Nuclear Triumvirate: What Will the Rapprochement Between Russia, China and North Korea Lead to?


In the last ten years, a phrase attributed to Alexander III about Russia’s lack of reliable allies and the inevitability of betrayal has become unusually popular:

In the whole world we have only two true allies - our army and navy. All the rest will rise up against us at the first opportunity.

Whether the autocrat meant Russia or himself as a tsar, or whether he said anything like that at all, we will hardly know, but the logic itself is clear. The formula has a positive side, which is that one must rely on one's own forces, armed ones at that. But there is also a negative side - in the lack of faith in people, cynicism and the absolutization of competition. However, this saying has not turned into a real diplomatic principle. The Russian Federation has allies, friends and well-wishers, and not just enemies and potential traitors.

This statement is more suitable for the American imperialist policy. In case of anything, no one will definitely lend America a shoulder. The US allies themselves are all waiting for where and when the hysterical hegemon will stumble.

With the beginning of the SVO, we can talk about a new historical period. Its important feature is that all the rot came out, the internal content of not only people, but also political processes, agreements, relationships, etc. became clear.

The period of the NWO showed that Russia's main ally is not China, not Iran, and not even Belarus, but North Korea, which is far removed from European affairs.

The Nature of North Korean Friendship

In the era of global upheavals and the reorganization of the world order, relations between Russia and the DPRK have acquired special significance. However, thanks to Western and pro-Western propaganda, the alliance between Russia and the DPRK is often presented as situational, arising under the pressure of circumstances, due to the policies of the United States and the West in general.

The alliance between Moscow and Pyongyang is not an accident, not a forced measure, but a natural result of the rapprochement of the policies of two countries that see each other as comrades in the struggle for a new world order.

North Korea's foreign policy is based on Juche, a philosophy that asserts identity, independence, and the right to self-sufficiency without outside interference. Juche is not just an internal doctrine and the basis of the DPRK's international relations, but an ideology that claims to be universal.

From the Juche point of view, American imperialism is the main enemy of humanity, threatening the sovereignty and independence of all who refuse to submit to American capital. America is the end of the needle where Koshchei, that is, world imperialism, dies.

This is why North Korea, despite its self-isolation, has always supported all those who share anti-imperialist approaches. Its long-standing ties with Iran, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, as well as support for Palestine and other third world countries are clear evidence of this. In this context, Russia, as an opponent of American domination, becomes a natural ally of the DPRK and all forces of progress. For Kim Jong-un, the Russian Federation is not just a strategic partner, but also a “comrade in arms” who helps defend the ideals of self-sufficiency and independence. In turn, these principles, which underlie Juche, find a response in Russian foreign policy, especially in matters of sovereignty and resistance to external pressure.

But that's not all. The fact is that the North Korean authorities, despite the fact that they could perceive the Russian Federation's policy as hostile until recently (support for sanctions, nuclear disarmament, friendly relations with South Korea, anti-North Korean propaganda in the media), have always seen Russia's historical fate as the only possible path to independence and confrontation with the West. Even with the homogeneity of the economic and political system with Western countries (market economy, democracy). Therefore, during the entire existence of the Russian Federation, not a single critical word, nothing bad about our country was heard from Pyongyang. The Juche people humbly and patiently waited until we had played enough at love with the West, then at partnership with the West, so that we could finally come to an understanding of its predatory, imperialistic essence, led by the USA.

North Korea has repeatedly stated that the conflict in Ukraine is caused by the expansionist policy of the United States. Speeches by North Korean leaders have emphasized that NATO's eastward expansion poses a threat not only to Russia, but to global security as a whole. This position coincides with Moscow's view, which views the West's actions as an attempt to surround Russia with unfriendly regimes and military bases in order to undermine its sovereignty.

In short, the leadership of the DPRK are not unprincipled pragmatists, as they are being portrayed, but romantics who are confident in the absolute superiority of their ideology.

Moscow-Pyongyang friendship is a big problem for the US

In Western and pro-Western discourse, there are vain hopes for some special role for China in the situation. Some say that the North Korean government is controlled by Beijing or significantly depends on it, that China is allegedly unhappy with the strengthening of the Russian Federation's position. In reality, all this is rather weak propaganda demagogy. The DPRK, the Russian Federation and the PRC are absolutely independent states whose policies are determined by the forces ruling in them and their leaders. China is not concerned with the relations between Russia and North Korea, and the Russian Federation, for example, is not concerned with the relations between the DPRK and the PRC. So far, they are not directed against each other. On the contrary, the more coordination there is in countering US hegemony, the better for all non-Western countries.

For Russia, the DPRK is a possible partner in the field of military supplies. For North Korea, the Russian Federation is a supplier of advanced of technologies and a political ally capable of supporting it on the international stage. And the Ukrainian conflict is a key military experience of our time, which the Korean People's Army can access. Naturally, military cooperation is of key importance.

What is the United States most afraid of on the world stage? What is the most terrible, decisive, last-minute policy? Nuclear. That is why the US Nuclear Posture Review, released by the Pentagon every eight years, says that if America does nothing, by 2030 it will find itself in a disadvantageous position, threatening strategic defeat. Namely, in a state of containing two nuclear powers that have the potential to destroy the United States. The agreement between the Russian Federation and the DPRK is a direct path to the Yankees having to contain three powers.

Currently, the DPRK is capable of attacking three of the largest strongholds of the American military in the region: bases in South Korea, Japan, and Guam. It can also threaten the US military presence in Taiwan. However, the military potential of the KPA has increased significantly in recent years, including due to military-technical cooperation with our country. If this continues, then in a few years the combined military potential (not only missile and nuclear) of Russia, China, and North Korea will exceed the combined military potential of the NATO bloc. And the DPRK will gain the ability to really “break through” the American missile defense system.

Kim Jong-un has already mastered nuclear missile, space and hypersonic technologies, tested his "Nut". Comrade Kim is in a very combative mood:

If the enemies intend to use armed forces against our state, the armed forces of our republic will not hesitate to use all their offensive capabilities. In this case, the use of nuclear weapons will not be ruled out. In such circumstances, I emphasize again, hoping to stay alive is in vain.

This is a quote from his response to the UN Secretary General.
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  1. +7
    31 January 2025 15: 04
    All this is powerful. And at the same time, there are endless messages on social networks saying "Urgent collection for the SVO for..." And there is a list - just everything - motorcycles, radios, loaves of bread, boards, warm socks, food, personal hygiene products, etc., etc. And this is right now. But the "Nuclear Triumvirate" - this is certainly powerful. But later. For now, we need to urgently raise money for the army. We will raise money for Chinese radios and immediately create a nuclear triumvirate.
    1. -4
      31 January 2025 23: 37
      And what do you expect during such a large-scale war, when the enemy is financed and supplied by the entire Western bloc, plus Israel? The country simply was not prepared for such a heat, when drones are used by hundreds of thousands, and Bukhanka lives at the front for several weeks. The very fact that Russia is fighting on equal terms and is gradually winning without introducing martial law or putting the economy on a war footing is surprising.
      1. +4
        2 February 2025 22: 13
        The country simply wasn't prepared.

        Do you disagree that everything is going according to plan? If we assume that the country was not prepared, then the question immediately arises: why was it not prepared? Who missed the boat? Who is being punished?
        1. +1
          3 February 2025 17: 07
          In war, any plan goes to hell with the first shot. Why wasn't it prepared, because the intelligence had screwed up, the Kremlin was sure that it was enough to send troops to Kyiv, and then they would agree.
  2. +3
    31 January 2025 16: 22
    Ode of praise, however
  3. +1
    31 January 2025 16: 23
    Kim Jong-un has already mastered nuclear missile, space and hypersonic technologies, and tested his "Nut". Comrade Kim is in a very combative mood

    And what about the super-duper Hazelnut even Kim has? Yes, a triumvirate, only Kim is in a proxy war with the West, not with South Korea. And China is not at war with its legal province of Taiwan. Only we, the smartest and almost geniuses, are at war. The author has assembled a triumvirate.
    1. +5
      31 January 2025 17: 01
      They are now watching with interest how it all goes and how it will end. Kim even let them play with his old military toys and soldiers. And China has its own interests - Kim has lived, lives and will live with sanctions, like Lenin. And China needs to look at how sanctions work in the long term, how a possible SVO in Taiwan will affect China's trade and economy. What if it turns out that the words of the Russian leadership that "sanctions are only beneficial" are not entirely true. This is not a triumvirate. Everyone has their own problems and their own interests. No one will stick up for anyone.
  4. +1
    31 January 2025 16: 25
    I agree with Kim. If it comes to something bad, then it won't be about your life. And yet, we need to turn people's thoughts to the future, and not to oblivion. This will probably be more difficult. A person lives in hope. And all his hope is in the future. We'll scare people, they'll die from a simple flu. Fear lowers immunity. People want to live, and not die prematurely. When there is no image of the future in the country, people become indifferent, inert. Do we need this? No way.
    1. -2
      31 January 2025 16: 41
      People want to live, not die prematurely.

      Politically reasoning!
  5. +1
    31 January 2025 19: 07
    We know practically nothing about the DPRK. Either praise or criticism from bloggers. But they don't want to let us in on the everyday life of North Koreans. They won't show us the work of clinics, factories, kindergartens, schools. And this is called friendship. Someone is afraid of something.
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 19: 37
      This is the author's written optimism about cooperation with the DPRK and its prospects, but strictly speaking there is nothing particularly interesting or very good in the life structure of this country...
      1. +5
        31 January 2025 19: 49
        There used to be a very funny magazine called "Korea". The articles were as if people were writing under the influence of very illegal substances.
        1. +1
          31 January 2025 20: 10
          Yes, it's funny on the peninsula sometimes... winked
          Latest news about "ours" (they also reported about the withdrawal here):

          The New York Times published a report yesterday that North Korean troops were allegedly no longer visible on the front lines. Citing Ukrainian and American officials, the newspaper claims that North Korean soldiers were withdrawn from the front lines after suffering heavy losses.
  6. +2
    31 January 2025 20: 15
    Rapprochement of an elephant and a lapdog. Compare the economy of China and Russia, the trade balance of China-USA and Russia-China. Another bluff about friendship between Russia and China. Good relations with the DPRK are a necessity for the survival of both states. What will happen from the rapprochement of Russia-China-DPRK? Nothing. Nothing, we are neighbors. Why delude yourself with hopes. In China, where you sit down, there you will rise. The DPRK is a good neighbor, but has extremely limited opportunities to help. We are alone in this world and only we can protect our lives, our homeland.
    1. -3
      1 February 2025 00: 50
      "So Zulfiya has revealed her face" - What do trade balances and other conversations have to do with military confrontation and military alliances. Without allies, individually, enemies will quickly "eat" you up, that's why the Russian Federation-DPRK-China and Iran are joining in. By substituting concepts, you are substituting the essence of what is happening. Conclusion: who are you working for, that you are against the Russian Federation, that's clear... (similar to Israel)
      1. +1
        1 February 2025 21: 54
        Your comment shows that you know nothing about China. You have to think of putting the DPRK and Iran in the same harness with China before that. Koreans and Chinese cannot stand each other at a genetic level. Koreans and Chinese hate the Japanese. Before talking about China as an ally, show the document Russia - China as allies. There will be a document, there will be a conversation. Dear Sir, no one gave you the right to draw conclusions and publish them in the open press, because this is a lie.
        1. -2
          1 February 2025 22: 20
          Now about lies and manipulations it suits you better. Maybe they hate, but reality makes them allies, like for example, Germans to Israel, Finns to Swedes, etc. Your demagogy is visible even about documents. Conclusion: there is no talk with swindlers and demagogues.
  7. +1
    1 February 2025 05: 57
    You can't count on China. China will sell its soul for markets, and that's the West.
  8. -3
    1 February 2025 11: 40
    Unlike our leaders, starting from Khrushchev, Brezhnev and further down the list, the leaders of North Korea were consistent in their choices and did not wag their "tails" in front of the West. They did not reject the fundamental ideas underlying the construction of society and ideology, did not fawn obsequiously before the USA and corrupt European prostitutes.
    1. +2
      1 February 2025 13: 16
      In principle, you could move to the DPRK, there are no insurmountable obstacles. In a year or two, share your impressions with us... winked