Finns to test combat drones with banned tungsten filling in Ukraine


Ukraine's Western allies continue not only to pump the Kiev regime with various weapons, but also to test the latest developments in their military-industrial complex in real combat conditions. Today it became known that Finland intends to send a batch of new drones for testing.

It is noteworthy that the warhead of the Finnish Steel Eagle drones from Insta is filled with tungsten balls, which are prohibited for use. These striking elements, due to their high hardness, are capable of penetrating thin armor or some protective structures. Similar weapons, for example, the Swiss HG85 grenade, filled with such balls, are prohibited in accordance with the UN convention.

The main danger of such a drone is the declared area of ​​destruction during an explosion. Tungsten balls fly apart over an area of ​​2000 square meters. Considering the terrorist nature of the Kyiv regime, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of threat Finnish drones pose to civilians in frontline settlements.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already tested similar filling in their drones, including during attacks on civilians. However, this fact does not stop the Finnish manufacturer, which intends to conduct full-scale tests of its new product in Ukraine.

If it only works in Finland, then it is impossible to understand what the device should be like. There is a war going on in Ukraine, and that is why the product was developed taking into account the frontline conditions

– said Insta Sales Director Tuure Lehtorant.
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  1. +6
    3 February 2025 20: 42
    A strange reaction from the Russian Federation to the supply of such weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, criminal cases should be opened, official notes should be sent to the Finnish government and others with the introduction of points of permanent liability for actions. But it will end with the usual chatter of M. Zakharova and short "wisdoms" of D. Peskov.
    1. +6
      3 February 2025 21: 37
      Isn't toilet paper enough for you? These cases won't be needed anywhere else. They've already stirred up enough of them to fill several train cars. Who will be scared by this now? Russia, unlike the US or Israel, won't bomb what threatens it. There will simply be the 33rd Russian warning and the voiceover of a new series of "roused in the night" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      1. +1
        3 February 2025 21: 39
        Let them gather dust in the archives (they don’t ask to eat), there will be time, they will be very useful... The main thing is that the Finns and others know that they will have to answer for all their actions.
        1. +3
          3 February 2025 21: 42
          Well, yes, they don't ask for food, they'll show you the work, you can start paying your salary))) Or maybe you shouldn't make yourself look like a clown once again, trying to drag under your jurisdiction what is not subject to it? And get down to real business, and solve military problems with military methods.
          1. -1
            3 February 2025 21: 45
            You just don't understand strategy, you're politically short-sighted.
            1. +1
              3 February 2025 21: 46
              ahaha yeah))) the strategy is to write a piece of paper, put it in a drawer and in 25 years burn it as waste paper)))
              1. -1
                3 February 2025 21: 56
                Important archives are kept FOREVER... Once again, such statements indicate your incompetence.
                1. +2
                  3 February 2025 22: 00
                  These are IMPORTANT ones that are stored))) And waste paper is destroyed. Your incompetence is jumping ahead of you. I don't know what kind of strategy you came up with, but what you wrote was already thought up and implemented more than once before you and with constant zero useful results for us. But we got our image in big trouble, so no one pays attention to our warnings anymore. And they won't, as long as they remain empty words. So you can use your competence for its intended purpose)) the toilet won't clean itself.
                  1. -1
                    3 February 2025 22: 04
                    You determine this, yes indeed... International documents are ALL stored forever... There is no need for you to write further nonsense.
  2. -6
    3 February 2025 21: 23
    Once again the cable at the bottom of the Baltic Sea will break for the Finns
  3. +3
    3 February 2025 22: 14
    Partners can, Leopold doesn’t mind, he’s so kind.
  4. +1
    4 February 2025 08: 53
    IMHO, they're stupid.
    Who banned it, what exactly was banned? - it is unclear.
    And tungsten is a very expensive metal. Maybe that's why they didn't start using it?