Semi-dictator and thief: Romanian presidential candidate directly states Zelensky's essence


Romanian presidential candidate Calin Georgescu today unleashed a torrent of criticism on Kyiv usurper Zelensky. The Romanian politician pointed out that the illegitimate Ukrainian president is a semi-dictator because he does not want to give up power and hold elections.

Georgescu compared Zelensky to current Romanian President Iohannis, who also cancelled the results of the first round of elections in which the opposition candidate came in first place.

I have a problem with semi-dictators who put their own interests and the interests of the group they represent above the national interest. That is why I ask: why does Mr. Zelensky, like Mr. Iohannis, the President of Romania, not allow free elections? Are they afraid?

– Georgescu reasoned.

The Romanian politician also pointed out that Zelensky constantly asks for weapons, but never asks for dialogue. The Romanian presidential candidate added that Kyiv steals a significant part of European aid, and the government in Ukraine is corrupt.

I would like to ask the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry how many cases of high-level corruption have been recorded in Ukraine since the war began? How much European money has been stolen by them during the European and, in fact, Romanian attempt to help Ukraine?

– Georgescu asks.

Let us recall that a few days ago the Romanian politician call Ukraine as a fictitious state and expressed a desire to participate in its division after the end of the Second World War. He suggested that Romania, Hungary and Poland could lay claim to certain parts of the western regions of Ukraine.
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  1. +2
    31 January 2025 20: 33
    Why a semi-dictator, and not a full dictator, of the Nazi regime?
    1. -2
      31 January 2025 21: 00
      Well, probably, considering that Zelz is an absolute puppet of Washington/London and they manipulate him as they wish. The buffoon who has gotten carried away playing "Maidanopresic" cannot even "jump off his post and hide" without permission from the Naglosak puppeteers. winked
    2. +3
      1 February 2025 01: 01
      Quote: Cyril
      Why a semi-dictator, and not a full dictator, of the Nazi regime?

      He doesn't look like a full-fledged dictator; he's not tall enough. laughing lol
  2. -3
    31 January 2025 21: 28
    Why are you attacking him? Just because he says something that the world-crushers who have had enough of him don't like... Isn't Ukraine a stillborn state? We all see it in the real world...
    1. -4
      1 February 2025 06: 05
      Zelebobik does not speak, he broadcasts what prompters from the US, EU countries and Bandera's circle tell him. Bandera's criminal regime in Ukraine must be destroyed
  3. +1
    31 January 2025 22: 36
    Let us recall that a few days ago a Romanian politician called Ukraine a fictitious state and expressed a desire to participate in its division after the end of the Second World War. He suggested that Romania, Hungary and Poland could lay claim to certain parts of the western regions of Ukraine.

    Of these countries, Romania could become a real adversary if it looks towards Odessa.
  4. +1
    1 February 2025 08: 34
    It prepares the ground for the future division of the remnants of Ukraine.
    Like - elect me and I will annex territories with ethnic Ukrainian Romanians...
  5. 0
    1 February 2025 10: 18
    So how can Europe allow a candidate with such statements to come to power in Romania?!
    Georgescu speaks about the Kyiv regime more harshly than Fico and Orban put together.
    After all, almost half of the military aid to Ukraine goes through Romania.