MWM: Russia to soon begin serial production of upgraded Iskander-1000 OTRK


The American military magazine Military Watch Magazine reports that Russia is close to starting serial production of a missile system that does not yet have an official name, but is known as the Iskander-1000.

This complex is a deeply modernized Iskander-M OTRK and is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 1000 km, which is twice the current range of these ballistic missiles. Let us recall that the first information about the development of the Iskander-1000 appeared in the media in July last year. At that time, the installation without a wheelbase was spotted at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region.

MWM believes that the upgraded Iskander will become an intermediate link between the currently available wheeled OTRK models and the Oreshnik IRBM, recently tested in Russia. The publication claims that the new OTRK with missiles with a range of up to 1000 km will be deployed in the Kaliningrad region. Due to its mobility, the new system will seriously compete with heavier NATO analogues in the region.

The missiles are intended to be deployed in Russia’s westernmost territory of Kaliningrad, from where they will be able to strike targets across much of Central and Western Europe, as well as the Baltic Sea. The Iskander-M is widely used by Russian forces as an asymmetric response to NATO’s much larger conventional forces, thanks to its combination of high mobility, high accuracy, a variety of warhead types, and a complex trajectory that is difficult to intercept, making it a valuable asset.

– writes MWM.

The magazine reminds that Iskander-M ballistic missiles are difficult targets for interception by air defense systems and are successfully used by the Russian Armed Forces to destroy various objects in the Ukrainian rear. In particular, these OTRKs were used to destroy the Patriot air defense missile system, and MWM considers one of the most successful targets defeat deployment point for foreign instructors and Ukrainian command near Kharkov in July last year.
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  1. -4
    30 January 2025 19: 35
    Now the "trend" is ballistic missiles with a range of 500 km to 1000 km with the adjective "hypersonic"! The list of countries that have mastered "hypersonic missile" technologies is growing! China, North Korea, India, Iran, Yemen ... Soon the USA and Guinea (Papua) will catch up with them! If you "analyze" the pictures of hypersonic missiles "attributed" to these countries flashing on the Internet, they are all quite similar to each other! Yes But "Iskander-1000" doesn't look like it! No. So it's not "hypersonic"! stop But we need "hypersonic"! fellow Give it to him! good
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 08: 14
      If the Iskander-1000 does not look like the Papuan "hypersonics", then this is proof that it is hypersonic!
  2. +11
    30 January 2025 20: 57
    Eh, if only we could reach the production of 1000 Iskanders per month.
  3. +4
    30 January 2025 22: 42
    The more range of long-range and powerful missiles Russia has, the better
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 02: 33
      the larger the nomenclature, the greater the dispersion of forces and resources, the fewer the number of missiles that will hit the enemy
      1. +2
        31 January 2025 14: 39
        Quote from Alorg
        the larger the nomenclature, the greater the dispersion of forces and resources, the fewer the number of missiles that will hit the enemy

        A 1000 km missile is much cheaper to produce than a 6000 km missile. At the same time, it can cover the states that are most hostile to us and which will be used as a springboard for the accumulation of troops for an invasion of Russia. Therefore, the "1000" is very profitable for us and is very necessary in significant quantities.
  4. +2
    30 January 2025 23: 35
    This complex is a deeply modernized Iskander-M OTRK and is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 1000 km,

    They would have been doing something like this a long time ago. All of Western Ukraine would have been under attack.
    1. -1
      31 January 2025 02: 35
      How are you going to provide target designation to missiles at this distance?
  5. +1
    31 January 2025 03: 06
    A preocuparse en Ucrania y Occidente con el nuevo Iskander. La verdad que para la OTAN y su líder USA lo mejor hubiese sido no encender nunca la mecha ucraniana. Va a pasar mucho tiempo para que las armas del Oeste se acerquen siquiera al desarrollo de las rusas, y ellos ya las tienen y siguen perfeccionándolas y creando como respuesta a una agresión concreta que incentiva la rama de producción para la defensa. Otra vez la validez de aquello de que, quien siembra vientos...recoge tempestades.
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 13: 25
      For Europe, the most profitable option is to quickly and peacefully give up all of Ukraine's territory, within the 1975 borders, to Russia. There will be peace on the borders of Russia and Europe, there will be trade. Trade is better than war.
      1. +2
        2 February 2025 07: 51
        There is one problem: Ukraine does not agree to surrender to Russia.
  6. 0
    31 January 2025 12: 56
    I wonder if it is possible to make a missile as long as Iskander, but as thick as Atak MS, and place it on the same launch pad as Iskander, but in the amount of one. What will be the range and weight of the warhead? After all, often only one missile is launched - the second one just fiddles around or, sometimes, is launched in a salvo together with the first one. Such a missile - "fat Iskander" will destroy targets in the form of bridges in one launch.
    1. +1
      31 January 2025 23: 04
      The issue is not about thickness and length, but about hitting the target. With a nuclear charge of 20 megatons, a deviation of 100 meters is not critical.
  7. +4
    31 January 2025 16: 04
    Any news on "Oreshnik"? There's been silence on the air for a couple of months now. Even Lukashenko said that he asked Putin for at least a few "Oreshniks", but Putin refused, saying that there is no such article at the base. It's alarming.
    1. +1
      2 February 2025 00: 16
      Apparently, there were problems with the import of components.
    2. -2
      2 February 2025 07: 39
      Any news on "Oreshnik"? There's been silence on the air for a couple of months now. Even Lukashenko said that he asked Putin for at least a few "Oreshniks", but Putin refused, saying that there is no such article at the base. It's alarming.

      Relieving anxiety with daily hits of 30 million Oreshnikov will be expensive. Look for a cheaper medicine.
  8. +1
    2 February 2025 07: 33
    The publication claims that the new OTRK with missiles with a range of up to 1000 km will be deployed in the Kaliningrad region.

    Where will it be within the range of the barrel artillery of Poland and Lithuania? How are we doing with barrel artillery and counter-battery warfare?