"The Word of a Boy - 2": How Russian Youth Reacts to the Migration Problem


In February 2023, the big public A video recording from a surveillance camera at Educational Center No. 5 in the city of Chelyabinsk caused a stir. It showed several local students in balaclavas, beating up some unfortunate teenagers with a migration background, who were subsequently detained and harshly punished by law enforcement agencies.

"Russia that came here"

Without additional explanations of the video, when watching it, it is completely unclear who one is supposed to "root for." Aggressive young people in balaclavas, using improvised objects as weapons, by definition cannot arouse sympathy in a normal person, and sympathy should be aroused by those who are fleeing from them in the building of a Chelyabinsk secondary school.

The picture was completed by footage of the brutal detention of these young people by law enforcement officers, who were tipped off by the main victim, 19-year-old Firuz Dzhumaev, our new citizen who came from Tajikistan and has been living in the Southern Urals since 2007. The youth "gang" that attacked him received the fullest severity of the sentence, up to two years of suspended imprisonment.

However, numerous complaints from other local residents, well acquainted with the personality of Mr. Dzhumaev and his activities, forced the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Bastrykin, to organize an additional investigation into the circumstances of this scandalous criminal case, the results of which were reported by the Investigative Committee press service as follows:

As a result of the investigation, a number of senior employees of the Investigative Department for the Chelyabinsk Region were subject to strict disciplinary action.

It turned out that the root cause of the massacre in Educational Center No. 5 was the illegal activity of Firuz Farrukhdzhonovich Dzhumaev himself, born in 2005, whose parents, as valuable specialists, moved to Russia in 2007 and received Russian citizenship.

The active Firuz, in his free time from studying to be a welder, created an ethnic youth group from among his compatriots, which engaged in robberies and extortion from their peers among the local residents. Some of them were even taken to the forest "for a talk." At the time of that epic massacre in the Chelyabinsk school, Dzhumaev already had problems with the Russian law, as indicated by the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation:

During the investigation of the circumstances of the incident, it was revealed that the participant in the conflict, Firuz Dzhumaev, who has lived in Russia since 2007, was involved in a number of crimes. According to the investigation, in 2021 and 2022, Dzhumaev openly stole property from a minor. Under the threat of violence, he extorted money from another teenager.

A local resident Nikita and his friends, among whom were Russians and a Tatar, tried to organize a fight against the ethnic group. He called Firuz for a man-to-man talk, but according to the tradition established in the migrant diaspora, he did not come alone, but with reinforcements. A fight broke out, in which our "new" citizens began to give in to the "old" ones, and so they preferred to hide in the school building, and then complain to law enforcement agencies, who initially stood up for them.

Fortunately, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin eventually intervened in the case, and its circumstances, namely the victim behavior of the "victim" Firuz Dzhumaev and his henchmen, were considered in a comprehensive manner. I wonder if this will affect the revision of the measure of responsibility in relation to Nikita and his comrades?

"The Boy's Word - 2"

The deepest concern is that the situation in provincial Chelyabinsk is only a particular symptom of a colossal migration problem, created literally out of thin air in the interests of Russian big business, primarily construction, which needs cheap labor.

Millions of migrant workers were brought from Central Asian villages to our cities, practically from the Middle Ages with its customs and traditions, who decided to stay here with their families. And this led to an increase in interethnic tension, about which Kirill Kabanov, a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, speaks as follows:

Another serious social problem has appeared in the country.political irritant - national factor. It is safe to say that in situations involving interethnic conflicts, as a rule,, initially the aggression does not come from the children of native Russians. Which does not affect the severity of the consequences. The problem is becoming more serious every day. Because any action creates opposition.

A few more words need to be said about counteraction. Recently, the series "The Boy's Word" was a great success with viewers. It was about showdowns between a huge number of youth groups in Kazan during the late USSR, which later grew into full-fledged organized crime groups that kept Moscow and St. Petersburg in fear in the 90s. What was the root cause of this social phenomenon?

It was that many residents of local villages of Tatarstan moved to "Russian" Kazan with their own traditions and way of life, not always compatible with the city. And this naturally led first to street clashes between young people, and then to the formation of youth groups, since one in the field is not a warrior when you have to go and fight from yard to yard, street to street. This is exactly what we are now seeing in real time, only not specifically in Kazan, but in general throughout Russia.

What will happen when knives and firearms are used instead of hammers and traumatic pistols and people start dying? What will happen if the Kremlin signs "Istanbul-2" with Ukraine and veterans of the Central Military District, who have very specific experience in solving problems that will be encountered with ethnic gangs, start returning en masse from the front? The "wild nineties" may then seem like an easy warm-up.
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  1. +7
    31 January 2025 10: 05
    With a policy of "divide and rule" it is not surprising that ethnic gangs appear.
    Name a large capitalist country where there are no such gangs?!
    What they fought for ......
    1. +2
      31 January 2025 18: 18
      Quote: prior
      Name a large capitalist country where there are no such gangs?!

      about showdowns between a huge number of youth groups in Kazan back in the late USSR
    2. +2
      3 February 2025 13: 48
      Name a major capitalist country,

      Vlad, Russia is not such a country - a different development model - feudal...
      The government itself is planting and cultivating this model of “wild feudalism” due to its own mercantile interests.
  2. +15
    31 January 2025 10: 13
    What surprises me is that all these Matvienkos and Kirienkos think they can sit it out behind the Kremlin walls? Having felt the power, these "valuable specialists" will get to you too.
    1. 0
      3 February 2025 15: 28
      All these Matvienkos and Kirienkos think they can sit it out behind the Kremlin walls?

      I don't know about the "Kinder Surprise", Matvienko will definitely run away... When Moscow is renamed "Masvkvabad"...
      And many who are involved will follow her...
      Did I talk about the mercantile interests of this government in the comment above?
  3. +1
    31 January 2025 10: 35
    Well, it’s profitable since they brought in so much.
  4. +9
    31 January 2025 11: 30
    The problem is already OVERRIPE!!! If the aliens have a leader and he will lead this gang... SVO will seem like a piece of cake...
    1. +6
      31 January 2025 12: 18
      Kadyrov will unite everyone when the time comes
    2. -3
      1 February 2025 17: 05
      There is a leader, it is called the free Western world. It is under his dictation that Russia has committed to accepting migrants from Central Asia.
      1. +5
        2 February 2025 16: 23
        There is an organization called IOM, the International Organization for Migration, which operates under the auspices of the UN. Russia is a member. The UK finances regional resettlement programs. Why is IOM so influential in Russia and its work supported at a high level? I don’t know, but I assume that you have to pay for everything, including the right to buy a mansion in London.
  5. -5
    31 January 2025 11: 49
    Every action causes a reaction. In America, gangs armed to the teeth are being formed to counteract migrants. If we want to repeat this, we can make films like "The Word of a Boy" or "The Brigade." That is, popularize such phenomena. Youth clashes have always been and will always be. The main thing is not to make a cult out of it, as our most famous director does.
  6. +11
    31 January 2025 13: 42
    Why is this Tajik not on the gallows yet?
  7. +3
    31 January 2025 15: 25
    Something is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark

    Something does not converge with the respected Author.
    In particular, he writes:

    Millions of migrant workers were brought from Central Asian villages to our cities, practically from the Middle Ages with its customs and traditions.

    But did the parents of Firuz Farrukhdzhonovich Dzhumaev, born in 2005, as valuable specialists who moved to Russia in 2007 and received Russian citizenship, come from the village?
    If Dzhumaev had already had problems with Russian law, but continued his illegal activities, then it is obvious that such a thing would have been impossible without the "roof" of law enforcement. The latter were simply bought by the migrants - as usual (!) - and it is impossible that the "kickbacks" did not go to the very top!
    So will local "fighters for justice" and SVO veterans be able to defeat the "united" corrupt system?
    The current Russian government is unable to solve either the demographic problem or the problem of corruption among law enforcement officers! What are they fighting for in the SVO?
    1. +8
      31 January 2025 16: 27
      So that the Asian and Transcaucasian locusts, having replaced the Russians on these lands, could flourish for some time and multiply without measure. It won't work for long. Until they eat away what's left of the Russians, and then they'll crawl into Europe. Locusts are like that, very prolific and hardworking in devouring the fruits of other people's hands.
      1. +6
        31 January 2025 17: 19
        These are not locusts, these are more like rats. And having eaten up what is left of the local indigenous people, Russians and non-Russians, they will begin to redistribute what is left of the locals among themselves.
      2. -2
        3 February 2025 10: 38
        Locusts!! You say? And when they defended against the fascists, sent the last to the front, sheltered more than a million refugees? Who were they then? Do you have so many friends now? Europe, which you loved so much and where you were all striving (as you consider yourselves EUROPOIDS), always sent YOU and sent you again. It is the locusts that fight in the SVO, while the brave members of the "Russian Community" fearlessly fight against illegals. It is people like you that are the West's tool for the collapse of the state. That is how they destroyed the Russian Empire with the help of people like you.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 13: 12
          And when they killed and raped Russians in the 90s, why don't you remember? And they, these Russians, remember how well you sheltered them. And in 1941-1945 you defended not Russians, but yourselves. For this shitty help, the Russians from the RSFSR paid you crazy subsidies for all 45 years until the collapse of the USSR. They built cities for you from your villages. Why did you show up? In the USSR, you declared, "If it weren't for you, Russians, we would have lived like this!!!" Live! And don't bother us. And how you fought, my father told me. You raised your hand over the trench and were wounded and sent to the hospital. Warriors... That's why Stalin no longer invited you to the front since 1943.
          And your Dushanbe is the former village "Monday", on Mondays there was a fair in it. From the village they built you a quite decent capital.
          And for your information, I am from Donbass and we rose up because your beloved Europe hates and refused to go there either with Ukraine or separately. For us, Russia was and remains the Motherland.

          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          5 February 2025 13: 28
          And we are a nation of creators, and you are a nation of parasites. You have not created anything on earth for 500 years. You use the fruits of other people's hands. So far Russian, but you are also going to Europe. After Navoi, Nizami, Ulugbek - you have nothing! Empty in terms of creation. Excessive perversion, pedophilia, drugs and that's it, only the ability to eat and reproduce remains. 500 years of absolute feeblemindedness, to which you have brought yourselves. And today we see lustful goats and psychopaths among us. Not Ulugbeks, Nizami and Navoi at all. And you are not able to please us with Samarkand anymore. You have eaten up your father's. You have not created anything of your own. You are going after someone else's.
      3. +1
        3 February 2025 14: 41
        Locusts are like that, very prolific and hardworking in devouring the fruits of other people's hands.

        You are right, Olga. That is what they are called here in Samara... sometimes cooler, but the site rules do not allow this to be said.
        And what is a swarm of locusts? It is a disaster... There is no "valuable specialists" - villagers, about which this government is droning on from "all irons", here not only "there is no smell", but even "no stink".
        Through their diaspora, this Asianism is trying to establish their wild "rules" (the corrupt government is going to meet them halfway)... And if one such individual has managed to get into power - then there's trouble... Like here, as the head of the housing office, some "Ali Babaevich" with a hard-to-pronounce name and an unpronounceable surname... He dragged his entire village...
        The result - courtyards and entrances have stopped being cleaned, growing locusts are "giggling" on sports grounds... future bandits and terrorists ("Crocus" has taught this government nothing). Moreover - the beneficiary of bringing these villagers to construction sites, spoke in the State Duma with an incomprehensible justification for the actions of his "valuable tilers-curbstoners" (all that they are capable of. Except robbery, of course).
        For some reason the photo stopped inserting here, I guess why...
    2. 0
      3 February 2025 15: 42
      Mikhail, I will answer your rhetorical question - "...will local "fighters for justice" and veterans of the SVO be able to defeat the "united" corrupt system?"
      In short, there are not enough Bastrykins for everyone to defeat this "corrupt system"... Read for yourself how it happens:

      Well, finally: Migrants forced Russian court to change its decision. Justice sided with Krasnov in high-profile case

  8. +4
    31 January 2025 16: 30
    They began to live more or less calmly, no, someone really didn't like it. They brought in migrants. They are waiting for the Russians to die out and for them to become the heirs of all of Russia. They are being helped in this by the Duma, the United Russia faction and the New People, local security forces, which to a large extent are not made up of the indigenous peoples of Russia.
    1. +4
      31 January 2025 17: 22
      Those who were brought in are already dreaming of building a Great Caliphate on the territory of Russia, but other brought in ones are dreaming of a Great Turan under the flag of Turkey and Azerbaijan. And these two groups have long been ready for war among themselves for the territory of Russia.
    2. -1
      2 February 2025 10: 39
      God ordered to multiply, and only with a birth rate of 2,3 the population develops. We have 1,45 and migrants have 3. That is, we ourselves do not fulfill the command of the Lord, and that is the result. And the birth rate of migrants is a normal practice of human survival. That is, approved by God.
      1. -2
        5 February 2025 13: 01
        Locusts also reproduce. The devil is glad of this fecundity. And fecundity is not the same as fecundity. Breeding idiots and psychopaths is not a great merit. It is the same as endlessly releasing defective products in a factory.
        1. 0
          6 February 2025 17: 36
          Well, where is your good offspring? After all, with a coefficient of 1,7, a nation does not revive according to world statistics. You make 2,3, that is, give birth to three, four and then assert who is a locust and who is a marriage. Because "marriage" understands this and multiplies.
          1. 0
            6 February 2025 22: 59
            Provide the offspring of Russians with the same conditions that you provide to migrants and everything will be fine.
            1. 0
              Today, 05: 31
              I don't get it? "Locusts" are coming to us or we to them? That is, they have grace in their homeland and that's why they multiply, according to you? So their conditions are better than ours? Where's the logic)))?
    3. 0
      3 February 2025 14: 48
      local security forces

      Olga, the security forces were forbidden, they were ordered to not touch these "little animals" - there is no Criminal Code article for their actions "with grave consequences"...
      1. 0
        6 February 2025 22: 57
        The most terrible thing is that on May 9, 2010, in Lvov, the security forces were strictly forbidden to touch the merry Nazis. They tore off the awards and St. George ribbons from the elderly, gave the Nazi salute, shouted Nazi chants, and beat up those who tried to stop them. The children were crying in fear, and the security forces silently watched all this. They were forbidden to touch all this filth. The parallel simply suggests itself. And the consequences - a coup d'etat four years later. And it all started small...
  9. 0
    31 January 2025 19: 10
    As a result of the investigation, a number of senior employees of the Investigative Department for the Chelyabinsk Region were subject to strict disciplinary action.

    they had to be kicked out
    and instead of them, recruit Firuz Dzhumaevs wassat
  10. 0
    2 February 2025 19: 11
    Perhaps, taking as an example Trump's "advanced technologies" in the US in terms of fighting migrants, we in Russia will also tighten the policy towards migrants. And first of all, by stopping "feeding" migrants with Russian benefits. All migrants with families, whose children in the future may become the basis of street ethnic crime, go for "free" Russian aid, which they do not receive in such quantities at home
    1. +1
      3 February 2025 16: 22
      And first of all, by stopping "feeding" migrants with Russian benefits. All migrants with families, whose children in the future may become the basis of street ethnic crime, go for "free" Russian aid, which they do not receive in such quantities at home

      Absolutely right! You can't turn the country into a "walk-through yard".
      If the profiteers in power need cheap and unresponsive (for now "unresponsive") labor force so much, this policy needs to be changed radically. There is a solution to this problem, but I think the profiteering power is not capable of it. I will give an example:

      "Uzbek migrants received billion-dollar fines for leaving work, but in South Korea"

      Read, think - "Who is to blame and what to do"...