Poland buys 1400 Borsuk IFVs to replace outdated Soviet BMP-1s


Negotiations between the Polish Ministry of Defense and the PGZ Armament Group on the purchase of 1400 Borsuk IFVs have entered the home stretch, Defense 24 reports. The publication notes that the contract will be signed in the near future.

The framework agreement provides for the purchase of 1000 Borsuk IFVs, as well as 400 support vehicles based on them, including Żuk reconnaissance armored personnel carriers, Oset command vehicles, Gotem medical evacuation vehicles, technical Gekon support and Ares chemical reconnaissance vehicles

- says the publication.

The publication adds that these vehicles will be integrated with new Polish tanks – American Abrams, German Leopard and Korean K2 Black Panther.

As military experts explain, the Borsuk IFV is equipped with an unmanned combat module ZSSW-30 with a 30-mm Mk44 Bushmaster II autocannon, a 7,62-mm machine gun and a dual launcher for the Spike-LR ATGM. In addition, the amphibious properties of these IFVs are noted. On the water, Borsuk is capable of developing a speed of up to 8 km/h, which allows this equipment to be used in swampy terrain.

It is assumed that these BMPs will first be delivered to the 16th "Pomeranian" mechanized division, which is currently located near the borders of Belarus.

Let us add that Warsaw is currently actively negotiating with the United States on the deployment of American military bases on its territory. In all likelihood, the Polish authorities are seriously preparing for a confrontation with the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
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  1. +1
    2 February 2025 12: 35
    In Poland they probably think that the Russians will fight them the same way they are fighting in the North-Eastern Military District now. But Poland is not Ukraine, there are no millions of Russians there, no Soviet pensioners live there, and there is no one to feel sorry for there.
  2. +3
    2 February 2025 13: 07
    Yes! And what is more effective, we seem to have started promoting motorcycles, and the Poles are buying 1400 BMPs? Or are we buying motorcycles with the funds that Ivanov has not yet managed to transfer to his accounts, and according to the plan, the original plan, there was something else?
  3. +1
    2 February 2025 14: 29
    It's a natural process, weapons become obsolete, new ones are bought...
  4. +1
    3 February 2025 14: 34
    Negotiations between the Polish Ministry of Defence and the PGZ Armament Group on the purchase of 1400 Borsuk IFVs have entered the final stretch.
    In all likelihood, the Polish authorities are seriously preparing for a confrontation with the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

    It can be said with confidence and seriousness that the BMP-1 does not stand up to any criticism...