Paris and London Devastated: Rich Russians Bring Their Fortunes Home


Three years after the conflict in Ukraine began, Russia's richest are increasingly bringing their money home, fueling a sharp rise in the price of luxury Moscow real estate, according to Bloomberg.

Faced with fewer options for spending their fortunes abroad as international sanctions force banks to crack down, many Russians are repatriating money and investing it in the safe haven of domestic real estate. Others are using real estate as a hedge against inflation, which has surged recently, prompting the Russian Central Bank to raise rates to record highs.

All over the world, people with Russian citizenship are being tightened, the agency writes.

Now the Russians who left understand that the safest place to keep capital is their own country

– says Ekaterina Rumyantseva, founder of the Moscow-based luxury real estate broker Kalinka Ecosystem.

The influx of huge amounts of money is helping Moscow to resist a downturn that has hit other property markets from London to Hong Kong. Sales of luxury apartments priced from 1,95 million rubles ($19) per square metre in Moscow rose almost 813% last year, while prices rose 40%, pushing the Russian capital into the same price bracket as Paris and London, according to NF Group, formerly known as Knight Frank Russia.

Accordingly, the withdrawal of large amounts of capital from these European capitals by wealthy Russians has caused further devastation to local property markets, which were already in decline.

While exact data on the identities of the buyers flooding the market is hard to come by, the brokerage says most are in their 40s and 50s. They are typically owners of large industrial companies or top managers, but there are also clients from the IT, show business and sports sectors.
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  1. +20
    4 February 2025 10: 09
    I am so concerned about the problems of rich Russians in Europe that I can’t sleep.
    1. +6
      4 February 2025 10: 26
      ..........same way, hi Vlad, I feel so sorry for them
    2. +13
      4 February 2025 10: 29
      you're just jealous )))

      and in general, we owe them a debt of gratitude for the fact that, in their opinion, it was they, and not the Soviet people, who built all these Norilsk Nickels and NLMKs with Severstals, they brought us "freedom", which costs Russia annually over half a million in population loss and several wars...

      if it weren't for them, how would you know that you can spend tens of millions on football players, and pay for sick children's penny-pinching (compared to the costs of Zenit, etc.) operations by collecting via SMS (if we manage to collect, of course)...

      I don't know about you, but I am SOOOOO worried about how our oligarchs, bureaucrats and their children are being bullied in the decaying West... It's a shame they didn't create a fund to help the oligarchs... Sick children can wait, but I really want to help these "noble Atlanteans" so that they can have everything they need in their Courchevel...
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 23: 51
        It's a pity that they didn't create a relief fund

        you just don't know lol
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 12: 16
          no, well, the nanogenius doesn't abandon his own and regularly throws them something - I know that...

          but how can I participate in the difficult fate of the Friedmans and Avens and how can I pay for their cleaning lady in London - I don't know what
    3. -2
      4 February 2025 16: 52
      How is this possible??? These people are friends of VVP!
    4. -4
      4 February 2025 21: 06
      The khokhloppropagandists have no time to sleep. They need to churn out opuses about the ruin of Russia
  2. -3
    4 February 2025 10: 27
    ...are you really tired of "swallowing dust"?
  3. +5
    4 February 2025 10: 37
    That is, those who screwed up and did not get multiple citizenship for their family and mistresses are buying up real estate not only in Dubai, but also in Moscow. It makes sense. However, they were buying up before. Assad alone is worth something.

    That is, the "elite" does not invest in production, but will "master" even more money. That's why prices have skyrocketed on everything.
  4. +4
    4 February 2025 10: 51
    Russians understand that the safest place to keep capital is their own country

    Abramovich and Chubais are already standing in line at the airport. laughing
    1. 0
      4 February 2025 23: 54
      Abramovich and Chubais are already standing in line at the airport...

      the airport has already been taken away wassat
    2. +1
      5 February 2025 12: 18
      they are simply not "gooses"...for example, Malafeev keeps every penny in Rossiyushka laughing

      for some reason he married his daughter off to a Jew... they've probably already acquired passports of the godless Israel...

      especially since Musk, who was giving the Nazi salute, was going to evict the Palestinians there... just the right amount of space would be freed up for the real Jews...
  5. +1
    4 February 2025 11: 09
    The world monetary equivalent is "our daily bread", not "transfer us the dollar currency reserve today". So the ideology in Russia is closer to serving the Antichrist!
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 12: 21
      oh, what are you can you not be ashamed...

      Just yesterday I saw in a TV series how the MGB colonel Krestik shows an opera from the Criminal Investigation Department and tells how during industrialization all of Russia was robbed...

      and this colonel is also a front-line soldier... he probably defeated the Germans with prayers and icons, and not with T-34s and ILs created thanks to industrialization...

      Don't offend our Russia and its ideology. We have bonds and spirituality, but only for the people. laughing
  6. +4
    4 February 2025 13: 41
    It won't work to whitewash the dealers. The thief should be in prison.
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 16: 23
      Well, maybe there are a few people there who earned their money through honest work in sports and IT, but the majority are profiteers.
    2. +3
      4 February 2025 16: 50
      A thief should sit in jail

      ...and the military thieves have still not been convicted, and somewhere they sit quietly and a Tuvan hunter visits them drinks
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 17: 37
        As it happened with us one day,
        So, it looks like it will go on like this.
        Although not everyone robs a patriot,
        But every thief is a patriot

        And Zhemchuzhnikov. A tale about a stupid demon and a wise patriot. 1881-1883
  7. +2
    4 February 2025 15: 31
    If, purely hypothetically, dogs ate all these rich overseas Russians (EBN), then there wouldn't be a drop less oil and gas in the country. For a quarter of a century, under its current bourgeois something-or-other guarantor, the country has been living with a broken head and, it seems, is about to enter a coffin under this person.
  8. +2
    4 February 2025 16: 21
    And it's not the rich Russians who eat without salt....The last one...
    Especially pensioners.
    1. -11
      4 February 2025 21: 11
      Pensioners don't go hungry. I see them in the store every day. They buy more than just bread. To heighten the horror, you can write about grannies rummaging through trash bins at stores and pulling expired products out of containers, just to make them cry. They wrote like that back in the days of Lyosha Navralny (the poor guy is dead now). Since then, not a single pensioner has died of hunger. It's high time to change the manual.
      1. +3
        5 February 2025 06: 37
        They don’t die, but they don’t go to Paris and London to retire.
        I'm sitting here, waiting for my pension at the post office, a whole $270 in terms of... Or €250...
        Thank you to the government for your care and affection!
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 18: 02
          what a rich pensioner wassat
          I also have $250
          It's true that retirement is far away, only the salary sad
          1. 0
            Today, 16: 57
            Ага,прямо Крез...У которого 50% забирают фашисты из ФССП.
  9. 0
    4 February 2025 16: 47
    am and for such people they died during the Great Patriotic War and in the current war????
  10. 0
    4 February 2025 17: 30
    commentators are just like artists... competing with the "servant of the people"... ahahahahahahaa!
    probably from the same country and representatives of the same people chosen by God...
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 21: 16
      God's chosen people love to whine about how they are being wronged all over the world. And they themselves, like fascists, destroy the Palestinians
  11. +2
    4 February 2025 18: 08
    What joy - they were drawn home laughing
    1. -6
      4 February 2025 21: 15
      That's for sure. Stop writing comments from Georgia using Soros's offices' money
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. 0
    5 February 2025 17: 28
    Returning capital home, does that mean buying an apartment? No. It is primarily the construction of factories, investing capital in the Russian economy, if there is none of that, then there is nothing to talk about.
  14. 0
    5 February 2025 19: 57
    I am against persons making profit but sanctions thanks from persons receiving income - read the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire
  15. +1
    6 February 2025 19: 39
    These thieves should be fighting for a bunk in a prison zone in Magadan, not hanging out in Moscow. How come the lover of a palace in Gelendzhik didn't decide to build a new palace on the sly?
  16. 0
    Yesterday, 21: 12
    Maybe we can collect some money to help them, at least 10 rubles from each Russian. Let's help the poor guys...