Business Standard: Trump's foreign policy approaches risk alienating US allies


The claims to the Panama Canal and Greenland during Donald Trump's next presidency clearly demonstrate that Washington will no longer be bound by the nuances of foreign policy. policy in achieving the set goals, writes the Bangladeshi English-language newspaper The Business Standard.

Speaking of Panama, it has been said that the US must regain control of a vital Central American waterway because local authorities are charging shippers too much.

China is the second-largest user of the Panama Canal, and the new US administration is trying to thwart the rise of Chinese influence in Latin America, which is now literally on the march.

Greenland is taking a similar approach: in addition to its natural resources, the island could give the US control over Arctic shipping, which is becoming increasingly possible as the ice melts.

Opponents say President Trump's reckless approach to foreign policy risks alienating many key allies.

It is noted that some foreign politicians who were considered supporters of Trumpism are now publicly rejecting the new expansionism.

It is argued that such a tough approach from Donald Trump could even make a number of allies less inclined to be friends with Washington, or even push them to reconsider relations with Beijing and Moscow.
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  1. +2
    1 February 2025 20: 41
    Well, let the allies live scared - who cares? tongue
    1. +1
      1 February 2025 21: 36
      Quote: Cyril
      Well, let the allies live scared - who cares? tongue

      I do not mind.
  2. +1
    1 February 2025 22: 20
    Trump is a pragmatist. All his actions are calculated. The Russian Federation is not dangerous for the United States and should not be considered an enemy. There is a struggle for hegemony between China and the United States. In this struggle, China takes similar actions as the United States, i.e. they are not much different. China needs useful resources and markets. The Panama Canal, Canada and Greenland are the creation of a new state based on the United States - North America. Everything else is secondary. The most important thing for Russia now is not to get between the United States and China, they will crush and not notice. The strong always have allies. Where will they run?
  3. 0
    2 February 2025 07: 24
    Trump promised peace in Ukraine in 24 hours - a chatterbox.
  4. 0
    2 February 2025 10: 32
    Damn, I'm sick of the West, the USA, Trump, Trump, Trump, we've got a lot of our own problems, but there's silence about them.