Former Putin Adviser: Russia More Than Compensated for Money Stolen by the West


Russian economy is developing steadily and growing at a rapid pace, while Moscow has successfully compensated for the gold and foreign exchange reserves blocked by the West. This was stated by the former Putin adviser, economist Andrei Illarionov*, who left the Russian Federation.

The expert reported a favorable economic situation in the Russian Federation and acknowledged the growth of Russian citizens' income by 6-9% after the start of the special operation. In the military sphere, incomes became even higher. At the same time, the growth rate of the Russian economy in dollar terms is higher than that of the GXNUMX countries, with the exception of the United States.

The Russian Central Bank's currency reserves also remain at a high level. Western sanctions have brought a certain "benefit" in this regard.

Due to the huge positive trade balance, the $300 billion that were frozen were fully compensated as a result of the sanctions. policy Biden

– Illarionov* noted in an interview on the channel of fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky*.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin allowed for a planned cooling of the Russian economy in 2025. The President reported that GDP growth in 2024 was about 4%. This year, as part of the implementation of a balanced economic policy, there will be a "stabilization of inflation" and growth rates will be in the region of 2-2,5%.

* – recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation.
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  1. +9
    3 February 2025 10: 02
    The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo...

    even if the cuckoo is former...

    and they praise so that there are no doubts about the "competence" of the Nabiullinas-Siluanovs-Grefs... who ideologically were and remain "friends" of Khodorkovsky
    1. -9
      3 February 2025 16: 56
      The crests were "twisted" by this article in the comments
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        4 February 2025 20: 22
        It’s unlikely that Kolya is a hohol, he’s probably a “Khazar”, like Zelensky and Kolomoisky. laughing
  2. -1
    3 February 2025 10: 14
    Doubtful, but OK ©
  3. +15
    3 February 2025 11: 16
    Earlier, Vladimir Putin allowed for a planned cooling of the Russian economy in 2025. The President reported that GDP growth in 2024 was about 4%. This year, as part of the implementation of a balanced economic policy, there will be a "stabilization of inflation", and growth rates will be in the region of 2-2,5%

    GDP growth was 4%, there are no absolute figures. The question is, what does this mean? 4% taking into account 10% inflation (even according to official data) or in absolute figures? That is, growth of 4% in rubles, when more goods were produced in rubles, and 10% less real goods. This is a decline. Last year, eggs were imported into the country, this year a crisis with vegetables appeared. As a result, import duties on vegetables were zeroed out. That is, they began to care not about the domestic producer, but about the domestic consumer. This is sad. For the domestic producer. It will be strangled by cheap imports. Everything is becoming more expensive in the country: the cost of labor, the cost of machinery and equipment, the cost of money, the cost of fuel, taxes and much more. And should it now work at a loss? It will curtail production. There will be fewer goods, and prices will be higher. A dead end.
    Butter has become more expensive. Guns instead of butter. But potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage instead of butter is too much. Where are you, food security of the country. Ouch....
    I understand that we can't produce airplanes, let alone chips. But we have to produce vegetables and eggs ourselves.
    1. -7
      3 February 2025 16: 57
      Food security is in place. I understand that the hohols do not see all the availability of products in the stores of well-known social networks in Russia. But I think that with products and prices in Russia it is better than in Ukraine
      1. +6
        3 February 2025 17: 04
        But I think that the food and prices in Russia are better than in Ukraine.

        The fact that you think that everything is a mess everywhere, while everything is in order in Russia, is clear from your comments. But maybe you still have some objective information on prices in Ukraine? I looked myself, the prices are about the same, some are cheaper, some are more expensive. I need to look at what pensions are like there.
      2. +1
        4 February 2025 20: 57
        Dormidont, when we talk about the khokhols, we exclude from consideration such Ukrainians as Zelensky and Kolomoisky. Perhaps we should not remember them, but I doubt it. Representatives of such Ukrainians have long, one might say historically, shown interest in these lands.
    2. 0
      4 February 2025 08: 07
      Well, eggs have become more expensive in the US, for example, but if the situation in the Russian Federation was shouted about at every corner, here the event went almost unnoticed. And no one, in connection with the growth of prices for the American food basket, doubted the growth of their GDP, albeit small. As for the growth of the Russian economy, I have no doubt that its growth by 4% is estimated with the growth of inflation. Because this growth was even recognized by the IMF. And if inflation were not taken into account, it would have raised a wave of jubilation throughout the world. By the way, in the Russian Federation there is a simple way to make the food basket cheaper that is not available in the US or Europe. It is enough to take a shovel in your hands in the spring and go to your dacha, to your mother-in-law or to your mother. You will help the elderly and breathe fresh air and get pumped up digging and weeding the land and grow ecologically clean products.
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 16: 34
        As for the growth of the Russian economy, I have no doubt that its growth by 4% is estimated with the growth of inflation. Because this growth was even recognized by the IMF. And if inflation were not taken into account, it would have raised a wave of jubilation throughout the world.

        Of course, inflation is taken into account. But it is the official inflation that is taken into account, which, as far as I remember, is about 9.5%. The whole question is whether the real inflation corresponds to the official one, if we calculate it based on the cost of consumer goods, utilities, etc. It is clear that the entire GDP is taken into account when calculating inflation, including military-industrial complex products, which, I fully admit, have become more expensive by less than 9,5%, but these figures do not have much of an impact on the daily life of the population.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 19: 30
          Look at the Rosstat data. It regularly calculates the index of growth of consumer prices. I know this firsthand. Because I do it myself - at the beginning of the year, I notify clients about price increases, according to the Rosstat indices.
  4. +7
    3 February 2025 11: 53
    This star is easily verified by going to the store.
    1. +9
      3 February 2025 12: 35
      yes.. we will soon be going to the store like to a museum exhibition!!!! I can't speak for others!!! but in our region. for 8 months eggs+100%. butter+100%.. milk. kefir sour cream+55-65% (this is on store shelves). frozen and processed fish (smoked)+130% (mackerel, pink salmon, there was no money for anything else before)
    2. -11
      3 February 2025 16: 58
      If you go to a kaklyak supermarket, you'll probably find nothing there, that's true.
      1. -2
        4 February 2025 08: 08
        No, there is salmon caviar, rivers of jelly and banks of milk. And all of this is free. Just like in Europe. Remember those other tales of abundance?
  5. +9
    3 February 2025 12: 57
    acknowledged the growth of income of Russian citizens by 6-9%

    I am very happy for these individual citizens whose incomes have increased against the backdrop of war and hyperinflation.
    1. -13
      3 February 2025 16: 59
      Everyone's salaries in Russia have been raised, unlike the kakomentators from the CIPSO
      1. +4
        4 February 2025 07: 31
        Well, they "raised" it by 5 thousand while the price only went up by 2-5 times. Is it better?
        1. -3
          4 February 2025 08: 09
          What is it that has gone up in price 5 times, I would like to ask? Is it the eggs mentioned above?))))
          1. +1
            4 February 2025 11: 39
            In 2013 my Granta cost 318000,00. Now it costs more than 1500000,00 rubles - have it!
            1. -2
              4 February 2025 19: 14
              Well, remember what happened before the birth of Christ))) I don't drive a Granta, but a Niva. In the mid-10s, it cost around 600 rubles. Now you can buy a 000 for a million. So you won't choke either))))
              And a car is not a necessity. You don't buy it every day.
              1. +1
                5 February 2025 09: 16
                It's a lie, in the mid-600s it wouldn't have cost XNUMXk, unless it was a Bronto.
                1. -1
                  5 February 2025 10: 05
                  Sorry, but in our village we all drive Nivas. The thing is that you have to drive 3 km off-road. And Niva is the very tool that allows you to overcome puddles and potholes. So, in 2015, my neighbor in Yaroslavl bought himself a new 21213. And it was even cheaper than the 600 mentioned above. So let me believe what I saw with my own eyes)))
                  1. 0
                    5 February 2025 15: 46
                    That's what I'm talking about, what 600!? I won't give it 100%, but as a keepsake it cost 440 then. Now it's more than a million.
                    1. 0
                      Today, 12: 34
                      Where is it more than a million? If without unnecessary bells and whistles and on trade from 850 000 you can buy even in Moscow.
              2. +1
                5 February 2025 10: 02
                For more. I bought an apartment in the rough at the end of 2019 for 4,2 million. Repairs 1,5 million. Didn't finish the second bathroom, balcony and loggia (covid, war...). Now its market value is 18 million. The assessment is not mine, but that of people with a license - it is needed annually for mortgage insurance. And VAZ products began to rise sharply in price after the war, and immediately after the Nativity of Christ
                1. -1
                  5 February 2025 10: 08
                  Well, you must have a wonderful apartment!!!!)))) I can't say the same about my three-room apartment in Moscow. Not only has it not grown fivefold in price in five years, it hasn't even managed to double it))))
                  1. 0
                    5 February 2025 11: 01
                    It doesn't matter, what matters is how much everything has become more expensive in 3-4 years. And okay, cars and apartments, you can wait it out, but food and clothes?! And, as a result, most of the population has no money left after paying for housing and communal services, food and clothes. And there is still a wave of price increases ahead, because taxes have been raised and new ones have been introduced since this year.
                    1. -1
                      5 February 2025 11: 10
                      Well, you bought an apartment? Does that mean you personally have enough money for more than just food? I can't buy an apartment, but I have more than enough for food. And to regularly go to my dacha and grow organic food for myself and my family. Like many of my friends do. I love going to the theater. And you know, tickets to Moscow theaters are becoming increasingly difficult to get, although the average ticket price reaches 5000 rubles. Theaters are packed to capacity. You will probably answer me where people who don't have enough money for food find the money for a theater ticket. Or I look out the window. There are so many cars that there is nowhere to park. Where do the poor get it? And there is a steady demand for apartments. Again, where do those who can't buy food get the money for housing?
                      1. +1
                        5 February 2025 12: 27
                        The housing market is at a standstill. People took out mortgages 15-25 years ago and are still paying them, but now they have less money for food and other things. Housing transactions are made at the expense of svoshniks (banks rob them) and with inherited housing. Example: two young people got married, began to live in her one-room apartment, and rented out his one-room apartment. A child was born, they sold the one-room apartments and bought a two-room apartment. The car market sank below the baseboard and, again, svoshniks' families buy something on credit, saving their earnings from inflation. Many people continue to leave Russia and sell everything here. A friend of mine was saving up for an apartment, but prices jumped and he bought a car that he did not really need, but he had to save the money. And yes, I will not go to the theater for 5000. There is nowhere to park because there are few parking spaces, and the buildings are high-rise, and many cars now stand more than they drive.
                      2. 0
                        Today, 12: 10
                        I like this approach. Give this guy a mortgage.
                        at 1 percent - here and now)))) And the fact that sanctions have been imposed on the country,
                        from which the hegemon himself would start blowing bubbles - this is, of course, a trifle)))
                        We also don’t notice that the economy hasn’t gone into overdrive.
                        The fact that GDP is growing is greater than that of those who imposed these sanctions (and this is according to data
                        not only ROSSTAT, but also the IMF) - it is absolutely unimportant. Maybe you think that in those
                        in the States, people easily buy apartments for themselves? I don’t know if I’ll disappoint you or please you, but 50 percent
                        Americans rent their homes, and another 30 or so are in the process of paying off their loans.
                        In the Russian Federation, more than 80% of residents are homeowners. Are many people leaving Russia?
                        Well, none of my friends or relatives left. I only know of one - the son of a distant friend of my mother, as a sign
                        protest against the SVO moved to Georgia. But remotely continues to earn money in Russia.
                        And he didn't catch any honey banks outside the home. He complains that everything is expensive and asks his mother to help him with money.
                        Remember all the Chulpan Khamatovs and Makareviches. They went abroad and who needed them there?
                        So whoever wants to, let them leave. Let's just cleanse ourselves. As the classic said, "Those who flee Russia
                        and in Russia he is no longer Russian."
                        A friend bought an unnecessary car instead of an apartment? Why didn't he put the same money in SBER, for example?
                        at 20% per annum?
                        Regarding the lack of parking spaces, you made me smile. Half of those who park in the courtyards have garages.
                        I'm just too lazy to go to the garage in the morning. And here the car is right next to me. And I've been driving for 30 years, starting with the boys, the same one
                        same way, along the Yaroslavl highway to the dacha. And I remember that in the 90s, after Mytishchi, you were driving, at about 9 in the morning, practically alone.
                        We returned to Moscow on Sunday, at about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, without any traffic jams. And two years ago I stuck my nose into the same
                        time - stood in traffic jams for three hours. And on Saturday morning I leave for the dacha at about four in the morning and then it's already on the Moscow Ring Road
                        noticeable flow. Is this also due to the lack of parking spaces?
  6. +12
    3 February 2025 13: 11
    The expert reported on the favorable economic situation in the Russian Federation and acknowledged the growth of income of Russian citizens by 6-9% after the start of the special operation.

    Wouldn't the completely disrespected expert like to voice the real inflation in Russia and how food prices have increased in 2024 alone? According to my observations, the price increase was at least 25%. I may be wrong, but it's unlikely...

    At the same time, the growth rate of the Russian economy in dollar terms is higher than that of the G7 countries, with the exception of the United States.

    Here I didn't even laugh, I just burst into ugly laughter and wanted to hurt him. Very much. To the expert (censored)...
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 11: 22
      Go ahead and laugh. But this is IMF data, that's the thing)))))
      1. 0
        Today, 13: 00
        The IMF is a real prostitute. Exactly like our VTsIOM. And I count based on my earnings. The amount in rubles has hardly changed. If before 2014 my net income was about 2,5-3,5 thousand in dollar terms at the exchange rate at the time of salary payment, then after 14 - about 1-1,5 thousand. With the rise of the ruble through the clouds (well, at the lower edge of the clouds =), there is still a lot of room above) up to 100 per dollar, then now I have 500-600.
        And if this "expert" believes that...

        The growth rate of the Russian economy in dollar terms is higher than that of the G7 countries, with the exception of the United States.

        ... then this applies exclusively to the fat cats close to the aging body and power. The number of billionaires and billions in dollars in Russia has increased even more since 2022. That's what was taken away from me (and the absolute majority of Russian citizens), and went to them. And as such, there is no visible economic growth - the prices of absolutely everything, from food to electronics, have soared above the mountains, and it's scary to even talk about cars, they completely blocked the view to see how things are with growth...
        1. 0
          Today, 14: 14
          The IMF may be a prostitute, but it is not one that will serve the interests of the Russian Federation. So its figures can be trusted. Especially
          in the context of the fact that periodically, both Scholz and Macron say that everything is bad in their economies.
          And officials like Maroš Šefčovič, the vice-president of the EC, say: “The energy crisis cost the European Union one trillion euros.
          This assessment was voiced by the Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič. The official summed up the additional
          energy import costs and subsidies for industry and households."
          So no one is saying that prices are not rising and that real incomes of the population have not fallen compared to the “fat years” before 2014.
          Then I remind you that they started to introduce sanctions. And the fact that the Russian Federation, after introducing such a crazy number of packages, is completely fine with its economy
          stays afloat - that's also a fact. Let me remind you of the 90s, when price tags in stores were rewritten several times a day. Compared to 14,
          Yes, prices have become higher. But they have also become higher for those against whom sanctions were not imposed at all. And from them, it seems to me,
          and the hegemon we breathed heavily, despite the properly working typewriter)))
          Regarding fat cats - you made me smile))) My dears, if you don’t know - we’ve had capitalism for over 30 years.
          with all the signs that follow from it - and the stratification of the population into the poor and the rich,
          and price fluctuations and the presence of "fat cats". What capitalist country doesn't have all of this? How old were you in the early 90s,
          when was the fate of the USSR being decided? Did you or your parents take to the streets to defend the gains of October or did they want to
          market, "which will regulate everything"? So now why remember about the dollar for 64 kopecks,
          free higher education and medicine? This is the farewell smile of socialism. I mean
          budget places in a number of Russian universities.
  7. +6
    3 February 2025 13: 41
    Let's see what the Central Bank will sing on February 14. What are the forecasts - will they raise the rate or not?
    For now, yes, thanks to comrade Illarionov for our happy childhood.
    1. -7
      3 February 2025 17: 01
      The current khokhlyaty certainly didn't have a happy childhood under the "Bandera regime". A difficult childhood, cast-iron toys
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 08: 11
        Well, I don't know about cast iron toys, but Mikhalkov showed their books in "Besogon" yesterday)))) I'll tell you - this is worse than any cast iron)))
  8. +3
    3 February 2025 14: 07
    Since the beginning of 2025, the wealth of Russia's wealthiest entrepreneurs has increased by $14,2 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. This index is based, in particular, on the market capitalization of companies' shares.
  9. +6
    3 February 2025 15: 07
    The Russian economy is developing steadily and growing at a rapid pace, while Moscow has successfully compensated for the gold and foreign exchange reserves blocked by the West.

    And at whose expense did Moscow compensate for the $300 billion confiscated by the West?
    As usual, due to Russian citizens, prices for housing, cars, and food have increased 2-3 times in a few years.
    Why did taxes and fines increase to feed insatiable Moscow officials?
    Where is the promised expropriation of Western assets in Russia worth the stolen $300 billion?
    It is always easier to take money from one's own citizens than from Western "partners".
    Inflation at 20-30% and loans at 30% clean out the wallets of Russian citizens much more effectively...
    1. -2
      4 February 2025 08: 17
      We need to listen to the country's leaders. Volodin and Siluanov have already said, and more than once, that 500 billion in Western investments have been frozen. That's one. Secondly, external management has been introduced at some important enterprises in strategically important areas. The latest high-profile story is with the American Universal Beverage Company, which includes Glavprodukt as a component part. There was even a decree from the Supreme Council on this topic. So Western assets have been expropriated in the amount of more than 300 billion)))
      1. +3
        4 February 2025 12: 28
        Storyteller, if Western assets worth even a billion dollars in Russia were frozen, there would be a TERRIBLE howl in all the media.
        Most Western companies continue to work in Russia; those who wanted to left and sold their assets.
        The only thing the Russian government does not allow is to deliberately understate the cost of a transaction...
        1. -4
          4 February 2025 19: 27
          Well, you know the situation, without a doubt, better than the Minister of Finance and the Speaker of the State Duma))))
          Before going to bed, read this:

          In response to the freezing of Russian assets in the West, the Bank of Russia blocked funds of foreign investors in the amount of about $500 billion on Russian territory, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin reported on his Telegram channel.

          Commenting on the bill approved by the US House of Representatives on the confiscation of Russian property to help Ukraine, the parliamentarian expressed confidence that Russia could respond in kind.

          Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves, worth around $300 billion, have also been frozen... The Central Bank has responded by banning foreign investors from withdrawing funds from our financial system. According to some estimates, we are talking about more than $500 billion. We have something to respond with

          - wrote Volodin.

          And there would really be a terrible outcry in the West, if the West had not been the first to take this step. But as it is, they themselves are guilty of it)))
          1. +2
            4 February 2025 19: 52

            Imagine, perhaps, a list of Western companies whose assets in Russia were frozen for a total of 500 billion dollars. If there is no list, then all your reasoning is nothing more than empty chatter in favor of Volodin...

            I have information on about 30 companies with foreign capital located in our region and not a single enterprise has had its assets blocked; they continue to operate as they did before the SVO, but they have almost stopped investing in development...
            1. -3
              4 February 2025 20: 33
              Shouldn't you run for a beer? Give him the list))) I'm giving you a commentary on this matter from officials. Or are you suggesting that we don't believe them, but believe your chatter?))))
              1. 0
                6 February 2025 23: 56
                I wasn't even going to believe your chatter, Mr. Leontrotsky, because there is not a single link to the speeches and articles of these virtual "officials"...
                1. 0
                  Today, 13: 58
                  Unfortunately, I can't put all the links here - they won't let me publish a post with a comment that the message contains inadmissible information. But there is a way out. The quotes that I give here - enter them in a search engine and find the source))))

                  There are no fewer foreign assets frozen in Russia than there are Russian assets abroad,
                  Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told RIA Novosti. According to him, any actions
                  with Russian assets may have a symmetrical response.

                  "Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves worth about $300 billion have been frozen. They will be returned, they have nowhere to go. These are state funds,"
                  - Mr. Volodin said. He emphasized that the Central Bank, as a response measure, prohibited foreign investors from withdrawing funds from the Russian financial system.
                  "According to some estimates, we are talking about more than 500 billion dollars. We have something to respond with," added Vyacheslav Volodin.

                  According to the annual report of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2022, the volume of assets of the Bank of Russia in foreign currencies and gold amounted to 612,9 billion.
                  US dollars, of which US dollars 481,4 billion are foreign currency assets and US dollars 131,5 billion are gold. Including government
                  Securities of foreign issuers (foreign governments) accounted for 38,5%, deposits - 30,2%, gold - 21,5%,
                  foreign non-government securities - 4,6%, securities of international organizations - 3,8%.

                  The share of unfriendly countries that imposed sanctions and began to block the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation accounts for at least 52%, or about $300 billion.
                  At the same time, as Elvira Nabiullina explained earlier, this figure can fluctuate from day to day depending on the exchange rate of the various currencies in which
                  The Central Bank's reserves are nominated: “There are euros, pounds, and so on, and their exchange rate changes every day,” she explained.

                  Here are links to statements by Volodin, Siluanov and Nabiullina. What other evidence do you need?))))

                  And here's another bonus-

                  On March 6, 2022, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed Resolution No. 299, which fundamentally changes the entire international patent system
                  - security documents certifying the exclusive right of the patent owner to an invention and securing the possibility of receiving royalties
                  for the transfer of rights to use the invention. In accordance with the adopted resolution, Russian companies are completely exempt from paying royalties to patent holders registered in countries unfriendly to Russia. The list of these countries was published a little earlier and includes 48 countries,
                  which included the USA, Great Britain, EU countries, Canada, South Korea, Ukraine, Japan, Switzerland.


                  That is, in addition to frozen assets, the Russian Federation stopped making patent royalties to the West. By the way, the US itself made money on this,
                  billions of dollars annually.
                  Here is an example about external management.

                  Vladimir Putin transferred the holding company Glavprodukt to state control. It is one of the largest producers of canned goods in Russia,
                  which belonged to the American Universal Beverage Company.

                  Please read the decree 890 of the President of the Russian Federation - everything is written there.
            2. 0
              5 February 2025 09: 25
              There is no point in arguing with these two crazy people, they have information from such respected officials who in principle cannot lie, and we are just stupid people, with our mistrust we prevent them from effectively governing the country. Don't you see how successfully the SVO is going and we are about to defeat the entire West with their NATO.
              1. -1
                5 February 2025 11: 04
                Well, let's start with the fact that the Russian Federation is fighting, in fact, with the NATO bloc. Answer the questions yourself.
                1-Whose control, intelligence and communications system is in Ukraine? After all, without it, any Atakms and Shedls are just a piece of iron.
                2-Whose weapons are in Ukraine? Tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns, the same F-16?
                3-Whose air defense systems are in Ukraine?
                4-Whose crews in Ukraine are firing high-precision weapons?
                5-Mercenaries from which countries are fighting in Ukraine?
                So before talking about the success of actions in the SVO, it is necessary to first answer another question: could any other country in the world resist the NATO bloc in the same way as the Russian Federation does?
                As for assets, in addition to Officials, there are also expert opinions. Well, at least this one - Well, let's start with the fact that the Russian Federation is fighting, in fact, with the NATO bloc. Answer the questions yourself
                As for frozen assets, there are also opinions of experts on this matter, and not just Russian officials.

                The frozen assets of the West in Russia are 1,5 times larger than the Russian assets in Europe, said economist Alexey Bobrovsky. The expert emphasized that if the West somehow starts using frozen Russian funds, Moscow will take exactly the same amount from European assets, writes IA SM.News

                Nabiullina speaks in the same vein. You can easily find her position on this issue on the Internet. Or you suggest not to trust the official authorities and experts who are in this topic due to their professional activities.
                Okay, who do you suggest we believe? The amateurs who wandered in here? Or the followers of Lesha Navalny?
          2. +2
            4 February 2025 21: 29
            What is 0,5 trillion for the US and EU? It's nothing with a gross product of 22 and 18 trillion dollars and euros per year!
            And for Russia this is a huge amount of money, and not in rubles.
            So these fables that the West has lost something there with a total gross product of 60 trillion are nothing! Moreover, it is all technologically outdated and ancient as mammoth bones.
            They will write down these 0,5 trillion with a smile in the losses column... fellow
            1. -1
              5 February 2025 10: 01
              Well, let's compare what the freezing of 350 Russian billions gave the West and what it gave the Russian Federation.
              1-Caused economic damage to the Russian Federation
              2-Use interest from frozen money to support Ukraine.

              There are many more negative consequences.
              1-The dollar as the world's reserve currency has been hit.
              This is the reason for the increased frequency of settlements, primarily between the BRICS countries, in national currencies.
              Moreover, even for hydrocarbons, where petrodollars were the only instrument for payments for many decades.
              2-The number of people wishing to join BRICS has increased, which is an indicator of the countries’ interest in creating an alternative trading system.
              3-Freezing 500 billion in response, and on the rights of the injured party as a countermeasure. And this is not such a small amount.
              Let me remind you that Ukraine has been allocated $200 billion for the three years of the Second World War.
              4-Freezing 350 billion of the Russian Federation gave the Russian Federation the opportunity to conduct a kind of hidden nationalization of its industry in strategically important sectors, introducing external management over a number of foreign firms. The latest example here is with the American company - Universal Beverage Company. Even the Supreme Decree was issued on this topic. Imagine what would have happened if the Russian Federation had done this without squeezing out these 350 billion? There was a howl throughout the world about the fact that the Russian Federation had encroached on something sacred - the private property of companies. And now we can blame the West for exactly this.
              5-Partial exit from the Western patent system. We have already refused to pay royalties to the West on this topic (and this, by the way, is also billions of dollars). The next step is to refuse to recognize Western patents.
              6-The West with these 350 billion RF got a suitcase without a handle. It still doesn't know what to do with them. To squeeze them out means to get an even stronger blow to the dollar and the Western world trade system. And to hold them further means to continue to give the RF the opportunity to expand its actions on measures aimed at curtailing cooperation with the West.
              What this leads to is enough to look at Europe after the cessation of cheap Russian gas supplies under long-term contracts.

              In light of all the above, I have serious doubts that someone "forgot" to withdraw 350 billion from sanctions in a timely manner. Rather, they seem like a kind of bait on a hook for the West, which has lost its shores in its impudence.
  10. +2
    3 February 2025 18: 29
    What kind of deserter advisors does VVP have?
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 19: 13
      ...and deserters and thieves, while still under arrest!
  11. 362
    3 February 2025 21: 07
    It looks like Andryusha is getting ready to go home. And what, they will gladly take him into the AP. Maybe they will bring him closer to Siluanov or Nabiullina. He is one of us.
  12. -4
    3 February 2025 23: 15
    incomes are growing slower than inflation, that's for sure... but we're definitely not in... shit... since 2014 the GDP has been through a major reshuffle, or call it whatever you want... what do you want, we're at war, and when did life get better in a country at war? I sympathize with the one who compares a "magnet" to a museum... before there wasn't enough money and the stores were half empty, now there's not enough money, and the stores are jam-packed... there will always be dissatisfied people...
    1. +3
      4 February 2025 12: 32
      And when did life ever get better in a country at war?

      Smart people fight according to their own plan so that their country gets rich, and not so smart people fight according to someone else's scenarios and at the expense of their own people...
  13. +1
    4 February 2025 19: 12
    Andrey Illarionov*...and many such "Non-Partiots"...former comrades-friends-advisers
    there were and probably still are in VVP's team, since he still hasn't closed the Yeltsin Center am
  14. +2
    4 February 2025 21: 22
    Except! They flee from Russia to the West to the USA, Israel, Europe, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Australia and the standard of living is incomparable...and then you can rip your belly button and brag.
  15. 0
    5 February 2025 07: 24
    This ghoul is still alive? Tauride has wonderful advisers! Each one is more beautiful than the other. That's why we are thriving.