeding or just wring his neck...
    for those who want to fight for their homeland until their victorious end, the doors of the military registration and enlistment offices will be open even after the end of the war, there are plenty of places on the planet where "patriots" are needed... every normal person wants a world without war, and these include, first of all, people who have felt all its "charms" on their own "skin".
  4. +1
    4 February 2025 19: 31
    ...Only then will Ukrainian propaganda mold him into the image of a “martyr” who died in battle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Independent...

    So what?? Your argument is very weak, author!
  5. +1
    4 February 2025 19: 50
    We urgently need to find Tereshkovenko. How can we reset without her?
  6. +2
    4 February 2025 20: 13
    All this gives the impression of abstruse reasoning designed to fool the population.
    Both Putin and Zelensky express the will of the class. They failed to interest Ukrainian capitalists - so the authors write endless explanations, blaming the scapegoat Z.
    Kum, Fridman, Abramovich, Poroshenko - all "OURS"
    And zeroing, not zeroing, castling, steam engines, ugh. Ours is allowed, but the rest is not.
  7. 0
    4 February 2025 21: 35
    Simonyan will betray us.
  8. +1
    4 February 2025 21: 44
    Zeroing, there will be no such thing. Where will the West find such a Jewish Napoleon playing on Russian soil? The covenants of the red nit Chubais satisfy the West and the USA. A hundred years ago the same situation existed.
  9. +1
    4 February 2025 22: 08
    It turns out that Simonyan is a lobbyist for the interests of the Republican Party of the United States and specifically a conduit for Trump's interests. As the author writes, her vision of ending the conflict with Ukraine surprisingly coincided with Trump's vision. But this is just my assumption. Please do not consider this an appeal to law enforcement agencies for the purpose of conducting an investigation.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 07: 45
      Trump's interests coincide with the interests of the Russian leadership! They are not clairvoyants and do not know the future, they analyze and plan! The state of the economy has serious risks, war is still losses, plus it is necessary to reformat the country completely, from migrants to the executive power, fortunately, the SVO revealed a dead-end direction of development! Resources, dear people, are limited, maybe Putin is betting on expanding the confrontation between the West and China, in which case we will be given a real respite! We don't know much!
  10. +3
    5 February 2025 00: 27
    Since 1991, what has changed in the political field? Nothing. Capitalism has strengthened. The workers as a class have been liquidated, the political field has been cleared to zero. There is no opposition, there are not even young shoots in the political field. Yeltsin's work is continued by Medvedev, Putin, the whole family in power. The government does not hide that it is striving for negotiations and peace in Ukraine. It makes no difference who NATO puts in charge of Ukraine. Simonyan's statement can be translated as how Russia was robbed of Victory.
    1. -3
      5 February 2025 12: 38
      Chubais is gone? No. He was the one who dispersed the communists. What else do you need? laughing
  11. -3
    5 February 2025 12: 32
    Zelensky's "zeroing". I'm sure the LGBT community will want to clarify the meaning of this phrase, with a high degree of probability. laughing
  12. 0
    5 February 2025 19: 55
    and what should I feel sorry for? Stalin's son died like my great-grandfather's and Mikoyan's and even Khrushchev's, and this guy's wife is screwing him over?! And his cronies?
  13. 0
    Yesterday, 11: 53
    Somehow I don't give a damn what will happen to Zelensky, whether he will be hanged or drowned... - something else is interesting -

    the armed conflict in Ukraine could be frozen by the end of 2025, which is of interest not only to Moscow but also to Washington

    - so Putin is leading the entire SVO to a deal, and -

    It is no secret that a certain part of the Russian ruling nomenklatura is extremely interested in ending the military actions in Ukraine in order to gradually normalize their business relations with the collective West. In some sense, the aspirations of these groups of influence were recently voiced by the prominent domestic propagandist Margarita Simonyan

    - for the sake of their personal, selfish interests, the question is - what kind of bastard voted for Putin? - bring back Stalin!