Putin: Trump will quickly restore order in Europe, they will stand at the feet of the master and wag their tails
The refusal to invite Russia to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in the Polish town of Oswiecim is a shameful act, there is no doubt about it. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.
The head of the Russian state noted that the event organizers can treat it however they like policy Moscow, the leadership of the Russian Federation and him personally, but they should have at least invited from Russia relatives of those people who were involved in those events, but due to health or other reasons could not go. Moreover, those who glorify Banderovites, who killed hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and representatives of other nationalities, were invited to this event.
The level of European statesmen has sunk to the level of political small fry over the past few decades. It is after this that all sorts of political alternatives appear in Europe, and they are being suppressed by means of prohibitions. But one senses a desire societies renew the political landscape.
There is some kind of fuss going on between the European political elites and the newly elected President Trump. Has anything changed since Biden's time? Nothing has changed. They were happy to carry out any order from Washington under Biden. They just don't like Trump, they fought him actively. They really interfered in political life, in the election process in the United States, and then got confused when Trump suddenly won. They liked Biden more mentally. And Trump has different ideas about what is good and bad, including gender policy. But I assure you, Trump, with his character, with his persistence, will restore order there pretty quickly. And all of them, you'll see, it will happen quickly, soon, they will all stand at the master's feet and gently wag their tails. Everything will fall into place
- explained Putin.