Return of Russian gas to Europe could be part of Ukraine deal


The European Union is currently discussing the resumption of purchases of Russian natural gas, the British newspaper The Financial Times reports. The publication notes that a return to importing Russian fuel could become part of a deal to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

As the publication emphasizes, this deal would be beneficial for both sides. Europe would start receiving cheap fuel again, and Moscow would regain its largest sales market. However, there are no fewer opponents to this idea than supporters. As the FT notes, some Eastern European countries are more outraged than others.

The resumption of pipeline supplies from Russia has infuriated officials in Brussels and diplomats from some eastern European countries, many of whom have worked for the past three years to reduce the EU's imports of Russian energy.

– states the author of the publication.

But that's only half the trouble. The EU's barely begun discussions of the idea of ​​returning to Russian gas purchases have seriously worried American LNG suppliers. The US has done a lot to push Russia out of the European gas market. The destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines alone is worth something. And then...

US LNG exporters fear any resumption of Ukrainian transit could make their products uncompetitive, two officials said.

- explains the publication.

And in this regard, it is hardly possible to predict a successful conclusion to the discussions on the idea of ​​the EU returning to purchasing Russian gas.
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  1. +5
    30 January 2025 10: 19
    what happiness...and we'll finally hand over Ukraine to them, and we'll even provide them with gas...

    this is the greatest superpower and undoubtedly a geostrategic victory...

    and in return what? the ruins of Artemovsk...well, and permission for nightingales and the like to live on Como and other nice places...

    excuse me, but what about the tales about import substitution??? it's empty, who needs your Soviet-Russian galoshes...we'll buy everything in the West
  2. 0
    30 January 2025 15: 00
    Of course, there is a strong interest in the Russian Federation to return to the EU market; there are interested parties there too, and in the event of a peaceful settlement, our resources will go there (albeit in smaller quantities than before the SVO), and from there, industrial products and other things will come to us...
  3. -1
    30 January 2025 20: 49
    Europe has always been and I think will be a springboard for the Anglo-Saxons against Russia. No Europe - no problem. Or a very weak infected Europe. And without it, the Anglo-Saxons are not the same.
  4. -1
    31 January 2025 01: 50
    A skin for their collar, not a deal on Ukraine...
    They will still buy our gas, but at a much higher price.