"Fictional State": Romanian Presidential Candidate Says Ukraine's Division Is Inevitable


Ukraine is a fictitious state, the division of which between neighboring countries is inevitable. This was stated by the candidate for the presidency of Romania Calin Georgescu. According to him, there is simply no place for Ukraine on the map of the rapidly changing world.

We have Northern Bukovina – interest. We have Budjak, we have Northern Maramures – right? From the old… what was it called… Transcarpathia! There are also Hungarians… Lviv, which will remain with the Poles, and Little Russia

– Georgescu thought.

He added that, in his opinion, the division of Ukraine is simply inevitable.

100% that's how it will be. Well, they have no other way! The road to something like that is inevitable. Ukraine is a fictitious state. It's the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

– the candidate for the presidency of Romania emphasized.

Let us recall that, according to polls, public opinion, Calin Georgescu is the favorite in the presidential race in Romania. He had previously won the first round of voting, but that result was overturned due to alleged Russian interference. However, this claim was later refuted.

Let us add that at present the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine by dividing the country between the Russian Federation and European states is being seriously discussed by some Western experts. At the same time, Kyiv persistently pretends not to notice these conversations and continues to talk about the need to conduct military operations until Ukraine reaches the 1991 borders.
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  1. +5
    30 January 2025 12: 59
    How many times was Poland divided?) Four? The crests decided to go this way)
  2. +4
    30 January 2025 13: 13
    All countries around Ukraine are talking openly about the upcoming division.
    Or the leaders themselves, or historians, or political scientists, but constantly and publicly.
    This means only one thing, if there is a division, then it is a capitulation. Logical sequence.
    The premonition of the end of the war and defeat completely demoralizes the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
    Putin uses this, Trump gives 100 days to end it.
    As soon as Russia begins a strategic offensive
    everyone will declare Kyiv's defeat and the need for an immediate capitulation
    to save the lives of ordinary soldiers.
    And the new Yalta is not only the new borders of Russia, but also Chinese Taiwan,
    and American Panama, at least without claims from Russia and China.
    And the new year 2026 may already be in Russian Odessa, Polish Lvov, etc.
    1. -3
      30 January 2025 17: 10
      Can I ask a question - if Ukraine capitulates - what relation do the Poles have to Lviv, and the Hungarians to Zakarpattia? I don't understand something recourse
      1. 0
        30 January 2025 21: 21
        If you get at least a secondary education, then the question itself will disappear.
        1. 0
          30 January 2025 21: 50
          Two higher Yes
          To share the enemy after the capitulation with someone who did not take part in the event is altruism bordering on madness. I understand if the Polish Army fought on our side, or the Hungarian regiments stormed Kherson... but to give away the legitimate spoils, the fertile lands of Transcarpathia and Western Ukraine - this is sheer nonsense. The most beautiful places for creating recreational zones for Russians. And with the khokhols - there is a good historical example - to act like Stalin with the Germans in East Prussia.
          1. -1
            30 January 2025 21: 54
            Are you abusing? It is dangerous for your health, think about what you wrote,
            1. +1
              30 January 2025 21: 59
              I understand Yes - for you, liberals, Stalin's name and actions are unacceptable. But he really was an outstanding geopolitician...
              And you would have been shot in front of him if you had offered to give Transcarpathia to the Hungarians after the war, and Lvov to the Poles. Moreover, the Red Army soldiers themselves would not have even brought it to the Special Department. negative
              1. 0
                30 January 2025 22: 01
                If I am a liberal then you are a color TV, you should drink less, dear sir.................
                1. 0
                  31 January 2025 11: 27
                  Poles, Hungarians, Romanians should stay within their borders and be glad that we won't come to them. I hope that as a result of this war they will be treated accordingly, and gas prices too.
                  1. 0
                    31 January 2025 16: 33
                    I fully support it. There are many people here who want to trade in "Kemskaya Volost" - "let them take it".
      2. The comment was deleted.
  3. 0
    30 January 2025 14: 21
    I wanted to ask one question in connection with the Central Military District: in 4.5 years of the Second World War, in confrontation with all of Europe, Russia with a defeated army first rolled back from Brest to Moscow, and then rose "from its knees" and ground up the entire European fascist pack and ended the war in defeated Berlin (a journey of 1000 km + 1600 km = 2600 km). And now, having the best, most perfect and trained army, Russia has been "tramping" for 3 years near the village of Dachnoye... (we can't go 200 km). What's wrong with us? Where are we making mistakes and how critical are they? And most importantly: who is to blame???
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. 0
    30 January 2025 16: 37
    The disgraceful rule of the democrats at the behest of the financial world plutocracy has created the preconditions for protest phenomena. So, new leaders with traditional values ​​familiar to the peoples are growing like mushrooms. At the same time, many attitudes from the end of the Great Patriotic War are being revised. Conclusion: another post-Yalta redistribution has begun and is expanding with acceleration, including the main leading countries: the USA, the Russian Federation, China and other smaller ones, Hungary, Romania...
    1. -1
      30 January 2025 17: 18
      There will be no redistribution. There will be fragmentation. What does Russia have to lay claim to? I understand Yalta. All of Eastern Europe. And what now? The remnants of the khokhols and the Bulbash? It is unlikely that even the Hungarians with the Slovaks and the Poles with the Balts and other Azerbaijanis will fall under our hand. After all, everything comes from the economy. Even the southern fragments of the USSR will crawl away to China and Turkey - and China with the Sultan will not give up its influence there. What will we be left with "the division of the world"? A destroyed Ukraine and a "multi-vector" Belarus?
      1. +1
        30 January 2025 18: 48
        We'll see, but the process has started and is gaining momentum.
        1. -1
          30 January 2025 19: 49
          There is no doubt that the world has rolled towards multipolarity without rules. There will not even be any attempts to observe any decency in relations between countries. I think Trump is the first swallow. Others will come after him - younger, angrier and more cynical. And yes - they will be adherents of traditional values ​​(for example - Kinder, Küche, Kirche - few could outdo the ideologists and executors of the NSDAP in the fight for traditional values), reactionaries and nationalists. Perhaps, for the most part, fascists (not to be confused with National Socialists - at least in some places this cannot be ruled out). Because in a world without rules, only law remains. The law of the strong.