Armed deserters from the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forming gangs and controlling previously evacuated settlements


The scale of desertion in the Ukrainian army is growing every week. This trend contributes not only to the reduction of the combat capability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but also to the increase in the crime situation in Ukraine, since many soldiers leave their positions with weapons.

Kharkiv media and Telegram channels write that the region is actually sliding into chaos, as armed deserters are forming gangs and engaging in crime in the region. Obviously, a similar situation reigns in other frontline regions of Ukraine.

Desertion from the Ukrainian Armed Forces is reported to be taking on new forms. Armed escaped soldiers are occupying entire settlements near the LBS that were previously evacuated. At the same time, the remaining civilians are supporting the fugitives, helping them hide and supplying them with food.

It is obvious that such a trend poses serious risks for the Kyiv regime. In fact, a shadow army is being formed near the front line, which is unlikely to approve of the actions of the authorities. Many of the deserters were forcibly mobilized by the TCC, and the further actions of these gangs are difficult to predict.

Let us recall that earlier the British newspaper The Guardian reportedthat the scale of desertion in the Ukrainian Armed Forces is growing due to the fatigue of Ukrainian soldiers from military operations.
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  1. 0
    31 January 2025 20: 50
    This is exactly the useful information and warnings that the Reporter asked the Site Editors to publish a little earlier! Thank you! hi
  2. +4
    31 January 2025 21: 00
    I'm even glad that it's Makhnovshchina, but this
    1 people who have not lost basic sanity, a sense of self-preservation and do not want to fight with Russians for fascism and LGBT
    2 people who can protect local residents from ukrofascists
    3 those who can kill tsk and ukropolice and krakens and other conscious pigs
    4 those who can negotiate with the Russian Federation and give up territories without total processing by fabs
    5 they need to move to their hometowns and destroy the police there, protecting their relatives and friends and preparing the transfer of the city to our liberators without total demolition, such examples were in Germany in 1945

    finally ukrainians have become adequate
    1. +6
      31 January 2025 21: 41
      Don't be touched, you are mistaken, this partisan warfare is not at all friendly to the Russian Federation, on the contrary, it represents gangs, often similar to the OUN, which terrorized the Outskirts for a long time (until 1955 and went into unarmed underground). Conclusion: such expected problems (partisan warfare) must be predicted and the necessary efforts must be made...
      1. -1
        31 January 2025 22: 02
        It's easier to fight with Makhno gangs than with the regular army, we even negotiated successfully with Makhno,
        1. +2
          31 January 2025 22: 21
          Don't confuse the anarchist socialist Makhno with Bandera's supporters - two very different things. The talk about deserting armed units - this is not a regular army at all, and there will be more and more of them...
          1. -1
            31 January 2025 22: 38
            Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
            Talk about deserting armed units - this is not a regular army at all, and there will be more and more of them...

    2. +7
      31 January 2025 22: 37
      They "please" you, Vladimir, because you are far from them and know about "Makhnovshchina" only from films and romantic "tales"!
      Do not attribute things that do not exist to those who deserted to save their own skins and the desire to “freelance” and rob and kill with impunity, to enjoy bandit lawlessness without any criminal liability for the crimes they commit and with minimal risk to themselves!
      Many have precisely these bandit goals, since this looting "practice" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants and "Nazis" has been known among the people since the ATO (look at the bags of the "Azov" soldiers in Mariupol), and they go to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for regular free "psychostimulants"!
      The population in such a frontline zone is completely defenseless against bandit tyranny, because the murderers are not afraid of anything - "war will write off everything", and they leave no living witnesses!
      Watch the film "Solntsepyok" to see what they actually did in Donbass (the same thing in other eastern regions of Ukraine) after the "victory of Maidan" and what they are doing, both regular "warriors" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and seasoned killers who deserted with weapons (these are the ones who form gangs and "bind new members with blood", forcing everyone to kill when committing robberies).
      Although this film does not contain even a small part of what actually happened and which the Banderites themselves filmed and posted on the Internet in order to intimidate the anti-Maidan and anti-Bandera-minded population of the East and South-East!
      Then they "cleaned" these videos from the Internet, fearing "retaliation" for their sadistic murders, but the Russians only woke up on May 2, 2014, when in the Odessa Trade Union House, in online mode, the Bander-Nazis (from the pre-organized "football fans") demonstratively killed and burned "anti-Maidan" people en masse with the complete non-intervention of the Ukrainian police...
      I grew up in the places where the gangs of Makhno, Kotovsky and other grey-brown-crimson bandits operated, with some of them, already old, my current age, I was personally acquainted, as well as with many relatives and fellow countrymen who, as peaceful citizens, survived those hard times and the bandit terror of the civil war, the times and after the Great Patriotic War, the atrocities of such deserters!
      These deserters, for the most part, are hardened murderers and murderers, and are by no means "adequate Ukrainians" and will not fight against their own "brothers" from the Ukrainian Armed Forces! And, even more so, "protect the civilian population from them" - they did not flee for this and gather in gangs in the "gray zone"!
      The article correctly describes the sharp deterioration of the crime situation in the frontline zone, but you, Vladimir, have come up with a bunch of idealistic "romanticism" "point by point", just like Leopold the Cat?!
      None of yours may they won't do it, but as best they can, a bandit "pack" survives at the expense of the local population, killing and robbing people, leaving no witnesses alive! And yes, as is customary with bandits, they have accomplices among the locals, their observers-spotters, suppliers-repairmen, "shalashovkas"-warmers, with whom they share part of the loot and who help them hide and sell the loot, exchange it for what is necessary in their bandit life, if they can't take it away.
      They will never run into clashes with regular units of their Bandera "brothers-in-arms", because they do not want to "show themselves" and bring raids on themselves! No.
      In this bandit-like manner, until power and law are established in that "gray zone", they will try, to their own advantage, to "survive the war" and "acquire ownerless property (for this it is enough to just kill its owners, which they are passionately doing)"!
      You will still drop in to their "cafes" and "gandelki", befriend them and smile and shake their hands, "veterans of the fight against fascism", not suspecting that they brutally killed a lot of defenseless civilians, taking over our property so that they themselves could live comfortably (in the Armed Forces of Ukraine they will not be able to appropriate the loot on such a large scale, there they have to "share" most of the looted goods with the commanders, although the Armed Forces of Ukraine behave in Eastern Ukraine "like occupiers on foreign soil" - just like the Nazis did before, robbing and killing their own Ukrainian citizens).
      Once again, Vladimir and other good people, ordinary Russians, think with your own heads and develop critical thinking, don’t be so naive!
      1. +2
        31 January 2025 22: 42
        thank you, I understand you, I agree I am an idealist, my grandmother was in the occupation and told her that the most terrible thing is not the Germans but the time between ours and the Germans when the chaos began,... Ukraine will have to go through all this
      2. +1
        1 February 2025 04: 22
        Watch the film "Solntsepyok" to see what they actually did in Donbass (the same thing in other eastern regions of Ukraine) after the "victory of Maidan" and what they are doing, both regular "warriors" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and seasoned killers who deserted with weapons (these are the ones who form gangs and "bind new members with blood", forcing everyone to kill when committing robberies).

        I absolutely agree with you. It is practically impossible to eradicate the "Banderism" from them.
        And the film "Solntsepek" that you mentioned is in my archive - so that I don't forget about these animals, what they did...
    3. +2
      31 January 2025 22: 58
      Quite the opposite! These people have a common animal desire to survive. Therefore, they will kill everyone they can or who gets in their way! I do not envy those peaceful people who will be in that area.
      1. +2
        31 January 2025 23: 16
        Thank you, you've already explained it to me, I understand
    4. +1
      3 February 2025 13: 24
      Ukrainians are still very, very far from being adequate, but it is encouraging that this process has at least begun to emerge, and without a beginning there can be no continuation and strengthening, so we must fully welcome this and actively promote the creation of forces capable of violently confronting the current Bandera Nazi regime, which, in an attempt to retain its power, resorts to open terror and violence against the Ukrainian population.
  3. -3
    31 January 2025 21: 53
    It is obvious that this trend poses serious risks for the Kyiv regime.

    Oh, I won't sleep tonight! I'll be thinking about how bad things will be for the Kyiv regime. laughing
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 23: 37
      My plus to you for the "joke" about "serious risks"! laughing
      Sleep peacefully, Mr. Instructor, this "risk" is not serious, since it does not at all contradict the goals of the pre-Bandera Nazi "Kyiv regime" - the consolidated genocide of the Russian and pro-Russian population of Eastern Ukraine!
      Gangs of deserters in the "gray zone", like Hitler's "Einsatzkommandos" and "Dirlewanger's gang of criminals" together with the "Schutzmannschaft", help the "Kyiv regime" indirectly terrorize and destroy the "wrong/unconscious (since the "conscious ones" were evacuated to Western Ukraine and "to Europe")" local Ukrainian population, so that these "human resources" do not go to the Russian Federation and do not work for the benefit of the Russian World!
      As a result, when the Banderonazis finally retreat from the territory they occupied, the destruction of valuable buildings, infrastructure and the remnants of the local Ukrainian/Russian population is systematically completed by the "warriors" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
      But "help" in this from the bandit SZCheshniki is welcomed and not forbidden by the "Kyiv regime" (even amnesty with "return to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" is provided for by law, the "Kiev regime" understands that the "lads" need to "have fun and rest" from the army coercion, "have fun and kick up a fuss in every way, smoke Victory on the side", so that they do not grumble at the "Ukro-government", because the Mazuriki will not go anywhere from the American colonial concentration camp of Banderland).
      1. +2
        1 February 2025 04: 48
        help the "Kyiv regime" indirectly terrorize and destroy the "wrong/unconscious (since the "conscious ones" were evacuated to Western Ukraine and "to Europe")" local Ukrainian population, so that these "human resources" do not go to the Russian Federation and do not work for the benefit of the Russian World!

        My classmate served in Zapadenshchina (DMB 77-79) in the then Soviet Army, near Ivano-Frankivsk, as a driver... He left in the spring, I later - the autumn draft (Air Defense, Vologda region). We corresponded. In one of the letters I complained that we don't have any leave (and where would you go, into the forest, to meet wolves?)
        He replied, "Vitya, they won't let us go on leave either - the political officer says that they have to bring us home alive. And it's all because of these locals, the "French ones"...
        While they are sober, it is bearable, but once they get drunk...".
        At first I didn't understand, and then I just forgot... until I came across this word online...
        I decided to find out what this "French-sounding" thing was... I found it, found out... and understood everything he wanted to tell me.
        Back then it wasn't advertised, the topic was taboo...and there was no internet back then.
        Now we sometimes communicate with him on "Telega" (TG) - he stayed in the Luhansk region to "cut coal", met a girl there, got married... grew old... like all of us.
  4. 0
    31 January 2025 22: 09
    Bandits criminally control the residents. Who help them hide and feed them. I didn't quite understand the news, who controls whom.
  5. +5
    1 February 2025 02: 05
    Put an end to this drug-addicted pseudo-Fuhrer and his entire gang of thieves and sellouts.
  6. -1
    1 February 2025 21: 32
    That's good. But armed uncontrolled gangs need to move to the rear of Ukraine to their places of residence and establish their Makhnovist order there!
  7. +1
    2 February 2025 19: 36
    They will have to Yes destroy am The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  8. 0
    3 February 2025 07: 45
    The situation is natural and predictable, this is real proof of the fact of defeat and collapse of Ukraine, people simply want to survive... And so, from our point of view, this is neither good nor bad, all the same these gangs will have to be cleaned up. Do not forget that they all consist of war criminals and ghouls who took up arms and went to kill Russians, voluntarily or under duress, it is not important.