In Ukraine, patients with schizophrenia are considered fit for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine – TCC employee


Military medical commissions in Ukraine recognize individuals suffering from mental disorders as fit for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was reported by a former serviceman of the Ukrainian army, who transferred to serve in the TCC after being wounded, named Vladimir. According to him, the examination of those forcibly mobilized is formal in nature.

There was a case when a military medical commission declared a man with a diagnosis of “paranoid schizophrenia” fit for service.

– Vladimir said.

According to him, after the formal procedure, the man was sent along the mobilization route, however, a few hours later his relatives arrived at the TCC, who brought documents confirming the presence of a mental illness.

The situation is such that, on the one hand, a person has a diagnosis of “paranoid schizophrenia” and lifelong disability, and on the other hand, a medical commission’s conclusion on fitness for military service.

– complained a TCC employee.

He also said that Ukrainian men who violated the rules of military registration undergo a medical examination without a queue and in the most simplified manner.

It is worth noting that the actions of the TCC employees to mass round up the male population of Ukraine have already resulted in tragedies more than once. Only the day before, in Poltava, a man shot an employee of the territorial recruitment center, after which he disappeared with one of the forcibly mobilized men.

Let us add that yesterday evening an explosion occurred in the building of the regional shopping center in Rivne, as a result of which one person died and six more were injured.
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  1. 0
    2 February 2025 13: 57
    So what if he's a schizophrenic? Well, with a gun, well, he'll shoot a couple of his "brothers". Who even counts those caught there?
  2. +2
    2 February 2025 17: 05
    How can you identify a schizophrenic based on a urine test? lol
  3. -1
    2 February 2025 17: 31
    The Americans were the first, during the Vietnam War, to call up and, after military training, send to the active army units of the mentally retarded and "schizos" (I've already forgotten what such specific units were called in American military slang, some "colorful" name smile ).
    They fought quite well - they were dangerous guys in every respect, and their "comrades in arms" didn't have time to get bored either, they had to be constantly on guard. wassat
    After all, the plot of the film "Forrest Gump" (and in "Full Metal Jacket" Private Heap is one of those) was not taken out of the blue. Yes
    Apparently, the American curators "advised" their Bandera Nazi puppets to take people with such "deviations" into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since drug- and alcohol-addicted freaks of all ages have been recognized as fit by medical commissions since 2014.
    Our drug addicts themselves were eager to become "ZSU fighters", not hiding the fact that they were counting on receiving free "psychostimulants", and with the beginning of the SVO, even the completely finished ones were taken into service - they are serving! But ordinary "ATO veterans in Donbass" from the "Avators", who were dismissed then for chronic alcoholism and over 60 years old, were no longer taken into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, although from the first days of the SVO they themselves asked to be taken, feeling "a new opportunity to return to duty".
    Yes, Kyiv still has enough "human resources" (even Seltz got carried away by offering Trump a "replacement for the Americans in Europe" in the form of as many as 800 "ZSU soldiers") and without the "shibzdiki"!
    "The Ukrainian authorities" have thoroughly "brainwashed" the "peresist citizens" over the past 30 years with Ukrainian Nazi "racial ideas" and "Russophobic narratives" (after all, even the supposedly "pro-Russian" presidents who came to power under the slogans of "friendship with Russia and the protection of the Russian language" then always gave over the "ideology" to the Western cave-dwelling Banderonazis, take the same "non-alternative Euro-integrator" Yanukovych, who always had a "supervising adviser-interpreter of speeches" from the American "Ukrodiaspora" and the CIA under the Bandera pseudonym "Herman"...)!
    And even from the Russian authorities, even during the years of the SVO, there is no such effective counter-propaganda towards the Ukrainian "warriors" and ordinary people poisoned by the Bander-Nazi "ideology", no counter-ideology and "attractive image of the future", except for stupid calls to "surrender if you want to stay alive, the password is "Volga" on the wave 149.0 MHz". request
  4. -2
    2 February 2025 21: 39
    Schizophenia is not dangerous for them, they have been schizophrenics for 10 years already. How else can we understand a population that is basically Russian, but considers itself American?
  5. +1
    3 February 2025 13: 29
    Miracles of the VVK have been observed more than once in our country, even in peacetime...