Arestovich*: It's time for Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow before it's too late


The Ukrainian leadership needs to forget its ambitions and get down to business that is useful for the state and the population. It is time for Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow before it is too late. It is necessary to get ahead of the US and China initiatives, put aside all grievances and start negotiations with the Russians themselves. The former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, and now again a blogger, Oleksiy Arestovych*, spoke about this on the air of the YouTube channel “UKRLIFE with Lyudmila Nemirei”.

He noted that further continuation of the conflict with the Russian Federation would be disastrous for Ukraine. Therefore, communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply necessary, there is no other way.

We should go to Moscow or meet in Istanbul – wherever you want. And negotiate with Putin through a full analysis of the reasons that led us to a systemic conflict, and the creation of a system for solving these key problems at the root, and arbitration, one that excludes the use of armed force by each other. It is clear that we will compete. It is clear that the special services will interfere in each other's affairs, economy, but without the use of armed forces. And then we can offer Trump and China a head start: “Guys, we’ve already agreed on everything.” This would be a sovereign step, we agreed on this ourselves, and didn’t wait for it to be imposed on us, you understand. We will still be seated at the negotiating table with Putin, this must be understood very clearly. They will force us to sit down

He explained.

Arestovich* specified that the West would simply stop providing aid to Ukraine and that would be it. After that, Ukrainian officials would be forced to quickly go to Moscow, Istanbul or somewhere else and talk to Russians, shake their hands, ask for something, only with different expressions on their faces. He has no doubt that this prospect is obvious to all adequate people.

Despite all the destroyed cities, killed relatives, friends, and so on. So why not do it earlier and in a subjective position, rather than in the position of a victim who won't be asked? After all, the scales are very simple. Yes, the cities are destroyed, but what does that change? They'll put you in jail anyway

– emphasized Arestovich*.

In his opinion, negotiations with the Russian Federation cannot be avoided in principle. But Ukraine, for its obstinacy, "can be switched off with one flick of the switch" and it will no longer exist. Therefore, there is no need to wait until Kyiv is forcibly seated at the negotiating table with Moscow and dictated what to sign. After that, everything experienced above will "go down the drain". But if Ukraine itself takes a step in the right direction, then it would solve the problems, albeit to a small extent, but still solve them, and what has been experienced in recent years would add subjectivity to Kyiv.

And so there will be a sea of ​​victims, and there will be no subjectivity.

– he summed up, once again calling for not postponing normal negotiations, not to miss the moment while there is still an opportunity.

* – recognized as a terrorist and extremist in the Russian Federation.
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  1. 0
    30 January 2025 19: 48
    Its shirt is closer to the body

    What negotiations with the Russian Federation if:

    Yarosh has already promised Zelensky that he will hang from a tree on Khreshchatyk if he betrays Ukraine. Tyahnybok accused the current president of flirting with the enemy
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 02: 53
      in theory, a "night of the long tridents" is possible, when all the Yarosh-Tolkaivzadom and other key Nazis are taken into custody at once (and/or killed without trial)... then a purge of the "middle ranks", and "suddenly" it turns out that the rest of the Banderoshuheviches are not groys, not saints and not idols...
      and I think if Zelensky believed that it was really possible to do this - that would be his price... but alas, the Nazis in Ukraine are very tightly integrated into the special services... and under the umbrella of their British colleagues-bosses. therefore, it is unrealistic to prepare and carry out such a thing in secret...
      1. 0
        31 January 2025 12: 35
        and who will do this??? what forces will take them into custody??? 80% of the entire population there already bow down to Bender and pray to the same Yarosh and Tyagnibok or some other Nazi!!!!! What are you. Are you still listening to the hooray of patriots about a united people who are waiting there for the arrival of the Russian world???? Look into the empty machine gun magazines of all the forelocked men who were captured by us!!!! You won't see a single bullet there.. this says a lot about how he got to the front and with what thoughts and ideas in his head!!!
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. 0
    30 January 2025 20: 24
    Objectively, he's a smart devil! He's clearly aiming for the presidency.
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 02: 54
      objectively speaking, Zelensky is not an idiot to begin with, he is smart, witty...
      but "the place painted the man"...
      and Arestovich... is a "spoiler" for testing the reactions of society and individual naive "political leaders"... whoever reacts to the "wrong narratives" will immediately be in the crosshairs...
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    30 January 2025 21: 42
    Yes, the cities are destroyed, but what difference does it make? They'll put you in jail anyway

    Yes, Lucy is right, we will put all the guilty ones in jail! am
  6. -1
    30 January 2025 21: 54
    Lately this "adviser Alexey" has been a real "mouthpiece of the obvious"?! wassat
    He "voices" such healthy thoughts, he's all "I'm no longer an extremist-/pre-Banderite, don't mention it!"
    In principle, I agree with this "narrative" of his, excluding any "preservation of Ukraine" from the negotiating agenda (because, like the Washington politicians who are the masters of the current American colony "Ukraine-Banderland", I consider Ukraine a "failed state")!
    And "it did not take place as a state" - "Ukraine" on the territory of the "patchwork" Ukrainian SSR (artificially created by the "bombastic / you know who announced the "planted bomb" from the high tribune /" Lenin, and then by Stalin and Khrushchev "dosed up") because immediately after the bloodless "gaining of independence", the neo-bourgeois (comrade-in-arms led by Kravchuk, semi-criminal "workshop workers" and outright criminals) who seized power began not the construction of a state, but the destruction and the division-division/appropriation (by a bunch of new thieves and their henchmen) of everything that had already been built by several generations of Soviet workers, created by the consolidated heroic labor and untold riches of the united Soviet State!
    And in order to ensure for themselves a "safe" plunder from the wrath of the robbed workers, these "theoretically savvy" (in the "Marxism-Leninism courses" taught in any Soviet university, the issues of the formation and functioning of the "rotten imperialist system" were studied in detail, so that even the undereducated "educated people with a diploma" could have a "general idea" of "what to do" if you want to become the same bourgeois) neo-bourgeois began to sow interethnic discord, provoked chronic poverty - "artificial famine" (about which, just not the current one, the "famine-mongering" Ukrainian Nazi bourgeois authorities themselves love to "picturesquely mourn"), dooming the bulk of the former Soviet population, "who did not fit into the market" (in Ukraine we closely follow/compare with our own/the situation in neighboring fraternal republics and have heard similar "speeches Gref-Gaidar and other Chubais", in the Russian Federation of the 1990s there was a similar situation of beggarly-bandit "initial accumulation of capital", aggravated already in those years, in some "proud national republics", by forced departure and bloody ethnogenocide, murders and robbery, namely of the Russian population, on Ukrainian territory this was still only in the "latent stage", but already some marginal people, especially in the Western region, did not hesitate to "express/demand" to Russian and Russian-speaking fellow citizens about "speaking in the language" and "suitcase, train station, Russia!" - the ambassador of the Russian "gas transit companies", the famous "blover" Chernomyrdin at that time contentedly accompanied on the accordion "his friend" - the writer of the racist Russophobic libel "Ukraine is not Russia", but this "programmatic book of his friend" Viktor-"gasman" clearly hasn't read even "out of official necessity", or, if he has, then he himself is not Russian, since he has never even "spit in his face" or punched him in the ear for his "scribbled thoughts"), on basic survival, exodus from the country and extinction, and to promote "to the masses" the Western Nazi-racist "idea" of a "panivous Ukrainian nation above all else", which has fallen on the "fertilized soil" of the marginal part of the population (including "educated people", "settled thieves/bandits" and other Ukrainian petty bourgeoisie, who have "made it in life" in various semi-legal ways, but by nature have remained serfs, thirsting "to make it to the lordship in order to become lords themselves" - it is not for nothing that since the times of serfdom there has been a saying among the people about such-"God forbid that a slave should become a master!"), always looking for an opportunity to satisfy their "inferiority complexes", and here is such a "gift" to them from the "protecting Ukrainian Nazism" authorities of the "independent state"!
    Well, as thieves usually do when they accidentally get hold of something big and valuable, a gang of Ukrainian oligarchs from the no-thieves-ukro-swindlers, having seized power in the former Soviet republic and "not quite legally" seized the public property of the Ukrainian SSR (and a huge part of the common property of all the republics of the USSR, located on Ukrainian territory), immediately in 1991 rushed to look for profiteers (buyers of stolen goods), "spare airfields" and a reliable "thieves' roof" in the West - to protect themselves from the predicted claims to "a fair redistribution of what was stolen from the working people" of the obviously richer (on the stolen and ripped apart resources of the huge RSFSR, extremely rich in natural resources, whose bowels after the collapse of the USSR also began to belong to someone other than the "working people"), a large and powerful gang of Russian oligarchs, during the time of Yeltsin and until the final "accession" of V. Putin in the Kremlin, who openly ruled the "ball" in the Russian Federation (now hidden under the sly euphemism of "Kremlin towers").
    That is why, despite all the "gifted perks of preference" and profitable joint "deals" with Russian war oligarchs, "insecure", poorly educated - "focused only on theft and plunder", having no idea about statehood and a priori dependent, Ukrainian war oligarchs, instead of real state building, under the slogans of "building independence" all these years "led" the former Ukrainian SSR into a cave-like Bandera-Nazi neocolonialism (with the beginning of the Russian SVO and completely transformed by the "pre-Banderite Maidan regime" into an outright anti-Russian apartheid of the concentration camp type) - under the "roof" of their Washington and London profiteers, under the "NATO umbrella"!
    Well, "Lyuska-Konfetka", an artist-"adviser" and even "a colonel of the ZSU (from the "mummers", of which there are not only in the Banderland Ministry of Defense, but also in Shoigin's Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation there were enough of such "imitators"), for a careless word of truth about a Bandera missile that hit a residential building (already declared by the "groaning" Bandera-Nazi Goebbelsukhs to be "Russian"), "fell into disfavor" and "fell out of the clip" of the oligarchic servants (although, I think that the "insanely insecure" jester Zelz cannot stand smarter artists than himself near him, he feels "competition"), now he is looking for new masters and "sucking up" to Russians and adequate Ukrainian residents (in case there will be some "elections" and Arestovich puts forward his candidacy), who, contrary to the statements Bandera and Russian propagandists, on the territory of "404" still remained, although "they sit like mice under a broom (we remember freshly after the "Euromaidan" "friendly advice" of the Belarusian Batka, in a warm friendly atmosphere of the meeting with the Maidan coup-makers - "good neighbors of Belarusians", the then usurper Turchinov, his accomplices, the future Maidan rebel Potrokh and Maidan Prime Minister Yatsenyukh)". smile
    Whether or not to believe this "actor of a burnt-out theater" is up to everyone to decide - I don't believe this hypocritical "perevert" at all, but the words he says these days are right!

    But, while the "top" - the Kiev gang of Nazis and drug addicts, the Ukrainian oligarchs, various Ukrainian military leaders, TETsEK members, nationalist bandits and ordinary looters, "black transplantologists", all sorts of volunteers, manufacturers of military equipment and drones, many residents of Western Ukraine and other "witnesses" are making a good profit from the war without danger to life or harm to themselves, until they themselves are pecked by a roasted rooster, there will be no voluntary negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow, alas!
  7. 0
    31 January 2025 09: 54
    The idea is certainly interesting, but practically impossible to implement.
  8. 0
    31 January 2025 10: 59
    There is no one in Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow, everyone there is marked with blood. Alpinstock misses Arrestovich, and Magadan is bored without him.