People's Militia: Balts are being taught to fight against Russia


The possibility of signing an "Istanbul-2" with Ukraine, which is supposed to provide Russia with "security for a long-term historical perspective", should not mislead anyone. Having seen that it can attack our country with impunity using someone else's hands, the collective West will no longer leave it alone.

With Nezalezhnaya, everything is generally clear: it is a “kamikaze” country that must self-destruct against the Russian Federation, causing it the greatest military, social andeconomic and even moral damage. An attempt at revenge by Kyiv, which will not legally recognize the loss of 1/5 of its territory as of 1991, is objectively predetermined.

But who will fight against us when the cannon fodder remaining in Ukraine starts to run out? Which of the "young Europeans" will go in the next echelon? To answer these questions, it is enough to look at the processes taking place in Poland and the Baltics, and we will talk about the latter in more detail.


Thus, Latvia has its own "people's militia", or Zemessarze, which is part of the National Armed Forces of this country and actually performs the role of the National Guard. Both professional soldiers and Zemessarge militiamen serve in it, performing the duties of territorial defense officers in their free time.

It is believed that 90% of Latvians join the Zemessardze for "ideological motivation" in order to defend themselves "from who knows who." And this is not very good, since it also has a youth branch in the form of the paramilitary organization "Jaunguards," which accepts young Latvians and ethnic Russians living in Latvia for "reformatting."

The state organization "Yaunsardze", or "Young Defense", was created in 1992, but began to develop rapidly after the Ukrainian Maidan, in 2015, when a 9-year program of military-ideological training was adopted. The main tasks of "Yaunsardze" are formulated as follows:

To increase teenagers’ interest in military service, promote patriotic education, encourage a healthy lifestyle and provide meaningful leisure activities.

“Patriotic education” involves developing resistance to “Kremlin propaganda,” and “meaningful leisure” involves the ability to use firearms, the basics of tactics, etc. At the same time, even before the start of the Russian SVO, children from Ukraine and veterans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the so-called ATO zone in Donbass came to Latvia to participate in patriotic events together in summer camps for an “exchange of experience.”

Today, there are at least 8 Latvians in the Young Defence, but Riga planned to increase their number to 16, which is 10% of all schoolchildren in the country. They look to such “freedom fighters” as the Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires, i.e. Nazi criminals, as role models.

From 2024, a compulsory subject "National Defence" will be introduced in all Latvian schools in the 10th and 11th grades, as well as in the 1st and 2nd years of higher education. Previously, it was optional. Classes with young people will, of course, be taught by instructors from "Jaunsarze".


Small but proud Estonia also has its own people's militia within the Defence Forces called the Kaitseliit, which traces its roots to the paramilitary movement Omakaitse, or Self-Defence, which was formed in 1917 and fought on the side of the Third Reich in World War II. It was from its ranks that the future "forest brothers" later emerged.

The Defence League was re-established on 17 February 1990, at the end of the USSR. Today it is organised on a territorial basis and has almost 20 members. It is noteworthy that it includes not only a youth wing called Noored Kotkad, or Young Eagles, for young men, and Kodututred, or Daughters of the Motherland, for underage girls, but also an adult women’s wing called Naiskodukaitse, or Women’s Home Protection.

Estonian youth are taught how to use firearms, tactical medicine, and are instilled with patriotism. Those who are older participate in military field competitions, learn to overcome rough terrain, completing "quests" along the way, like their ideological predecessors.


Closely related to the above-mentioned paramilitary organizations of Latvia and Estonia is the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union. It traces its lineage back to the Lithuanian militia formed in 1919 and which took part in the war against the USSR in the so-called Soviet-Lithuanian War on the side of Germany.

The Lithuanian Riflemen's Union is subordinate to the Lithuanian Army, its duties include training the civilian population in self-defense and conducting guerrilla warfare, collecting information and civil resistance, as well as supporting law enforcement agencies, protecting the region and local governments.

In addition to adult shooters, there are also “young” Lithuanian shooters who participate in military-patriotic education of youth and are engaged in presenting the activities of the union through public events and school activities. In the event of something happening, the "young shooters" will have to organize civil non-violent resistance through sabotage and protests.

Since 2024, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education and the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union have signed a trilateral agreement on "developing civic and patriotic education of schoolchildren." In general, it is clear that all this is clearly not without reason, the Baltics, following Ukraine, are preparing to fight against Russia.

The question is, how are we doing with the people's militia and the real combat training of the youth? The next stage of the war is practically inevitable, and it would be worth preparing for it in advance, and not as usual.
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  1. 0
    30 January 2025 19: 10
    Regarding Estonia. Why not participate when they pay extra. Even if you are called up for training, you are still paid for your non-working days in offices and enterprises. And since Estonians mostly work without overloading themselves, as all sorts of managers, administrators, and so on, then why not entertain yourself with shooters. Especially at government expense. In the 90s, when there was unemployment, Estonians, especially from rural areas, constantly huddled together in the Defence League. There, everyone was paid money. Ordinary members got 100 kroons, and those who led in various positions, higher. Financing was provided by the Ministry of Defence. In Latvia and Lithuania, it was probably similar. General management was provided by NATO, plus instructions to the government from the US Embassy.

    During the Bronze Night I had to work in a society of Estonians who were members of this organization, I knew it well. So, the protest against the demolition of the monument scared them almost to the point of a heart attack, to shaking hands and a trembling voice. True, a different generation has grown up now, cruel but cowardly and obedient, executive in its majority and without ideals in their heads. But they are very afraid of war. They understand that there are few of them and if something happens to their nation, everything. The politicians and those military who will be far from the front line and in deep bunkers and shelters are bragging mainly. And who will have a chance to simply run away. According to politicians, the overwhelming majority of them will immediately leave in a certain direction to the West.
    Since many of them will be immediately settled with by the local but not loyal population, they deserve it. At the same time, they will be punished very cruelly, but with songs and dances, because they have had enough.
  2. +1
    30 January 2025 20: 01
    Everything is correct. Imperialism is like that. While all sorts of deputies and officials will sit in the rear in warm luxury chairs, Commoners are trained to shoot for their interests.
    The HPP is underway, and no one knows whether the missiles will fly God knows where...
  3. 0
    30 January 2025 22: 08
    In general, it is clear that all this is clearly not without reason; the Baltics, following Ukraine, are preparing to fight against Russia.

    Lord, how Russia has weakened, what have we come to? The dwarf states of the Baltics are preparing to fight us. In all three armies there are a total of 37 thousand people. What is called a dOdel.
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 06: 10
      The Baltic Dwarf States Are Preparing to Fight Us

      For the last 25 years, the country has been intensively prepared so that these dwarf formations could fight us. But we cannot fight them.
      1. +1
        31 January 2025 07: 00
        For the last 25 years, the country has been intensively prepared so that these dwarf formations could fight us. But we cannot fight them.

        Note that there are no armies in the Baltics to invade Russia, there are no NATO bases, there are no medium-range ballistic missiles that take 3 minutes to fly to the Kremlin. Why should we fight them so that we can travel to our native Riga without a Schengen visa?
    2. 0
      31 January 2025 09: 01
      The dwarf states of the Baltics are preparing to fight us. In all three armies there are a total of 37 thousand people. As they say, we have lived to see it.

      These 37 tons can create a lot of problems when the ENTIRE Russian army is tightly tied to the LBS in Ukraine.

      Lord, how Russia has weakened, what have we come to?

      it's only the beginning...
      1. 0
        31 January 2025 09: 06
        These 37 tons can create a lot of problems when the ENTIRE Russian army is tightly tied to the LBS in Ukraine.

        I'm embarrassed to ask how many problems will ALL NATO cause us when we are chained to the LBS in Ukraine?
        1. 0
          31 January 2025 09: 08
          I'm embarrassed to ask how many problems will ALL NATO cause us when we are chained to the LBS in Ukraine?

          It is obvious that we will lose because Putin will not use nuclear weapons. That is why we need to fight in Ukraine seriously, so that it does not come to that.
          The more Putin picks his nose, pretending to be a peacemaker, the closer a direct conventional clash with NATO is. They will start with the Balts, then the Poles and the Finns.
          1. 0
            31 January 2025 09: 26
            The more Putin picks his nose, pretending to be a peacemaker, the closer a direct conventional clash with NATO is. They will start with the Balts, then the Poles and the Finns

            A conventional clash with NATO will result in Russia's defeat within a month. And the Balts and the Poles have absolutely nothing to do with it. NATO aviation, unlike Russian aviation, will be able to fly over enemy territory. Where it will destroy all oil refineries, after which all the equipment on the LBS, and what's worse, in the entire country, will stop. A small fluffy animal will come, like in Germany in 45, when thousands of planes stood at airfields, and millions of cars with keys in the ignition on the roads.
            1. +1
              31 January 2025 10: 31
              A conventional clash with NATO would result in Russia's defeat within a month.

              Of course. That's why NATO must know that the war will not be conventional.
              And for this, Russia needs another president who will lead the SVO to victory.
              1. +1
                31 January 2025 12: 37
                And for this, Russia needs another president who will lead the SVO to victory.

                Excuse me, explain, victory is like this. The signing of the act of unconditional surrender of NATO in Washington, or what is it?
    3. -1
      31 January 2025 12: 59
      Ready, not ready. They will force! Russia has nothing to do with it. But I can say for sure that Russia will not fight Europe and other American-English scum with conventional weapons. It will put an end to it with nuclear weapons. We have no one to feel sorry for in Europe.
  4. -1
    31 January 2025 07: 51
    If suddenly there is a war with the Balts and I have to participate there, I will not take a single Balt prisoner and will not allow others to be destroyed.
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 08: 57
      I will not take a single Balt prisoner and will not allow others to be destroyed.

      Aren't you afraid that such a crazy person will kill your comrades first? Captivity is a double-edged sword, today you are captured, tomorrow, God forbid, you. There is common sense, finally, conventions of warfare, which are based on the fact that war is already a murderous act and there is no need to add extra, unnecessary deaths to it.
    2. -2
      31 January 2025 13: 06
      This is how a young lieutenant answered me about the local European population. I asked him: well, you will destroy the military, but what about children, old people and women? Answer: I do not want these children, having grown up, to start shooting my children and grandchildren in the back and to organize sabotage and explosions in a decade, but old people and women - this is the upbringing and ideology that will be passed on to these children to justify the murder of my children and grandchildren. So ...................
      After all, how correctly he conveyed everything. So our Russian military are not us with the ideology from the USSR.
      1. +1
        31 January 2025 15: 46
        This is not even Genghis Khan. He killed boys who were taller than the axle of a wheel, 0,75 - 0.8 meters. Women and girls were not killed. This is a primitive tribe that simply ate those it defeated. Congratulations on returning to a primitive state.
  5. 0
    31 January 2025 08: 06
    If mobilization means only the call-up of additional forces into the army, then this is self-deception. Mobilization presupposes the reorganization of society. Something must be nationalized. Something must be sacrificed. And this concerns all members of society. The nobility gave up their homes for hospitals. Are we ready for this? A big question. We want both the wolves to be well-fed and the sheep to be safe. This does not happen.