Turks Outraged by US Blocking of $2 Billion from Russia Intended for Construction of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant


The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that JPMorgan bank blocked $2 billion transferred from Russia as a loan to Ankara to continue construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey. This measure was applied in the last days of the previous US President Joe Biden's administration.

The blocking was reportedly imposed by the US Treasury Department as part of the fight against Moscow's circumvention of anti-Russian sanctions. WSJ reports that the total amount of loans from Gazprombank for the construction of the Turkish Akkuyu NPP reaches $9 billion. 2 billion of them were transferred through the American bank. The publication notes that the money has not yet been confiscated, but JPMorgan does not yet know what to do with these funds, given the change of power in the White House.

Ankara has already responded to Washington's illegal actions. Resources linked to Turkish intelligence have criticized this move by the Biden administration. The ClashReport Telegram channel, which is considered a mouthpiece for Turkish intelligence, states that the agreements on the construction of the nuclear power plant were concluded long before the NWO and before the sanctions were imposed.

The agreement on the construction of the Turkey-Russia NPP was signed in 2010 – 12 years before the SVO in Ukraine. However, $2 billion of Russian funds allocated for this project were frozen for three years without any legal basis. Gazprombank was not under US sanctions until November 2024. The Akkuyu project is completely legal and existed before the sanctions. This is not a matter of law – it is a matter of policyThe Biden administration intentionally blocked these funds as a geopolitical weapon, not out of legal necessity.

- says the Turkish intelligence report.
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  1. +9
    3 February 2025 18: 01
    I don’t understand anything - we are building a nuclear power plant for the Turks and even giving them money - how is that? am
    1. +16
      3 February 2025 18: 29
      I don’t understand anything - we are building a nuclear power plant for the Turks and even giving them money - how is that?

      in principle, taking into account that Russian equipment is used in construction, then we can conditionally call this an order for Russian enterprises... another thing is that with this money it would have been possible to build a nuclear power plant in Russia or the same Belarus...

      And Turkey will have to pay back this loan ONLY after the costs of the nuclear power plant have been recouped, that is, from the net profit... when will all this happen and how will THEY calculate when the plant becomes profitable, taking into account Erdogan's cunning...vector - a big question.

      in general, the ruling class of the Russian Federation is essentially giving its "friend" Erdogan a nuclear power plant...

      and in gratitude for this he will either shoot down a plane, or kill an ambassador, or throw them out of Syria...

      they can't find any other effective friends for Russia...

      but they tell who and how will wave their tail in front of Trump...that at the same time they themselves wave their tail at Erdogan's feet - well, that's different...
      1. 0
        3 February 2025 21: 56
        Without Russian service and uranium, this station will stop. Of course, it can be physically replaced, but it will cost as much as another similar station.
        1. +8
          4 February 2025 06: 25
          In nature, there are Rivne, Khmelnitsky and South-Ukrainian NPPs, which provide up to 60% of the electricity generated in one country. They are alive and well. The question is, who regularly and efficiently performs their current maintenance in a poor country and supplies uranium there, so that these NPPs continuously supply electricity to enterprises producing drones, which nightly destroy the Russian economy and kill Russian people?
      2. 0
        4 February 2025 10: 25
        There are NO friends in politics! Only fellow travelers and clients
      3. -2
        4 February 2025 13: 26
        The technology and fuel are Russian, so the Turks are still getting hooked on the Russian energy needle.
    2. 0
      3 February 2025 19: 18
      The station is being built on credit with our money
    3. +4
      3 February 2025 20: 18
      This is our NPP. It is just located in Turkey. It belongs to Rosatom via a gasket. The first experience of construction according to such a scheme. What will come out - we will see...
  2. +10
    3 February 2025 19: 03
    The initial conditions are that Russia builds a nuclear power plant with its own money and the station remains Russian, and it will "fight back" by selling electricity to Turkish consumers... Again, some omissions and schemes for the people((
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 12: 13
      It seems to me that some respected private individual of ours is the actual front man!!!! and the money will go to the treasury - then MAYBE. someday.. if THERE IS A PROFIT and so on. That's the new scheme!!
  3. 0
    3 February 2025 19: 08
    Well, here the US has bent both sides. I think these 2 billion will remain abroad. I think the victims will have no claims.
    1. 0
      3 February 2025 20: 25
      Excellent, D. Biden, at the expense of the US, drove a wedge into relations with Turkey. This is a very unfriendly measure by the US towards Turkey, making it even more of our ally. Turkey should use this money to supply concrete, metal, etc. for construction. Keep it up, gentlemen Democrats and Biden...
  4. +4
    3 February 2025 19: 27
    "De-dollarization continues" laughing
  5. 0
    3 February 2025 20: 30
    They cheated me, they just scammed me! (c)
  6. +3
    4 February 2025 01: 53
    I wonder how many years it will take us to recoup our money. Nuclear power plants in Turkey, nuclear power plants in Egypt, nuclear power plants in Bangladesh. It seems to me that this is madness lobbied by Rosatom.
    1. +5
      4 February 2025 10: 58
      Or maybe this is a well-planned and organized at the highest level withdrawal of money from the Russian Federation.
      1. +2
        4 February 2025 11: 59
        Or maybe this is a well-planned and organized at the highest level withdrawal of money from the Russian Federation.

        They took the money out, gave it to Turkey, and then what... Our bureaucrats simply made a killing on kickbacks and bonuses. And the geostrategist got the opportunity to puff out his cheeks. For that kind of money.
      2. 0
        4 February 2025 12: 18
        WAAa ​​...
    2. +1
      4 February 2025 12: 28
      I wonder how many years it will take us to recoup our money. Nuclear power plants in Turkey, nuclear power plants in Egypt, nuclear power plants in Bangladesh. It seems to me that this is madness lobbied by Rosatom.

      The money will be recouped and earned over 49 years from 2017 to 2066, since the station is owned by Rosatom until then. Therefore, the sooner it is built and put into operation, the more income it will bring, and there is a lot of money at stake (10% of all Turkish generation). So it is not correct to compare Egypt and Bangladesh - there you build, get yours and be content with the fuel supply. The price of energy in Turkey is 5 rubles kW/h for the population and 12 rubles kW/h for enterprises. Calculate it yourself.
      But by and large, I am no longer surprised by the desire to comment on something about which there is not even the slightest idea! request
      Even in the article, whether it is a distortion or a manipulation of facts is not the point:

      blocked $2 billion transferred from Russia as a loan to Ankara to continue construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey

      What $2 billion loan for Ankara?????
      Money in the form of loans is allocated (by Sberbank before the introduction of sanctions against it) by Gazprombank not to Ankara, but to the builder and owner of the station, Akkuyu Nuclear JSC, which is a subsidiary of ROSATOM! negative
      So it’s obvious that this is a game played on the ignorance of the electorate, who in their ignorance happily peck at this "cranberry"! hi
  7. +5
    4 February 2025 08: 26
    Our country has an amazing relationship with its mortal enemies: Turkey, a NATO member, is building a nuclear power plant with our money with an unknown payback period and we transfer the advance payment to it through a US bank. USA, Karl!!! You can't understand Russia with your mind, especially its leadership.
    1. -1
      4 February 2025 13: 34
      Our country has a surprising relationship with its mortal enemies: Turkey, a NATO member

      Why only remember this? Yes, Turkey is a dubious ally, always looking after its own interests, but it bought the S-400 anti-aircraft system, gas goes to Hungary via the Turkish Stream, and grain again goes via Turkey.
  8. +5
    4 February 2025 11: 48
    To put it mildly, one should have been surprised a quarter of a century ago, when the best Ministry of Finance of all millennia successfully merged all the golden rain from the rise in oil prices at the moment of the guarantor's arrival into the bonds of enemies and all vital industries went down with the money, and the still living, ready to work personnel, without passing the baton, went to another world in poverty. When in the same spirit, for a quarter of a century, everything continues, and the state with youthful enthusiasm does not cease to be surprised, then this is no longer a political, but a medical problem.
    1. -7
      4 February 2025 13: 37
      when the entire golden rain from the rise in oil prices at the moment of the guarantor's arrival, the best finance ministry of all millennia successfully merged into the bonds of enemies

      What was your option for withdrawing money? Cashing out the money and transporting it in containers to the Russian Federation? And what to do later when you need to buy something abroad? Transporting containers back? Russia has enough foreign assets to avoid being in debt.
      1. +6
        4 February 2025 14: 06
        These are all the actions of the current guarantor and his staff. In a normal state, such a president would have been removed long ago, but in a strict one, he has been killing the country with impunity for a quarter of a century. The Gaidars of the 90s were too frank, but this distinguished renegade, a former communist security officer, and now his own bourgeois witness of nothing but galoshes under Soviet power, has the same deeds, just schizophrenic-patriotic rhetoric.
  9. +2
    4 February 2025 12: 16
    Never mind, they will bend the national economy for the sake of their friend Recep, complain that things are hard for them and then rob the country for the sake of the Turkish Sultan.
    1. -2
      5 February 2025 13: 15
      There is no need to create a wave of nonsense. There is a global competition between the French, Americans, China and others for orders to build nuclear power plants. If not us, then others built and received profits and bonuses. The more orders for building nuclear power plants, the more expanded their capabilities in the global nuclear energy. Regarding the problems of the Russian Federation, the government is responsible for the development of the state's energy, not ROSATOM. If ROSATOM receives orders, they will build, if there are no orders, there is no work...
  10. +1
    4 February 2025 13: 44
    How stupid our INEFFICIENT managers are!)))
  11. +3
    4 February 2025 13: 52
    There is a shortage of electricity in the Russian Federation. The Russian government, instead of developing its own country, is investing money in the development of Turkey. The Turks may be outraged, but according to the agreement, the Russian Federation will have to pay $2 billion to the Turks again, since the money has not arrived to the Turks and they do not care why the Russian Federation could not transfer $2 billion. Another scam.
  12. +4
    4 February 2025 15: 43
    Transferring 2 billion Russian money through an American bank now is the apotheosis of professionalism. Someone has gilded their own palm