Putin: Trump will quickly restore order in Europe, they will stand at the feet of the master and wag their tails


The refusal to invite Russia to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in the Polish town of Oswiecim is a shameful act, there is no doubt about it. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

The head of the Russian state noted that the event organizers can treat it however they like policy Moscow, the leadership of the Russian Federation and him personally, but they should have at least invited from Russia relatives of those people who were involved in those events, but due to health or other reasons could not go. Moreover, those who glorify Banderovites, who killed hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and representatives of other nationalities, were invited to this event.

The level of European statesmen has sunk to the level of political small fry over the past few decades. It is after this that all sorts of political alternatives appear in Europe, and they are being suppressed by means of prohibitions. But one senses a desire societies renew the political landscape.

There is some kind of fuss going on between the European political elites and the newly elected President Trump. Has anything changed since Biden's time? Nothing has changed. They were happy to carry out any order from Washington under Biden. They just don't like Trump, they fought him actively. They really interfered in political life, in the election process in the United States, and then got confused when Trump suddenly won. They liked Biden more mentally. And Trump has different ideas about what is good and bad, including gender policy. But I assure you, Trump, with his character, with his persistence, will restore order there pretty quickly. And all of them, you'll see, it will happen quickly, soon, they will all stand at the master's feet and gently wag their tails. Everything will fall into place

- explained Putin.
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  1. +3
    2 February 2025 16: 27
    "Sometimes you even look at what's happening with surprise. I don't know, some people, they don't even have an education, and they are clearly doing something that is not their business, something they have never done in their lives. From the point of view of the interests of citizens of European countries, this is some kind of disaster. I don't know, just political small fry. Well, God bless them," Putin said.
  2. +2
    2 February 2025 16: 41
    But I assure you, Trump, with his character and his persistence, will restore order there quite quickly.

    I don't think there's any kind of mess there that would require Trump (a showman and troublemaker) to fix. I think the steep hills will roll the sivka over the next 4 years.
  3. -2
    2 February 2025 16: 41
    The EU's disgusting Russophobic policy
  4. 0
    2 February 2025 19: 00
    VVP, you should learn - decisiveness, toughness in making decisions that are necessary for the country, the absence of strange outdated dogmas of various kinds!
  5. -4
    2 February 2025 20: 10
    The whole question here is who will be the master of Europe. At whose feet will they wag their tails. There are three contenders.
    1. +2
      2 February 2025 20: 15
      I beg you... your third contender (besides China and the USA) dreams of wagging his tail at Trump's feet...

      we are ready for negotiations, we want peace, the Ukrainian Nazis have a soul, we need to think about it...

      It's a pity they don't want to think about the raped and murdered residents of Kursk...
      1. +1
        2 February 2025 20: 18
        This is geopolitics. The lords fight, and the serfs' forelocks crack.
        1. +1
          4 February 2025 14: 38
          Thinking that geopolitics is when the head of state creates comfortable conditions for the development of his state. Creating comfortable conditions for another state is not geopolitics - it is the colonial policy of the comprador bourgeoisie.
  6. +5
    2 February 2025 20: 40
    All the hysterics of Brussels, the squeals of Manu and the incitement of the English are rubbish... They won't go anywhere "out of the rut"
  7. +1
    3 February 2025 01: 41
    So Yes.
    It's quite quick to build their tramp across the country.
    The question is what next.
    In general, the US has already received its profit from Kyiv: Russia has been forced out of the EU energy market. The EU is 100% dependent on gas from the US.

    So the States don't give a damn about Kyiv anymore.
    But the EU has not yet acquired its new colony.
    So most likely the States are curtailing charity work for Kyiv.
    But the EU continues to buy weapons from the States and send them to Kyiv.
    Because for now the States are in chocolate, and the EU is sucking the biba.
    As, incidentally, does the Russian Federation.

    P.S.: Kyiv is just an object here, a colony, for which the Russian Federation and the EU are fighting.
  8. -1
    3 February 2025 04: 07
    Yes! Nothing has changed! request
    All the same servile hopes of "the master will come - the master will build us and judge" and attempts of "our own bourgeois" to please this master?! recourse
    Putin showers Trump with exaggerated compliments - "sending signals"?!
    Why did he so blindly "negotiate without alternative" with the European "political small fry" for so many years, if he knew everything about them in advance?! Only to be "deceived again"?!
    And about "there is a sense of society's desire to renew the political landscape" somehow it's very "not all clear-cut", without specifics-who feels it? the desire of what society, what kind of society is it...maybe Masonic, "Red Cross and Red Crescent", "horns and hooves",...or just to create a fog? winked
    This "meaningful" sweet demagogy again?! smile
  9. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 38
    While European leaders are huddling together to fight back against Trump. And behind them are all the forces of support of the US Democratic Party. Seeing what Trump is doing, they hope that the results of his policy of destroying world trade will soon give tangible results in the US itself, and not at all positive ones. Maybe then Trump will not have time for them?
  10. 0
    4 February 2025 05: 59
    Putin: Trump will quickly restore order in Europe, they will stand at the feet of the master and wag their tails

    Our president understands internal backroom and nomenclature issues like no one else. Therefore, the plan - Trump will help us, is being implemented. As they say - we need to hold out for a year and stand for five years. Well, and make money on this, how could we do without it. Money needs to be made! Money needs to be made.